Wow, because the last two comments weren't even slightly "smug".
-Since when did "newbie central" become this is the right way and the only way central? I understand you're terrified of a newbie taking something here as fact that might cripple their production, blah blah blah. And obviously, you're right when you say all of this has been probably tried before in one variant or another, but with a lack of coherent and easy-to-locate resources sometimes it's interesting to hash through these kinds of attempts and learn from them/through them on your own.--I for one cherry pick the specific advise I take unless I'm shown empirical data to the contrary. As with EVERYTHING on here, it's only anecdotal unless you show me the money.
Say your piece/peace and politely move on. Your post count or reputation will speak for itself, after that point. Especially when the OP wasn't begging for help, seemed pretty upbeat, and doesn't have dead plants.
Lisa, with NO "smugness", and just an observation, you seem to favor the "first hand" experience, rather than rely on "anecdotal" here-say.
So, "they" say......"if you put your tongue on a frozen faucet, it will freeze to the metal".
My question is, do you accept that or will you come off sounding like Truman Capote?
"they" say......"Man cannot fly, unaided". Do you accept that, or will you be that pile of hamburger at the foot of a 12 story building?
My point is, some things in this life are pretty much a given, and accepted by reasonable people as fact and need not be repeated.
This all seems to be a "mis-meeting" of minds between commited cannabis growers and uneducated free-spirits.
I was actually serious about the "Giggle-Grow Group", sans the "little yellow bus", "picnic baskets" and such.
It would be a great thread to let off steam, get silly, and just have some fun!
But, until then, Good luck & good grow.......BB