1st Double Berry


Hi Heres a few photo's of my 1st grow with the double berry, i have just started the 12/12.

My Setup:
  • Tent - Secret Jardin darkstreet rv2 1mx1m sq 2m tall
  • 2 x 5" tt vents fans - 1 ducted to an air vent in the room for fresh air(intact) other extracting on carbon filter
  • Lights - 1 x 300w red spec CFL - 2 X 45w red spec CFL 1 x 120w Seven Band - Deep Red / Red / Blue / Orange / White / UV / IR LED Grow Light Panel by PRAKASA™ with 3w Led diodes.
  • Soil Plagron light-mix with perlite
  • Nuites flowering - Hammerhead 4/10 + top max (bio bizz) + Ace of buds ( got a free sample anyone know much on this? ) Sould i feed this every water. Veg was Miricale grow NPK 24/8/16 fed every 2 weeks. Flushed every month
  • Temps - 26c Hum - 25 - 35
  • PH 7.0 - 7.2 not sure if this should be lower for soil base Need an answer on this please its nutral anyway.
This is my flowing room, i have setup a veg room 300w cfl blue to veg a few plants at a time.
I have 2 white widow in the tent also but these babys are hard to grow and iam having problems with them 2nd time running, second time growing anything but my double berry is lovely she has already matured got some nice hairs kicking out ill post more pics in about 2 weeks as this is her 1st day on 12/12. I have a 400w Dual spec HPS but the temps where to high and i couldnt bring them down much it was topping 32c.

I got 2 clones of this baby going to as i pretty much have givin up with white widow, i am also gonna move to hydroponics soon maybe a 4 pot clay wilma system. Any views and guidence on this is much apprec.

So the big question does she look ok.


Well-Known Member
looks droopy, might be overwater or underwater. depends what uve been doing.
looks liek you had an issue as the lower leaves had problems.
otherwise it looks ok.

id get those light closer.

bring those 45w to within 2 inches of the sides.....bring the 300wcfl on 45 angle on the backside 2-3 inches from the plant......get that led as close as it recommends on the front side at a 45 angle.

get a fan to blow back and forth at the canopy level .....just one of those small ones would do


looks droopy, might be overwater or underwater. depends what uve been doing.
looks liek you had an issue as the lower leaves had problems.
otherwise it looks ok.

id get those light closer.

bring those 45w to within 2 inches of the sides.....bring the 300wcfl on 45 angle on the backside 2-3 inches from the plant......get that led as close as it recommends on the front side at a 45 angle.

get a fan to blow back and forth at the canopy level .....just one of those small ones would do
Hi thank you for the comments i do need advice and any feedback is good, the D/berry wasn't as droopy as the photo shows, when it was in the veg room the leaves where "Y" do you think it could have been the move?(out from light+heat) i had just watered it and was out of any room for a short while. I wasnt quite sure on how close i could get the cfl lights i thought 4" was the limit ill change it and add photos. I did have a slight problem at 1 point but i seemed to correct it iam sure it was underwatering just before i repotted into the bigger pot. I have a most tester and only water i would say every 4th - 5th day. Do you know what temps are good for these plants and now its in its 1st week of flowering would you say start the nuites i have listed now at every water or every other water, ive seen mixed reviews on what people do.
Have you got a fan you would recommend i live in the uk, and thank you all comments = info


Well-Known Member
temps at 26C are fine.

dont over feed....i would feed maybe every 2 weeks but with a diluted mix.
its better to be safer and give less then give too much and burn and hurt it and stunt it.
if it looks nice and green it doesnt need anything

just make sure you flush it with straight water every 3 or 4 weeks to fush out salts...

flush out in the last 2 weeks and then for the last week or two only give water.....stop watering 4-7 days before harvest so that when yo cut, it will cut down drying time.\

for the fan, just get any oscillating fan dosent need to be on high since its just 1 in there just on a medlow to med to blow over the plant and lights....keep the plant from being warmed to much by the bulbs.


when you say feed every 2 weeks with diluted mix do you meen with the flowering nuites iam using? when i veg i use the miracle grow after 2 weeks of potting then every 2 weeks if needed from then. I thought the flowering nuites could be used every time you watered? ive never asked for help as ive tried to read and peace it together myself 1+1=2 lol this could be a major thing i had done wrong in my 1st grow.
Would you say my PH is ok ive read people saying 5.* - 6.* is better for root nuite intake etc. Ive read so much on the science of it but it seems info from like yourself is better info to get it right.
My tent sometimes can hit 29c is this ok its not frequent but has been at that temp for a short time.


Well-Known Member
nutes are nutes....whether flower or veg. too much is bad for the plant. it only needs as much as it can uptake. and since you dont know that exactly safer to give a 1/2 strength or whatever and see how it goes. if you get no burns or any signs then mix a bit stronger next time.
dont feed every water or every other. you dont know how much stays in the soil either (with hydro you know how much they r eating because the ppm changes and you can see with a meter), so it builds up and thats why you need to flush. flush with 3 times the water that you pot holds. give it a good soak.....wait 20min or so, give more...wait again. do til you flush with all the water.

ph you'll want it to stay around neutral to be ok. the low 5's and 6's are for hydro. in soil the ranger is a bit higher towards neutral 6.5-6.8 you should be fine.

as long as you dont have temps 30+ for extended periods you will be fine....although the optimal is lower.


Well-Known Member
also, if you want, top it right now so that you get 2 colas...you might as well.
would have been better to do it the week or 2 before 12/12 but you'll still get two nice buds


The nuites thing is probably the only thing i was confused about labels say this much - guidelines bla bla when ya right the plant will let you know, ill steady away with my D/berry Will it be ok still to top with it not vegging, would that not shock the plant too much?


Well-Known Member
it will take a few days to recover and the new shoots wont be as big asif u topped a week or 2 before ...but you will still get to bigger buds on top depends on the strain and how much it stretches

but doesnt look like it showsing any signs of flowering yet so top it now before it starts showing so you get as much time for it to recover and grow the new shoots

or stick with the 1 main cola up to you


She has a fair few white hairs around the top so she is mature and wanting to flower is it still worth doing?


I took your advice and topped her, 2 days later and where i topped they have shot up with no stress at all :bigjoint: I moved the lights down and connected my 45w to flexi ends, got them as sort of closer the bulbs are a bit heavy on the flex ext for the angles i really want i need to have a bit tweak.
LED Pannal 45 angle and manufactuer recommends 40cm distance. Updated pics: SAM_1361.jpgSAM_1362.jpgSAM_1363.jpgSAM_1364.jpgSAM_1365.jpg

Will it be ok next water to start her on the flowering nuites she has just had water for the past 2, and do i have the mix at say 1/4 or 1/2 strength then gradualy to full.
Cheers :weed::weed:


hi ... ive got a double berry thats 8 weeks old, she was 20" high just under a week ago b4 i topped and bent her over to bush her out . think she is a bit of a goer, cant believe the thickness of the stem. im growing under a 400w HID light from seedling, using a large drilled bucket with compost, sand, perlite, and larva rock. using flora nutes and super thrive. been on 12 on and off for 2 weeks now. nice aroma already....