16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

but you know what we get buttloads of, for free, what some of your rich pay top dollar for? --> personal space. mwa hahaha.
that and the entire province of alberta is *ideal* for hiding the body (not to mention large tracts of saskatchewan and manitoba)
not to meantion the peat Bogs in BC..... they will "eat" a body in a few months..... fertalizers? :fire:i know... im sick.....

i just have to say mellow... i LOL'ed and woke my GF up when i read "some of your rich pay top dollar for? --> personal space" bahahaha. i never thought of saying THAT :D
AWESOME vid! Love the music, my wife overheard it, and she loves all that old stuff...B&W movies and such...she stopped what she was doing and came and watched it too! She NEVER does that! haha anyway all looks great, keep it up!

yaaayyy the tune went over much better than i figured it was gonna, judging from the reaction on my man and his friends.... ("THAT's the song you're using....?" :roll:)
it's called 'night and day' after all -- seemed appropriate for a flipping song.

so far, we've been a bit retro, hip hop, folk/beatboxmonica, and big band.... maybe we'll do a worldmusic piece next.... y'all want europe or mexico?
not to meantion the peat Bogs in BC..... they will "eat" a body in a few months..... fertalizers? :fire:i know... im sick.....

i just have to say mellow... i LOL'ed and woke my GF up when i read "some of your rich pay top dollar for? --> personal space" bahahaha. i never thought of saying THAT :D

we don't have to go that far.... don't you know how many pig farms there are in the fraser valley? <-- too soon?
seriously though... i used to work on a farm where the farmer across the street was a creeeeeeepy pig farmer (back around the time the pickton trials were all over the media). he came out and helped me once when one of the cows got stuck in the fence and i was like, "um, i'm just gonna stand over here.... (out of arm's reach).....thanks." *shudders*

and you shouldn't make fun, you know ;) there are lots of unfortunate folks in overpopulated urban areas who haven't had the opportunity to learn what you can learn about yourself from having an extended conversation with a tree, a shrub, and a whiskeyjack.
the method i used was close to this one except i used the oven on 'warm' instead of a crockpot. i'm not a big fan of direct (ie. surface touching the element) heat for canna-cookery, BIG FAN of the oven for this reason. example: when you make butter in the oven as opposed to stovetop, you don't have to add (and then extract) water. AND, the finished product is much less plant-mattery because you don't have to stir/agitate it as much to keep it from burning.

i can't say which is better because i haven't tried the 60days method. personally, i think if you can keep your temps down low enough, as long as the glycerin gets runny enough to activate, you're laughing. it's just a much slower process at room temp, hence the waiting time. my jar never got too hot to touch; much like something that's been left out in the hot sun, it was hot enough to be surprising if you didn't expect it, but still grabbable with bare hands to turn over every so often. i only did 24 hrs and i think my tinc could take out a horse. i say this because i gave my man (who has a noticeably higher tolerance than most of my other guinea pigs) 1ml on his toast and he was outski for the next 11hrs. haven't chanced it on anybody else yet; don't want to send folks to the dark side of the moon.

the girls at margarita night really really liked the second run "vodka wash" (which has to be, if you think about it, much less potent than the first run).....

i make most of my cannabutter using the sun method (a full day of full sun usually does the trick, sometimes 2 days if it's cooler out); if it ever gets sunny/warm enough here this summer, i'd like to try it on glyc.... (it's a balmy 57f out right now! ;))

thanks pussy cat ;)

I like the idea of a second run that can be used for social stuff and not knock you out instantly. Thanks for the good ideas. When I do it myself I'll make sure to ccredit you with the method cause I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cook it in the oven too.
you better believe it..... but you know what we get buttloads of, for free, what some of your rich pay top dollar for? --> personal space. mwa hahaha. ;) that and the entire province of alberta is *ideal* for hiding the body (not to mention large tracts of saskatchewan and manitoba)

Bahahaha, you got me! Elbow room is definitely in abundance up in Canada. And are you forgetting the thousands and thousands and thousands of square miles of tundra? You can hide a body there.
The whole Mark Emery story depresses the hell out of me.
"conspiracy to manufacture marijuana" THATS BS. you dont manufacture marijuana, you fucking grow it..... you manufacture CRACK and METH. if this plant was SOOOO bad, dont you think someone would have died by now? can anyone find even ONE dude dead? exactly..... every time this story is brought up i have to rant.....
I know you canadians love mark emery but its a sore spot for americans. Maybe we could just avoid that whole convo?
KITTY! Long time no post for me. Everyone thought I was in jail. Your grow looks great. I need to take some time and read this whole new post you've done. I'm back and can't wait to pick up where we left off in our grow talks. Missed you!

Cause as soon as the bastard got caught he flipped on american growers like pancakes cuz.

what sort of proof we talkin here? i'd like to see it, please. until then we're going with the "you don't accuse people of snitching unless you have definitive proof" rule. that this sort of talk is going on in a bc grower's journal would break jody's heart.

all due respect, beans, but i know the man personally (have since i was a teen), and i find that allegation hard to stomach, especially since he's still rotting in an american jail.

the man ain't no slouch.
while i can't imagine that he would put another grower in jail to save his own ass, my personal judgements on his personality/loyalty aside, he wouldn't have given up the goods without looking out for his own; hypothetically (and this is not to suggest i think him capable of snitching, not even an iota) AT THE VERY LEAST he'd have cut a deal so he'd be serving the rest of his sentence up here. AND, had he given up the goods, i imagine your over-extended corrective system couldn't have gottem him off your hands *fast *enough to come rot in jail on OUR buck once they got what they wanted from him. if that's in fact what they wanted from him, and not to conveniently stifle his vocal politicism (which is what i and most bc cannabis folks believe). if what they wanted was a list of smalltime american growers, they'd've attacked the other local seedbanks the same way they did him. but they didn't, did they?

thank you for the perspective, though. it's hard for me to see all of what he's being put through in there as anything less than punishment for NOT singing for his dinner, and it feels good to have put it into words. (again, if you have proof that shows otherwise.... )

and, no offense, the sort of quota-filling growers the federalis are looking for, generally don't have to buy seeds from seedbanks.

sorry, touchy subject..... :hug:
KITTY! Long time no post for me. Everyone thought I was in jail. Your grow looks great. I need to take some time and read this whole new post you've done. I'm back and can't wait to pick up where we left off in our grow talks. Missed you!


back from neverneverland!
i missed you too; it's been kinda lonely in the higher wattages around here. can't wait to compare more notes.

ps. did your wife ever figure out the citric acid thing? she might enjoy my adventures in glycerin a couple pages back. ;)

what sort of proof we talkin here? i'd like to see it, please. until then we're going with the "you don't accuse people of snitching unless you have definitive proof" rule. that this sort of talk is going on in a bc grower's journal would break jody's heart.

all due respect, beans, but i know the man personally (have since i was a teen), and i find that allegation hard to stomach, especially since he's still rotting in an american jail.

the man ain't no slouch.
while i can't imagine that he would put another grower in jail to save his own ass, my personal judgements on his personality/loyalty aside, he wouldn't have given up the goods without looking out for his own; hypothetically (and this is not to suggest i think him capable of snitching, not even an iota) AT THE VERY LEAST he'd have cut a deal so he'd be serving the rest of his sentence up here. AND, had he given up the goods, i imagine your over-extended corrective system couldn't have gottem him off your hands *fast *enough to come rot in jail on OUR buck once they got what they wanted from him. if that's in fact what they wanted from him, and not to conveniently stifle his vocal politicism (which is what i and most bc cannabis folks believe). if what they wanted was a list of smalltime american growers, they'd've attacked the other local seedbanks the same way they did him. but they didn't, did they?

thank you for the perspective, though. it's hard for me to see all of what he's being put through in there as anything less than punishment for NOT singing for his dinner, and it feels good to have put it into words. (again, if you have proof that shows otherwise.... )

and, no offense, the sort of quota-filling growers the federalis are looking for, generally don't have to buy seeds from seedbanks.

sorry, touchy subject..... :hug:
If he hadn't made a plea-deal he woulda been in jail for many more years.
YOu gotta think, what would the US stand to gain is a man serve time in another country? It obviously wouldn't stop the sale of seeds in America. They obviously traded information.
If it's true that he snitched, then I'm glad he got locked up and I wish he would got worse.
If you're gonna break the law, you can't be a little bitch if you get caught.
I know you canadians love mark emery but its a sore spot for americans. Maybe we could just avoid that whole convo?
I wish I could give you a negative rep for such an outrageously stupid comment,

beansly, so where is your proof that he flipped on americans, or you just talking out your ass ?

You know what the sore spot for me(an american born and raised), OUR FUCKING BULLSHIT GOVERNMENT. stepping on Canadian Sovereignty

Emery is a great guy who has done more for the cause than 100 thousand regular-in-the-closet- stoners put together. More than you will ever do... If your going to bitch bitch bout the bullshit american gov.