16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

what do you have now? and how much space you talking?
I was thinking about maybe going with 6 to 7 41w, 2600k, about 3000 lumes each CFLs for flowering. As for the space it would be right by my 40 inch tv and the length would be about 3 feet and 20 inches deep.
call me a tease, eh? i'll show you a tease.... *evil grins*

flip night!


working on a video update... maybe it'll be up by tomorrow, maybe it won't..... *mwa hahaha~* :fire:
Sweet. I know a guy that gets paid to do grow setups so I might ask him. I'll just say its for my indoor vegetable garden. :P ;)

Depending on how long my strain takes to flower I might be able to put 1 clone into flowering once every week
video update!


background track: "night and day" performed by thelma grayson (composed by cole porter)
love your room man, the vertical set up with the t5s is godly. Im subbin to your tube channel and scribin to this thread..
Hey MelloKitty you have such a killer set up and gorgeous gorgeous gilrs. I just found your video link in kevs journal. I LOVEd the tune you played it really created such a happy upbeat cool mood for the flip. I so fucking blown away by your style. I think i saw you in bushybushes thread a while ago. didnt you make a really wicked pot leaf bikini? can you wear it in one of your videos..that would be so fun! Im looking foward to catching up on your grow. ARe you making any more clothes or art? Have a beautiful sunshiney day! peace Amber.
Your setup is so awesome that we can't help but want to see updates and more. Keep it up Mello Kitty. My computer must be infected, it's doing everything but what I want it to do...
YOU have such an amazing JOurnal Mello... your simple straighforward documenting is really wonderful. Thank you so much for doing this for us! The cloning section is awesome. I havent yet tried it .. Your journal will help me so much. have an amazing weekend!
Hey MelloKitty you have such a killer set up and gorgeous gorgeous gilrs. I just found your video link in kevs journal. I LOVEd the tune you played it really created such a happy upbeat cool mood for the flip. I so fucking blown away by your style. I think i saw you in bushybushes thread a while ago. didnt you make a really wicked pot leaf bikini? can you wear it in one of your videos..that would be so fun! Im looking foward to catching up on your grow. ARe you making any more clothes or art? Have a beautiful sunshiney day! peace Amber.

THANK YOU SO MUCH... you're too kind.
and thank you for affirming my choice of tune.... (i love it but not everybody enjoys Big Band, you know?) i'm hoping that by the end of the series it'll be a collection of relaxing tunes from multiple genres... (now if only i could find a relaaaaaxing death/thrash/metal tune....? lol)
guilty as charged, the leaf bikini was me... i've made a couple more on different colours.... i'm trying to design one for a DD lady i know right now (those are some BIG leaves!!). we shall see about the wearing it in a vid.... i'll have to bodypaint over my torso tats first ;)

and noooooo i'm not making art (graphic anyways).... i'm so jealous you can draw/paint; i suck so bad at drawing my stick people sometimes don't look like stick people.

fantastic weekend right back atcha!
AWESOME vid! Love the music, my wife overheard it, and she loves all that old stuff...B&W movies and such...she stopped what she was doing and came and watched it too! She NEVER does that! haha anyway all looks great, keep it up!
Doesn't Canada have less people than just my state of California?
Lol, you better believe I'm a smart ass..

you better believe it..... but you know what we get buttloads of, for free, what some of your rich pay top dollar for? --> personal space. mwa hahaha. ;) that and the entire province of alberta is *ideal* for hiding the body (not to mention large tracts of saskatchewan and manitoba)