1mo yeild?


Active Member
My plants are indica and the strain is some type of kush so i've been told. theres 4 and each are about 11". i know if i let them grow more ill get more buds but i dont mind it i just kind of want to see what will happen, now. so has anyone have an idea or previous experience, if they are all females how much bud i could get if the plants are 22" they usually double if im not wrong.


Well-Known Member
what are you asking exactly? what your yield will be when its done or what it would be at this moment?


Active Member
im using 4 23watt Cfls on 4 plants about 3" away from the tops, used miracle grow because its all i had and distilled water every 3 days or when needed. miracle grow works good for me others say it sucks but its my first time so i dont mind too much. what im asking is my plants are 10" right now, at the end of flowering cycle 2mo from now, how much could i yield, a guess.


Well-Known Member
If thier all female ? Maybe 2 oz but you will need alot more light . I grow with cfls and I have been flowering my afghan for 3 weeks under 9 42w 2700 lumens and 6 23w 1850 lumens and my plants look like they can still use alittle more light. 2 oz is a high end guess with the lights your using.


Active Member
I think 2 oz is a real high guess. I probably need to see a picture, but with only 23 watters I think you would be lucky to get a 1/4 off each plant.


Well-Known Member
If thier all female ? Maybe 2 oz but you will need alot more light . I grow with cfls and I have been flowering my afghan for 3 weeks under 9 42w 2700 lumens and 6 23w 1850 lumens and my plants look like they can still use alittle more light. 2 oz is a high end guess with the lights your using.
Good call on the distilled water with the MG soil it does work fine if done right) Use NO ferts for at least 3 months!


Green Thumb of God
an ounce or so under that lightset up. I would probably only flower one plant at a time and top it well if you want the best yields.


Well-Known Member
Im doing almost the same setup but im using 2 27 watt daylight and 4 23 watt soft.. adding more when they start there final cycle...subscribed im interested in knowing how it turned out!!!
