1st Gow 14 days Vegging/ Do they look Ok?


Well-Known Member
Well if i water i wait for them to dry out before watering, and since they are in such big pots should i be saturating the whole pot or just around where the plant is? Should water run out the bottom or is it still too small of a plant for such a big pot to water it thoroughly? Thanks!!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
might do some misting too...especially when she is drying out...she will send roots to the bottom soon enough...


Well-Known Member
Should i only mist when the lights are off or is it ok to do when the lights are on, and how wet do i want to make them.

What is superthrive and where can i get it. Thanks for the advice!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
mist 2 times a day,morning and night...under a good fan....walmart has it...soak em good,it cleans the tiny pores called stomata,that help the plant breathe and take in nutrients from foliar feeding....by the way...foliar feed only 2 times a week....in place of a normal misting...I like to turn the fan down for that one,let the plant soak up what it needs


Well-Known Member
So spray with Superthrive (mist) and water twice a day? And if i was going add nutes i was going to do it through the soil, but maybe i will wait on that. Any dangers with superthrive that i need to know about??


Well-Known Member
Oh ok so you were saying the water cleans the Stomata ? I thought you were talking about the superthrive. Well i Just misted them What kind of watering schedule do you use??

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I pick up my pot...if it feels light,I water...I also use the finger method....stick yous finger in the dirt,if it feels moist,then your good..in your case...those big pots...I would say a half a gallon every three days would be a good place to start


Well-Known Member
So you think that Miracle Grow has too much nutrients? So whats the best way to flush? Ya i guess its all learning expierience i will never put my babies in MG ever again. I have 2 of them in MG with the organic mix on top and 1 i just transplanted yesterday with MG soil but i put it right in the middle of the Organic stuff and watered it pretty good and actually it looks better today. So i am thinking it was just the Soil. I guess we will see, is there any way once its planted to change the soil out completley without hurting the plant or do you have to take some of the crappy stuff with it? Thanks for your help. I also checked the PH of the MG soil by itself and its way low, like 6.2 where the organic mix with WC is about 6.8. So i am thinking the stuff in the other MG soil has to low of a PH what should i use to boost that? And i mixed 1/2 tsp of IGUANA JUICE by Advanced Nutrients in with a Gallon of distilled water, and it is only like 20% of the reccommended amount cuz i dont want to burn it, but tell me this why is my PH just for the fertilized distilled water way lower than 6.5? Like under 6. Thanks Alot

I've read that you can raise PH of soil by adding dolemite lime- i just bought a 40lb bag for $8.

Also on transplanting. I redid my soil at about the same size yours are and it turned out fine. I was just very careful to have new soil moist n ready and dropped em in.


Well-Known Member
Ok so you put all new soil in, how did you do that without damaging the roots, did you pull the plant up and get the soil off that way or what just trying to figure out, i will prolly be good i am just going to stick it out maybe get some Lime to up my PH but when i take readings it seems ok.

Thanks alot!! Will post pics in a few days!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so lets say i stick it out and not transplant into new soil since my plants are not looking that bad just a little rough around the edges and i want to add some Lime how do i do that just sprinkle it on top or do i have to actually mix it in with the soil, if thats the case i may as well switch to my organic mix that i got a little bit too late, lol. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
dude your fist grow you should keep it as simple as possible
always ph your water dude
avoid all nutes for as lon as you can bro these things can totaly fuck up your plants
the mix you have should do it for 4-6 weeks without the need of nutes.
trust me bro out of me and my mates, i kept it as simple as i could. one mate killed his in 30mins tryin to fuck with the ph using ph up in soil! crazy ass. he was obsessed with the ph aspect of the grow. pissed him off so much he hasnt try'd again.
my other mate was obsessed with addatives and boosters, he harvested some soupy tasting medeocre bud. he not using anything at all only a little fert this time.
i grew mine with the attitude if it had light, soil and water it would grow, if somthing came up that wasnt right i would fix it. was learnin as i went i used the dreaded miricle grow like i say i was learnin. dude my harvest was the best it even suprised me how good it was, i can only estimate but i rekon i got 3.5 oz of dried off 2 ladies. the thing i wished i knew about earlyer in the grow most was flushing, they loved gettin flushed bout every 2-3 weeks. o and the ph i never checked my ph once! yes this is how i discovered flushing, one of my plants got really sick and whn i check up on it i found out the ph was way off. still never checked it tho just flushed when i felt it was nececery.this was a big mistake. but what i'm sayin is by doin the least i got the best crop.
no doubt boosters and things can help your crop, but all these things can do more damage than if you hadnt used them at all,they can even destroy your crop if not used right. you learn with experiance, keep it simple learn from your grow.
your aim for your first grow should be a harvest, then work on bigger buds, nutes and addatives
dude trust me the brushin soil off the roots gently thing shows your tryin too hard.
i dont know how good the dolomite would've been for your plants. but i would say that as been more than offset by you pulling it andfuckin with its roots.
you have nice wee plants there bro try not to kill them with your enthusiasm .


Well-Known Member
dude your fist grow you should keep it as simple as possible
always ph your water dude
avoid all nutes for as lon as you can bro these things can totaly fuck up your plants
the mix you have should do it for 4-6 weeks without the need of nutes.
trust me bro out of me and my mates, i kept it as simple as i could. one mate killed his in 30mins tryin to fuck with the ph using ph up in soil! crazy ass. he was obsessed with the ph aspect of the grow. pissed him off so much he hasnt try'd again.
my other mate was obsessed with addatives and boosters, he harvested some soupy tasting medeocre bud. he not using anything at all only a little fert this time.
i grew mine with the attitude if it had light, soil and water it would grow, if somthing came up that wasnt right i would fix it. was learnin as i went i used the dreaded miricle grow like i say i was learnin. dude my harvest was the best it even suprised me how good it was, i can only estimate but i rekon i got 3.5 oz of dried off 2 ladies. the thing i wished i knew about earlyer in the grow most was flushing, they loved gettin flushed bout every 2-3 weeks. o and the ph i never checked my ph once! yes this is how i discovered flushing, one of my plants got really sick and whn i check up on it i found out the ph was way off. still never checked it tho just flushed when i felt it was nececery.this was a big mistake. but what i'm sayin is by doin the least i got the best crop.
no doubt boosters and things can help your crop, but all these things can do more damage than if you hadnt used them at all,they can even destroy your crop if not used right. you learn with experiance, keep it simple learn from your grow.
your aim for your first grow should be a harvest, then work on bigger buds, nutes and addatives
dude trust me the brushin soil off the roots gently thing shows your tryin too hard.
i dont know how good the dolomite would've been for your plants. but i would say that as been more than offset by you pulling it andfuckin with its roots.
you have nice wee plants there bro try not to kill them with your enthusiasm .
Ya i think your right I am just being to anxious. Do they look ok for 3 weeks From start of Germination probably 2 weeks from Sprout? First time and it just seems from looking at other peoples grow journals mine are not doing as good as they could be. I just want the leaves not to be YELLOW i have only added Nutes to 1 of the pots so i guess i will see and its not a whole lot of NUTES the mix is liike 3-1-3 its advanced Nutrients.

We will see tomorrow what she looks like. Thanks for the heads up though i know i am Enthusiastic but i want good healthy plants. LOL Thanks man.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
dude your fist grow you should keep it as simple as possible
always ph your water dude
avoid all nutes for as lon as you can bro these things can totaly fuck up your plants
the mix you have should do it for 4-6 weeks without the need of nutes.
trust me bro out of me and my mates, i kept it as simple as i could. one mate killed his in 30mins tryin to fuck with the ph using ph up in soil! crazy ass. he was obsessed with the ph aspect of the grow. pissed him off so much he hasnt try'd again.
my other mate was obsessed with addatives and boosters, he harvested some soupy tasting medeocre bud. he not using anything at all only a little fert this time.
i grew mine with the attitude if it had light, soil and water it would grow, if somthing came up that wasnt right i would fix it. was learnin as i went i used the dreaded miricle grow like i say i was learnin. dude my harvest was the best it even suprised me how good it was, i can only estimate but i rekon i got 3.5 oz of dried off 2 ladies. the thing i wished i knew about earlyer in the grow most was flushing, they loved gettin flushed bout every 2-3 weeks. o and the ph i never checked my ph once! yes this is how i discovered flushing, one of my plants got really sick and whn i check up on it i found out the ph was way off. still never checked it tho just flushed when i felt it was nececery.this was a big mistake. but what i'm sayin is by doin the least i got the best crop.
no doubt boosters and things can help your crop, but all these things can do more damage than if you hadnt used them at all,they can even destroy your crop if not used right. you learn with experiance, keep it simple learn from your grow.
your aim for your first grow should be a harvest, then work on bigger buds, nutes and addatives
dude trust me the brushin soil off the roots gently thing shows your tryin too hard.
i dont know how good the dolomite would've been for your plants. but i would say that as been more than offset by you pulling it andfuckin with its roots.
you have nice wee plants there bro try not to kill them with your enthusiasm .

good advice....+rep


Well-Known Member
I will post some pics and updates within the next few days let you know how my "girls" are doing. Thanks everyone for the help and advice! I watered them Thoroughly and now its time to wait and see how they do. How long before i should transplant the seedlings into bigger pots? Thanks!