1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sorry for the delay peeps i had to relay the flagstones in the back yard......

took a leaf out of fred westies book...

the missus is underneath them.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You daft bugger Don,
Once you get settled into the new house it will be fine, the trick is to have enough jars to last you!
500 notes for a 3 bedroom house sounds cheep, you would pay that for a 2 bed here.

im actually considering telling her parents what i do it would save a lot of hassle or they would not approve disown their daughter if she stays with me blah blah.

Smoking it yer but not growing it mate that would be a bad move!!!
Yeah i came to that realisation we discussed it and maybe down the line when we own our own gaff we might tell them im growing A plant but even then i dont see the need for them to know unless they find out.
And I thought I had it bad with my x. Poor fella, your dealing with it from the one who has promised to be true to you and love you for who you are. My wife was sat down within the first week of our dating and I threw it right out on the table that if she wanted to be with me this is who I am and I will not change nor will i ever ask you to change. She understood and we have gotten along like gang busters ever since. You can't change someone if that's what makes them who they are. I hope you the best and maybe set her down for a heart to heart and say it's not her that's the problem it's the situation she's putting you in.....
oh believe 5 bud we had this conversation 9 months back when she was practically living in my old flat. she knew what i was about when we moved in together. i dont ask her to stop wanting handbags and fancy shoesies she dont ask me to quit my passion.
this sucks. how long have you and the mrs been you and the mrs?
you can play happy families and grow weed lol trust me
we've been together a couple of years almost anniversary valentines week ish she's not actually married to me (believe im a long way off affording that ahahaha one day tho!) is it immoral to grow to fund your gf's lavish wedding requirements? probably. do i care. :weed:
Wow Don just catching up on your dilemma mate.
Your op' at the moment takes up a bit of room so all I can suggest is push for compromise with ya gal.
By this I mean maybe she can meet you half way, and you scale shit down and go stealth like I've done.
It can be quite well hidden and unintrusive when you grow that way, and you can still keep yourself in plenty of prime smoke.
Maybe she'd go for that. Just a suggestion and hope you can work something out. :peace:
aye it does take up the spare room which means no guest bedroom but i mean in the 9 months weve been in the current flat we've had people stay over 3-4 times?! i need the room more than they do haahah

seriously tho we had a good talk about it and im not going to be this scale op forever n she know that i've got maybe another year in deep to clear the cards and save for a house deposit then it will be mine all mine and folks will have to fend for themselves again. she said no growing in her aunts crib which is totally fair enough.

i said even on our joint income we have no forseeable way of ever earning above what we pay out enough to buy a house or get married without the op.

she could see the sense in that so were not taking the crib( she also said her aunt lives on the same estate which i didnt know! which put me off even more lol )
yeah man....that's the compromise you should go for. Does this new house have a loft? It's very easy to hide a tent in the loft man. Or a garage maybe?
I've said when it does scale down i will be doing it in the loft, ta for the shed diy pics but round my way sheds get broken into with alarming regularity. and also how do you not get peeped by the neighbours carrying litres an litres of water into the shed?

i picture you dressed in ninja gear army rolling over the lawn...
Even, a shed!!!! ;) My mrs would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER let me have a tent in our house, like in the spare room for example. I have to agree, it would not be cool or stealthy and I wouldn't even like to do that myself. But even the most humble of sheds can be turned into a great grow space with a little thought and planning.

Anyone can come round my house anytime and they will have no idea that I grow. As long as it stays like that, my mrs will not have a problem. She said to me a long time ago, 'i just don't want to know about it'. Generally it stays like that, but occasionally I slip up and make the house stink by doing some trimming, then I leave a bit of leaf on the floor, she goes mental, threatens to turn off my shed and I promise to be more 'on it!'.....said like a true stoner! LOL
I am also banned from using household utinsils for anything 'shed related'....using kitchen spoons to stir up nutes does not go down well in my house. Using a pyrex dish for oil was one of my biggest mistakes. I know now to just go to tescos and get a new dish or a spoon, whatever it takes! ;)
But if you can't reach a compromise like that, then it's not really a compromise and maybe she just aint the one for you mate. But I hope it works out though man.
your and my mrs should get together they sound two of a kind haha when i use something for dope purposes it never goes back tot he kitchen. after the tupperware made her sarnies for work smell a bit funny:shock:
QUOTE=bender420;3501206]So sorry Don to hear about the situation. Just hang in there, hopefully things will work themselves out, they always do.[/QUOTE]
shizzle is back on track bender man cheers!
i started in ma bathroom cupbord. got 2 a point tho couldnt close the door they were bursting out lol
Ah the humble beginnings of most if not all of us! i started in an alcove with a sheet over it, not even light proof
hahaha, it a familiar story. My cupboad doors were rarely closed due to branches sticking out. Hardly stealthy, so I had to have a rethink. I actually thought I could veg and flower in that cupboard when I first set it up. It was only about 3 weeks before I realised that wasn't going to work! LOL
man my first go was uber unstealth no odour control no nutes no reflector no timer, getting up at 7 on a wkend to knock the lights on( the mrs strangely didnt accept my protests that it was giving us a healthy tan)
a home made light rig and ballast from inside a wall. its amazing i didnt burn the place down.

So it became my veg veg/clone cupboard. Now I have a small tent I use instead. The cupboard is history!
i'm still rocking a wardrobe for veg. but only cos if i got a veg tent i have no where to put it lol
on and up. thats the only way really unless u wont 2 b caught. sleath is nesseccery

Well peeps thanks for all the kind thoughts words and support, normal service has been resumed the perpetual will continue till my cards are clear which should hopefully be easter time then were moving but not to her aunts house haha

christ after all that reading i think we all deserve a treat.......


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
DQ lower cola hairs totally receded but the top ones didnt?
more dq

the bad pheno of the DQ burnt top it stretched so much

shoddy for 7.5 weeks.... it and a small blue mystic that just wasnt getting light have come out so the rest can plump a bit for xmas :) these two are the same age believe it or not

BM thats been under the light


without doubt my poorest run in my present setup.

i just want them out of the tent so i can rock the next lot. i hope the DQ clones i took will do better with less in to share the 600W who knows i may get a couple of extra cfls or maybe even a UV lamp or one of each to maximise my op while i need to

new year new start


Well-Known Member
yeah man....what happned to the buds on the DQ?....very sparse. But the BM however, looks just lovely man. Even if there is not shit loads of it...it looks of the highest quality man.

re the shed....ninja....LOL....hardly. In my dressing gown and slippers more like....seriously! It's not that overlooked mate, so I'm sorted ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man the tricks are proud and plentiful but the buds are just lacking. highly disappointing but nowt i can do about it, im hoping with less in for the next run i can pull more out but at this rate im still thinking about only putting a few in and setting more beans away, i might have to grand stand some girls but it would be better than this stretchy bunch of arse.

yeah my girls ok just gets a bit stressed at times lol i cant hear her talking through the flagstones ;)

forgot to mention, on the puny blue moonshine i noticed one little flower. ill be keeping my eyes peeled on the rest of them...


Well-Known Member
I am very happy all worked out for you Don. Although not high yield but the BM looks top quality.

What causes the buds to loose all their hair?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not as happy as me fella! cheers tho! its hopefully plain sailing now we've sorted the plan of action out.

normally when the plant matures fully the hairs will recede into the calyx as the plant gives up looking to catch pollen on the pistols to pollinate and make seeds for next year. why the lower buds on the DQ have done it i think was because that particular cola was getting more direct light than the top ones?! but thats only a guess tbh


Well-Known Member
not as happy as me fella! cheers tho! its hopefully plain sailing now we've sorted the plan of action out.

normally when the plant matures fully the hairs will recede into the calyx as the plant gives up looking to catch pollen on the pistols to pollinate and make seeds for next year. why the lower buds on the DQ have done it i think was because that particular cola was getting more direct light than the top ones?! but thats only a guess tbh
I am glad your are feeling very happy.

I do notice a bit difference between colas, some of them look more mature than others.

Other think I didn't know was, if I touch the white hair they start to turn orange.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hmmm not sure why that is bender man?! i try not to touch them but thats cos they stink so much i cant be arsed to wash my hands in nail polish remover all the time


Well-Known Member
hmmm not sure why that is bender man?! i try not to touch them but thats cos they stink so much i cant be arsed to wash my hands in nail polish remover all the time
oh...that's another no go area as well. The nail polish remover. She actually got me my own bottle so I'd stop using hers! LOL


Active Member
I dont know if i am in the right blog here, but i've got 4 week to two week old plants in a DWC system. The leaves look healthy but the stems seem REALLY weak like they can't even hold up the leaves. What am i doing wrong!!! I used only water for the first week than i added 1/4 the recommended nutrient additive to the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Fan should help on low! it did for me bro


Well-Known Member
DQ lower cola hairs totally receded but the top ones didnt?
more dq

the bad pheno of the DQ burnt top it stretched so much

shoddy for 7.5 weeks.... it and a small blue mystic that just wasnt getting light have come out so the rest can plump a bit for xmas :) these two are the same age believe it or not

BM thats been under the light


without doubt my poorest run in my present setup.

i just want them out of the tent so i can rock the next lot. i hope the DQ clones i took will do better with less in to share the 600W who knows i may get a couple of extra cfls or maybe even a UV lamp or one of each to maximise my op while i need to

new year new start
Very very nice Don, that looks to be some mighty fine bud. Great job man


Well-Known Member
Very very nice Don, that looks to be some mighty fine bud. Great job man

As good as this looks, I know DON is gonna do much better the next run.

Donny ran into too many problems this run, even though not heavy yield but still looks like its gonna be amazing smoke, great job Don. It require a hefty skill set to bounce from problems, especially when growing something for smoking, as you cannot cut corners.

Much respect Don, you have taught me a good bunch.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Very very nice Don, that looks to be some mighty fine bud. Great job man
cheers man, i just want shot of it out my tent so i can start over with less in n see if i can make of the DQ next time. but as thermonuclear as the bud might be if its not putting out 2 oz plus a plant its got no place in my garden.

no room for slackers at dons house

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
As good as this looks, I know DON is gonna do much better the next run.

Donny ran into too many problems this run, even though not heavy yield but still looks like its gonna be amazing smoke, great job Don. It require a hefty skill set to bounce from problems, especially when growing something for smoking, as you cannot cut corners.

Much respect Don, you have taught me a good bunch.
thanks man but you've got the makings of a great grower, i have clearly got a long way to go still myself! as they say anyone can grow weed but growing good weed takes skill

watch this space im shooting for the stars after xmas when i get the next run of DQ done im going for max output im going to do a run of something weighty im really hoping the heavy duty fruity will be some thing i can solidly clone and pull 3 oz off, pull some real weight


Well-Known Member
thanks man but you've got the makings of a great grower, i have clearly got a long way to go still myself! as they say anyone can grow weed but growing good weed takes skill

watch this space im shooting for the stars after xmas when i get the next run of DQ done im going for max output im going to do a run of something weighty im really hoping the heavy duty fruity will be some thing i can solidly clone and pull 3 oz off, pull some real weight

Thanks Don. I believe there is no one in the world that couldn't use more learning, even the greatest minds i.e. Albert Einstein died trying to achieve a higher understanding of how the world works. That should be a good example for us, no matter how successful we are, there is always room for more. There is no such thing as reaching a plateau in the amount of things we can learn. That is my philosophy, the more humble one is the more room there is to grow.

Cannot wait to check out the next DQ run, since you are going with lower number of plants i believe you should be able to hit 3 zip mark easy. I am assuming you are planning on vegging them more?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im planning on vegging them less due to the stretch and i really think 3 zips is very optimistic but we'll see i guess. but if its half as tasty n strong as folks rave about it ill be happy

my sentiments exactly man, im like a weed sponge i read as much as i can with the hope ill get better hahaha