150w HPS or CFL Winter Harvest Club


Well-Known Member
Haha thats TMI, but I did cheat and take a little popcorn bud to test. I must admit it was a great smoke, definitely a couchlock high.


Well-Known Member
Haha thats TMI, but I did cheat and take a little popcorn bud to test. I must admit it was a great smoke, definitely a couchlock high.
I thought of this last night. I was looking at a little baby nuggy on one of the stems on the lower end of the plant and thinking "I could pinch that baby off and smoke it"...

I refrained...

However, in all fairness, I had a ghetto grow (one 42w CFL) going awhile back. Ended up donating it to my friend and her mom took care of it until they had to move, they cropped it and gave the branches to me... it was very immature bud however I smoke it every now and again. It tastes very chloriphilly even still. I've had it curing forever and it still just smells and tastes like crap... But... that shit'll fuck me up. Just last night it had me pretty stoney off 2 hits (im a lightweight but still...)

So imagine our plants fully matured.. MMMM


Well-Known Member
No more tasters till its done, I will refrain from this point on, mostly because I know these nugs are gonna be awesome and patience is a virtue!


Well-Known Member
well, if a nugg falls off.. mail it to me.. Ill smoke one of mine and yours and get back to you on the experience. LOL


Well-Known Member
dude Ive sprayed some funkiness on mine..Purple maxx..its expensive, but Ive done a side by side comparison and its definitely worth it.

the first 2 are at about 8 weeks, and the 3rd is about 4. its starting to get a violet tint to it.

Your plants are looing good curb, they're still going through puberty


Well-Known Member
Id like to try some more random nutes or whatever but the company I was working for recently went under and the last thing that will help me is dumping money on more nutes :) . I will definitely put it on my list for when I become JOBFUL again! ha

Yeah, mine (according to what ive read) are halfway through 5/10weeks.. I hope they blow up soon!! ha