150w HPS / DWC - Small-Cabinet Grow


Hi Sablezen,
I like your setup. I am also doing a micro grow with 150w hps and CFL, but with only 28" vertical.
I am interested in making a low profile dwc single site once I have enough to clone. Seems I
am using precious vertical space with my dirt pots. Cheers, I will be curious to see how your
plants sex out. I started 4 seeds, 2 were male, one looked miserable so I just killed it, and the
lone survivor just sexed out as female Hooray ! I am going 12/12 from seed since my space is limited,
and have started 3 more seedlings. I can add or remove plants at any time since I am sticking to
this schedule. Cheers and good luck!


Well-Known Member
damn sable lookin good bro. i got a job so i might not be on here as much but ill be checkin in. have they showed sex yet?


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the female plant nycabc123! I'm planning on doing the same thing (once I pull off a successful indoor grow) on a 12/12 from seed schedule. With two plants going in every 3-4 weeks or so with 4 rows. Will be adding another small CFL cab to start the plants in at some point in the near future which will help simplify things. Going to take it slow though - want to keep it small, simple and enjoyable. Post some pictures up if you can, I'd like to see how you have your setup... well, set up.

And congrats on the job crazytrain! Nope, no buddage yet despite checking every hour or so. I lost my scope in the last move and haven't been able to see pre-flowers if present. But truthfully, I'd just as well wait for true flowers to know for certain anyway. Once the males are gone, my block o' pot just won't look right with empty space in there. It'll be a sad day when I have to cull them. Besides, I'm getting a lot of LST practice in on all the plants.

And that reminds me, I have a question if anyone that can answer it with direct knowledge: I've been reading about people that routinely grow from non-feminized seeds in DWC that they basically just cut apart the root masses to separate the males from the females when it's time to cull (as opposed to trying to separate, rip, or tear). And the claims are that it's not a big deal to the plants to do this with DWC despite conventional wisdom... I'll post a link to a thread with pictures describing what I'm talking about:

Hey Whats up SableZen? Been a while. Your op is looking great! I have some good/Bad news. Chopped my setup at the start of this last week. Cut open a tiny bud from the LSD and noticed beaners starting. Cut a bud off from all of them and same thing!!! Not knowing which one is the cause I cut em all! Have since dried and started to cure. Have dropped about a half to a few friends and they like it. The Papaya is the only 1 I've tried so far and it was Amazing! I smoke everyday and have somewhat of a tolerance and this strain blew my mind! I smoked a third of 1 bong bowl at like 12:15am and was completely retarded til about 2:30am. Finished the bowl and was up and super stoned til 5am. Not a great harvest tho. Probably a little less than an Oz from that 1 plant. The LSD was the biggest harvest with about an O and a half. The 2 widows were my fav. Nice dense fruity buds. The one was a runt and only got like 14grams, Got close to an ounce off the other. Pretty decent harvest for only a 2mo grow. Will have pics and more to add probably tommorow, Gonna start hopefully soon with another. Got 1 papaya seed, 1 LSD, and 3 super skunk bagseeds. Later man and congrats! Peace!


hello again sorry about the delay long week but as to your question about the ventalation from the closet to the room yes i can vent but i still need it to be stealth as in terms of visual light out of the closet at night but yes i can vent from the closet but from there to the window is across the room for later ventalation. This is the thread i guess you would call it for my closet grw let me know what you think and reply on this and on that as well. and i forgot to mention we will be LSTing after seeing what you have done Sable.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't responded much recently - have just been waiting for the plants to show male or female. Right now it looks like four of the five are female (very little pistils are visible on the lead nodes). Only one has shown the beginnings of seed clusters (I topped the male just to experiment a bit on it). I'm going to let them all go for a few more days before chopping the male just to be sure. But very happy about so many females!

Will reply back to everyone later this week once I have some time.


Sorry I haven't responded much recently - have just been waiting for the plants to show male or female. Right now it looks like four of the five are female (very little pistils are visible on the lead nodes). Only one has shown the beginnings of seed clusters (I topped the male just to experiment a bit on it). I'm going to let them all go for a few more days before chopping the male just to be sure. But very happy about so many females!

Will reply back to everyone later this week once I have some time.
cool man cant wait to see pictures :D .. im almost done with my grow room soon im done posting up pics to show you and others :)


Well-Known Member
Have been out of town the last week. Brought the plants with me and set them up in a laundry room where I'm staying, minus their CFLs. So they have been lacking light wattage and reflectivity but they seem to be handling the temporary move ok - except for the vertical height they gained and some bent limbs from being put into large totes. Can't do a picture update until I get them back home but buds are forming rapidly. Will be buying an EC/ppm meter this week - just tired of guessing at how much they are feeding.

Will get back to picture updating this Sunday 03APR2010. Off to the beach for the day!


Well-Known Member
A lot to update + pictures.

I have been out of town for the past week - so instead of letting the plants die I risked taking them (and the HPS) with me by car. And they are a bit worse for the wear from the experience. Mainly due to really bad luck... I pretty much emptied the reservoir prior to the drive back, thinking they would be fine for a couple of hours. Well they did ok for the car ride, but when I got home the water was out. So they spent the night and the next day without much water in the reservoir. Very droopy looking still but there was new growth overnight so I think i'm in the clear. Also, they did not get as much light the past week.

But now they are back in their cabinet home and I hope I have everything under control.

Here's some quick pictures:

First one is some of the smaller buds I'm trying to get up to the canopy.

Second is just another baby bud.

Third is a wider shot - plants are droopy still. :-(

Fourth is another wide shot.

Any advice on getting them back on track? I've only flushed the reservoir and added a fresh nutrient solution along with half-strength Liquid Karma.


Edit to add: They are already looking better since the lights came on and I posted. They've started a little growth spurt since I LST'd them down the other day, so I think they'll be fine. Most of the growth sites have oriented themselves back up through the canopy over the past few hours (also from the LST-fest the other day) - can't wait to see them in a week. Will start picture updates more frequently now that I'm back in town and have time.

And for journal benchmark notes - They seem to do best at half the recommended amount of both PBP-B and Liquid Karma with a weekly reservoir change.

Another question, since I just got a screen - anyone know if it's too late to put them under that screen (semi-SCROG style) at this point? The canopy is pretty even from the LST'ing and I think it would help me place the growth sites better under the light...



Well-Known Member
Thanks man - yeah, I also had to leave them sitting in the hot car inside of two totes for about an hour before I could run them inside again (after a being manhandled and a two hour car drive) - they didn't like that. And then getting inside and not having any water overnight and into the next day... Oh well, I still have a grow and didn't lose them. Could be worse. =P

Oh and they smell like skunky coffee now. Smells so good when the lights come on or off! I love coffee. I love pot. lol


Well-Known Member
Here's some better pictures now that they've perked up a bit. I haven't tried counting how many bud sites there are - but there are a lot like these.

Any guesses on how much more height gain I might expect at this point?

[Having issues with the security token/picture uploading thing - more pics coming]



Active Member
Nice stuff man! Im using a 150w for my first grow to! I got busted and this is my first post since my thread. You seem to have things going good with the 150watter I was having heat problems because i didnt have a outake! but i will be getting back to growing soon! Im sub to this thread! Cant wait to see what you yield