19 Days In. How Do They Look So Far?


Hey y'all whats going on?

I'm using a ffof soil medium with 5 fem. blue mystic seeds from nirvana. I'm using a 400 watt hps from seed to harvest and the seeds have been planted for 19 days.

The growth of the plants was slowed due to some noob mistakes (early germination, hps too far from plants caused stretching...) but they've finally gotten into a good cycle of growth.

Three of them are looking strong and are growing rapidly, while the other two are much smaller and are growing slower.

I have noticed that my problem with growth might be due to the PH levels of my soil. I checked the runoff with PH strips and it told me that they were in the 7 range.. This isn't a very specific way of testing my soil but its the only thing I have to use. I've been giving my plants filtered water (stronger ones receive 12 oz. every 4-6 days, weaker ones have been getting 6-8 oz. every 4-6 days). The temps/humidity are all good (78 44%) and I have been careful about overwatering.

I'm planning on adding nutrients next week (fox farms nutes) but I'm wondering if I'm looking OK for right now?

The pictures start with the first 2 runts and the next three are in order from smallest to biggest.

Thanks in Advance,




Well-Known Member
They're pretty stunted for 19 days, but maybe it has more to do with Nirvana than your mistakes. Im growning 5 WW from Nirvana, and only one has grown well out of them. Nirvana is really hit or miss from what Ive read. I definitely wont be purchasing from them ever again. I wouldn't add nutes yet, they're still too small for any. Id probably go another two weeks unless growth really picks up or you notice deficiencies. FFOF should provide them all the nutes for a month from seed.


Well-Known Member
same here with the Wonder Woman but the Snow Whites i have going from them are by far the best strain i have grown. even looks like it will be better than the Great White Shark i grew last year. although alot of that had to do with general newbie ebb an flow mistakes.


Yea I checked the PH again today after watering and I'm pretty sure I'm dead on (between 6-7). I guess its just Nirvana hooking me up with some shitty seeds. Oh well, I still think I'll be straight... It might just take a little longer than I wanted.