150w HPS / DWC - Small-Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Didn't see your post until after I just posted Nightsmoker. But that's crazy awesome - LSD is an indica dominant strain too isn't it?

I'm just hoping to have something to help me sleep at night... but my next grow will likely be a 50/50'ish indica/sativa mixed strain as I like sativa highs the most but need shorter plants. Hell, I'll just be happy to have something to smoke that I grew myself in any case. :bigjoint:
Didn't see your post until after I just posted Nightsmoker. But that's crazy awesome - LSD is an indica dominant strain too isn't it?

I'm just hoping to have something to help me sleep at night... but my next grow will likely be a 50/50'ish indica/sativa mixed strain as I like sativa highs the most but need shorter plants. Hell, I'll just be happy to have something to smoke that I grew myself in any case.
Looking good Sable keep it up!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Journal notes: Plants started sucking water like crazy all of a sudden. Had to replace 1.5 liters of water daily in the reservoir (3 liters in 48 hours) since the reservoir change. Plants are branching out rapidly now and filling up their space faster than I anticipated. Might have to flip to 12/12 sooner than I'd really want. Will wait a day or two before deciding.



Well-Known Member
man plants are looking healthy and happy. how much more hight do you have? keep it up dude. and i got a job so the countdown to move out is getting closer and i can grow yea buddy lol.

man plants are looking healthy and happy. how much more hight do you have? keep it up dude. and i got a job so the countdown to move out is getting closer and i can grow yea buddy lol.

I feel ya buddy Im on the same boat kinda. And yeah those plants are looking very healthy keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good vibes! I actually had to go measure things out (insert appropriate 'that's what she said jokes here:) - the canopy is about 6" in height, and I have about 20" inches total to play with - including space under the light at it's highest position. So depends on if I go with the 'double in height' or the 'triple in height' during flowering theories right? I guess I'm leaning towards waiting until they get a few more inches - or slightly less than half of available vertical space. If I get really desperate, I'll just move the reservoir into the closet and make a temporary cardboard box and panda film flowering area to finish them in. Sound like a passable plan?

Oh and the plants are already smelling enough to be noticeable when you walk into the room - but it just smells faintly like freshly cut lawn... or pine trees... or something other than what it is.


Well-Known Member
awesome man, have they started to get much side branching yet? try to keep them as short as possible. with a 150 w light will not penetrate that far if you have to move up a whole lot. the cfl's will help though. looking forward to seeing some buds.

later bud
awesome man, have they started to get much side branching yet? try to keep them as short as possible. with a 150 w light will not penetrate that far if you have to move up a whole lot. the cfl's will help though. looking forward to seeing some buds.

later bud
Cfl's would help the 150 wt lamp for sure also you might want to consider Lst. I have a grow box with almost the same dim's except I have 22 inches to play with and thats not including the space between the plant and the light. But it includes the pot in hieght. Im very curious how this grow turns out. So far so good.


Well-Known Member
crazytrain - Yeah they are branching out fast. I am contemplating topping them (by making FIM attempts) when the lights come on this evening. Only question I have is if that will be overly detrimental to do right as their light schedule changes. Will have to research that a bit today first - any input on that? On the other hand I kind of just want to see what becomes of them without altering them more than necessary (maybe some LST to just even out the canopy some)...

Piffy85 - I bought another little extension cord today and will pick up a couple of more Y-socket adapters and throw in a few more CFLs at some point within the next few days if things keep going well. Also going to buy some ONA Block and see if that is sufficient for my little grow as far as smell goes. Do you know when will you be starting a grow in your cabinet?


Well-Known Member
not sure i would top them now that you have jsut switched to 12/12. if you do top them give em a week to recover. lst would be good.
crazytrain - Yeah they are branching out fast. I am contemplating topping them (by making FIM attempts) when the lights come on this evening. Only question I have is if that will be overly detrimental to do right as their light schedule changes. Will have to research that a bit today first - any input on that? On the other hand I kind of just want to see what becomes of them without altering them more than necessary (maybe some LST to just even out the canopy some)...

Piffy85 - I bought another little extension cord today and will pick up a couple of more Y-socket adapters and throw in a few more CFLs at some point within the next few days if things keep going well. Also going to buy some ONA Block and see if that is sufficient for my little grow as far as smell goes. Do you know when will you be starting a grow in your cabinet?
When I get my Querckle beans. Oh yeah cant wait!


Well-Known Member
When I get my Querckle beans. Oh yeah cant wait!

Damn - just looked up that strain and it looks exactly like the strain I've been looking for myself:

Average Height: Short [Perfect!]
Yield Per Plant: 3 ounces [:clap:]
Taste Description: Grape Skittles [My favorite flavor of Skittles]
Buzz Description: Nice comfy night time indica [Perfect!]
Appearance: Purple and Orange Buds [:clap:]

Looking forward to seeing how it performs in your cabinet but going to go ahead and order some for a near-future grow! :weed:

piff ed

:bigjoint:yo peeps neva cropped b4 but im such a dope fiend its about time i di i no nothing about da growing fing so i jus wana dummys guide 2 auo flowereing sumone pleez gt at me asap wanna start farming asap
Hey whats up everyone!? Been away from the monitor for a few days, just flyin. Got injured at work and got some big Vicodin from the doc so Just been chillin. Smoked some Chron cuz I figured it would help with pain management and it just made it worse!!! Wants up with that?? Anyway, SableZen, shits lookin great! Hope they don"t get too tall, they'll start burning up. My first bagseed grow doubled in size, but this LSD has tripled in size! Grow is going good. No new pics cuz not much has changed since the last pics. Moved the papaya closer to my 250w and have noticed bigger buds in the last few days. M using VHS tapes to control how high I want it. Will check back soon. Take it easy Gentlemen(and ladies)! Peace!


Well-Known Member
Hey Nightsmoker - Sorry to hear you got injured man. I don't know, smoking has always helped me deal with pain (chronic shoulder and knee injuries). I try to stay away from opiate-based painkillers like Vicodin as much as possible, but sometimes I need them when things get really bad. But smoking making pain worse? Has the opposite effect on me fortunately. =P

I already started them on 12/12 lighting to avoid overgrowing as much as possible. Problem is that until I can ID the males and remove them I don't have any room to do much if any LST'ing on the plants since they got so bushy and filled up most of the space. I'll be redesigning my netpot placement with the next reservoir I make. Oh and I'm up to 4 CFLs (26w each) with at least 2 more going in this weekend just to update.

Will be doing a picture update once the lights come on tonight - hope you feel better soon.


BEAUTIFUL is all i can say good job man .. just got one of those badboys (150 hps ) .. gonna post up a grow journal still in need of a couple of supplies but soon .. good job though


Well-Known Member
12/12 Day + 5

Just wanted to throw a quick picture up. My good camera is out of batteries so used a phone camera and the quality sucks but...

I reversed the reservoir to position the runt into a better place for more light - don't want to give up on it. I've started LST'ing where I can. Now that they are branchier and a bit taller, things are opening up some despite the cramped space.