1st Gow 14 days Vegging/ Do they look Ok?


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks alot satman, wow i was looking at your expieriement looking awesome! If only mine will look that good someday i have good strain too BURMESE Sativa! MMM Ok so here is what i did..I took one of the smaller plants that had some issues and i added like 20% of the reccommended serviing for Nutes and i am gonna see what happens if it fixes her then i am thinking i will add the same amount to the other plants I checked the PH and the FERT level with my meter and it still shows i am in a safe zone so i guess we will see what she looks like tomorrow. Thanks alot.

Ok here are some pics. The one on the left i took a couple days ago. And the one on the right is of it today after transplanting it last nigh into the good soil and a larger pot. Does it look any better?? Let me know what you think Thanks!!
Damn Mr. Vanth you plants are seriously looking good enough to eat on a dinner plate.

I just transplanted mine. I took my longest and thinnest knife - ran it under super hot water for 30 minutes and then rolled it around my 3 gallon. Root destruction was .1% After 1 hour she looked perkier than an 18 year old flash dancer. I'll take some pics in the morning for ya. I recalibrated 1 gallon of nutes and fed from bottom letting her take in ONLY what she can hold. Oh man - I was using this one as the mom but now I wanna flower her :twisted:. Looking juicy!!!!!

But Vanth yours are looking edible man!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn Mr. Vanth you plants are seriously looking good enough to eat on a dinner plate.

I just transplanted mine. I took my longest and thinnest knife - ran it under super hot water for 30 minutes and then rolled it around my 3 gallon. Root destruction was .1% After 1 hour she looked perkier than an 18 year old flash dancer. I'll take some pics in the morning for ya. I recalibrated 1 gallon of nutes and fed from bottom letting her take in ONLY what she can hold. Oh man - I was using this one as the mom but now I wanna flower her :twisted:. Looking juicy!!!!!

But Vanth yours are looking edible man!!!
Well thanks SumDumGuy I am glad sombody else is optimistic about my "girls" I will post pics on Wednesday to show some progress and to see how they are looking. I look at them all the time lol i cant help it! How much longer till i should flower?? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Oneton had great advice..... I always say , measure, measure, measure.... and when you do use nutes.. go at about 1/4 of the recomended.. I never make it to the 1.2 recomended.. also when you do start fert/nutes, about the 1/3rd feeding flush with fresh good water instead...... Those nutes and ferts LOVE to build up on ya and once they start to kill, its hard to bring them back to the great health ya had going.... I think most of us have learned these lessons the hard way.. hopefully you wont lol ;)

the best of luck to ya tho.... remember tho, if you cant measure it, don't add it ;)


Well-Known Member
Well thanks SumDumGuy I am glad sombody else is optimistic about my "girls" I will post pics on Wednesday to show some progress and to see how they are looking. I look at them all the time lol i cant help it! How much longer till i should flower?? Thanks
Hey Vanth,
Just wanted to state the importance of maturity in comparison to potency. When from seed. I veg for 3 months minimum b4 flowering. The key is to keep them short~!!!!!! No tall plants allowed!!!!! This is simply because tall plants give you nice tops and nothing else. I don't beleive in cfl supplementals... If your gas lamps can't reach it then it ain't worth it.

Keep pinching every new internode and do not top! By pinching you'll make it look like you topped it ~ trust me on this. But once you veg for 3 months, you can take clones and flower the clones whenever you like since genetically they are also 3 months old.


Well-Known Member
Hey Vanth,
Just wanted to state the importance of maturity in comparison to potency. When from seed. I veg for 3 months minimum b4 flowering. The key is to keep them short~!!!!!! No tall plants allowed!!!!! This is simply because tall plants give you nice tops and nothing else. I don't beleive in cfl supplementals... If your gas lamps can't reach it then it ain't worth it.

Keep pinching every new internode and do not top! By pinching you'll make it look like you topped it ~ trust me on this. But once you veg for 3 months, you can take clones and flower the clones whenever you like since genetically they are also 3 months old.
Wow, Thats some advanced stuff, how do you pinch the internode, and what exactly is the internode is that the new little leaf that comes in between branches? Meh all new to me, i had not planned on topping the plant so dont worry about that but i see that some people only veg for like 21 days and that seems really short.

Also i think my dis-coloration in my leaves has to due with bugs, any reccommendations on a bug killer that i can spray on the foilage? Thanks alot


Well-Known Member
Ok here are some more pics of my growing "girls" hopefully. You can still see some of the discoloration on the leaves i am almost positive it has to do with a bug called a THRIPE and when i get my NEEM oil, no more bug problems! But they are still growing everyday and i have seen plants that look a lot worse, stupid BUGS!


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Well-Known Member
Ok here are some more pics of my growing "girls" hopefully. You can still see some of the discoloration on the leaves i am almost positive it has to do with a bug called a THRIPE and when i get my NEEM oil, no more bug problems! But they are still growing everyday and i have seen plants that look a lot worse, stupid BUGS!
Truth be said I really don't see anything unusual for this stage of life. As a matter of fact I'm not even sure you're under attack. Whenever I suspect I'm under attack I go to the park and collect lady bugs. I bring them home in a glass jug and declare war.. But most of the time I am wrong and find that they die off because there's no meat for them to eat. Based on your previous food selection it could be what happened to you (Nute Burn). Nonetheless I think you'll be fine - although a lil neem won't hurt. I'd start off by getting insect glue sheets and lining them on your soil. Here's a link to a wonderful product I found. depletes most any exoskeleton... International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Diatomaceous Earth - The Best Pesticide You've Never Heard Of
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Well-Known Member
Ok here are some more pics of my growing "girls" hopefully. You can still see some of the discoloration on the leaves i am almost positive it has to do with a bug called a THRIPE and when i get my NEEM oil, no more bug problems! But they are still growing everyday and i have seen plants that look a lot worse, stupid BUGS!
Here's what you leaves would be looking like. Nonetheless like I said b4... A lil neem won't hurt.. https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/22473-little-buggers-eatting-my-leaves.html


Well-Known Member
Truth be said I really don't see anything unusual for this stage of life. As a matter of fact I'm not even sure you're under attack. Whenever I suspect I'm under attack I go to the park and collect lady bugs. I bring them home in a glass jug and declare war.. But most of the time I am wrong and find that they die off because there's no meat for them to eat. Based on your previous food selection it could be what happened to you (Nute Burn). Nonetheless I think you'll be fine - although a lil neem won't hurt. I'd start off by getting insect glue sheets and lining them on your soil. Here's a link to a wonderful product I found. depletes most any exoskeleton... International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Diatomaceous Earth - The Best Pesticide You've Never Heard Of
I am still very skeptical i think i am under attack this is a pic of my worst looking plant. Not sure whats going on here.

Look at the pic on the right its like a little yellow circle, this pic is on another plant that is looking pretty good, this is the only defect on that one. I dont know if i need to flush cuz this plant has NUTE BURN, it is def the smallest plant out of the 3 that i have planted other than the other 2 week old plants that i have. Thanks alot everyone!


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Well-Known Member
I am still very skeptical i think i am under attack this is a pic of my worst looking plant. Not sure whats going on here.

Look at the pic on the right its like a little yellow circle, this pic is on another plant that is looking pretty good, this is the only defect on that one. I dont know if i need to flush cuz this plant has NUTE BURN, it is def the smallest plant out of the 3 that i have planted other than the other 2 week old plants that i have. Thanks alot everyone!
Looks to me like the deficiency is starting within the veins and working out to the leaf set - typical of nutrient uptake being a bit strong... Next you should see it become wrinkled or even start canoeing. The other pic appears as if a drop of concentrated nutrient solution landed there. Although these are just my thoughts - thrips would create random patches on your foliage and in these shots it appears to initiate from the veins to the outer edges which is the plants way of assisting itself from an overdose.

I think you already flushed right... But you see being that the MG is organic, I wonder if you're just mixing it even better with every flush. I think it's time for a transplant man.


Well-Known Member
Well i have not flushed yet, dont i have to use like 4 gallons i think that is a 2 gallon pot. so 4 gallons of water should do that trick right? Then how long before they start to recover? What are my chances of the ones being stressed turning out to be females?

Oh and as far as MG being orgranic, what do you mean? And also i did not drop any liquid fert on it, the only FERT i have had near these plants was watered down like over 80% so i dont think its that.


Well-Known Member
But all i have used so far is Miracle Grow, how can it still be over nutez?
I've said this b4, I have no issues with MG but it is strong stuff. I'd say first pH adjust your 4 gallongs of water and gently flush everything. At this point she'll do better with the pH'ed water because when she's ready for nutes you will see it in her foliage. Do this for all your plants first before applying treatments. This will make your plant droop because of overwatering but they will bounce back with a vengeance. I hope you have a good mix in your soil because you'll want good drainage. Remember to pour gently over the top covering all sides. And when it's time to feed again, just prepare a batch and feed from the bottom... Stif the pot in a bowl. I swaer by FoxFarm Grow Big for veg but that's just me. Nonetheless you are doing very well.


Well-Known Member
I've said this b4, I have no issues with MG but it is strong stuff. I'd say first pH adjust your 4 gallongs of water and gently flush everything. At this point she'll do better with the pH'ed water because when she's ready for nutes you will see it in her foliage. Do this for all your plants first before applying treatments. This will make your plant droop because of overwatering but they will bounce back with a vengeance. I hope you have a good mix in your soil because you'll want good drainage. Remember to pour gently over the top covering all sides. And when it's time to feed again, just prepare a batch and feed from the bottom... Stif the pot in a bowl. I swaer by FoxFarm Grow Big for veg but that's just me. Nonetheless you are doing very well.
Ok so after i FLUSH about how long till she is ready for more water, probably like a week huh at least? Well we will see i probably wont flush for a couple of days just to see how she looks but but i dont think i need to flush all of them just cuz they all dont look as bad as the one in the above pic. Thanks for the help. Oh and my soil has pretty good drainage i can see water come out the bottom when i water. And thats not even a half a gallon. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Ok so after i FLUSH about how long till she is ready for more water, probably like a week huh at least? Well we will see i probably wont flush for a couple of days just to see how she looks but but i dont think i need to flush all of them just cuz they all dont look as bad as the one in the above pic. Thanks for the help. Oh and my soil has pretty good drainage i can see water come out the bottom when i water. And thats not even a half a gallon. Thanks!
There is no set time to wait for next feed. I weigh my pots. When dry I can lift my 5gal with on hand and I feel her out. Thats when I prepare a gallon of nute juice and allow it to stabilize to the proper numbers. Then I sit her in a bowl with the juice for 5 minutes noting the absorbtion. Once I see sha cannot absorb anymore (about 5 minutes) I lift the pot heavy as hell not and move her back into the garden. This way the roots really travel and wrap the bottom of the pot to make for an easier transplant later and you never over feed. I hate making my pots drenched because I had bad experiences with this in my first grow. Now that I use this method I NEVER have deficiencies of any sort. But all this experience was gained by paying a big price.

Dude a lush is beneficial for plants at every stage of life. It's not a bas thing at all. Bad is leaving them for a few more days to prolong the obvious. I aim for preventing issues because I always go for big harvests. These issues and stressful moments being placed on plant now will come back to you at harvest. But flushing is always recommended to guarantee a nice harvest. Shit I think everyone should flush every 3 weeks. During flowering I flush every 5 days... No joke ;-)


Well-Known Member
How do you flush with PH adjusted water? Do you let your TAP WATER sit out for 24 hours in 4 seperate jugs or what? The PH of my tap water that has sat out for 24 hours is 6.8. Now is that going to be suffiecient, i was buying distilled water but the ph of my tap and distilled is damn near the same, within the safe zone so i am not worried about my tap water.


Well-Known Member
How do you flush with PH adjusted water? Do you let your TAP WATER sit out for 24 hours in 4 seperate jugs or what? The PH of my tap water that has sat out for 24 hours is 6.8. Now is that going to be suffiecient, i was buying distilled water but the ph of my tap and distilled is damn near the same, within the safe zone so i am not worried about my tap water.
6.8 is perfect my friend... I set mine for 6.8 on the money!!


Well-Known Member
What do you use to adjust the PH, oh and my PH is the same if i dont leave it sit out for 24 hours does this still matter if let it sit out or not? Or does it still need to evaporate the chlorine that they add to it?


Well-Known Member
What do you use to adjust the PH, oh and my PH is the same if i dont leave it sit out for 24 hours does this still matter if let it sit out or not? Or does it still need to evaporate the chlorine that they add to it?
I never evaporate my tap and I only use tap. My tap comes out at .040ppm's and I use GH's Base to raise and GH's Acid to reduce. In your case I'd say that your plants are in crisis and it wouldn't hurt to remove any chlorine from it prior to flush. After all this flush is the elixir of life for your sick babies.