1st grow. 250w HPS


Well-Known Member
Sorry you did not get the chance to see them through to the end. What a shame. But you got a result at least, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure it will stil get you high, high, high! :bigjoint:

My brand new rhino filter on it's own did not cut it with my Blue Cheese though. I had to add ona blocks even with the filter as smells were leaking still. So I can imagine just how stinky it must of been for you.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
Sorry you did not get the chance to see them through to the end. What a shame. But you got a result at least, so I hope you enjoy it. I'm sure it will stil get you high, high, high! :bigjoint:

My brand new rhino filter on it's own did not cut it with my Blue Cheese though. I had to add ona blocks even with the filter as smells were leaking still. So I can imagine just how stinky it must of been for you.
ye its a lesson learnt. i need a filter and tent. till i can b sure that it will defo not smell


Well-Known Member
What a choker, i'm gutted for ya. They were coming on a treat. Out of the JF's i reckon JF2 will be the closest to being ready at 6 weeks. At least you've got something out of it. I remember when i had to dump all my jack herer clones and it made me sick to lose such a good pheno

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah im propper gutted but also relived too, every time i went round there i was mundo paranoid cuz u could smell it as soon as ya got through the door. Just nned to find a tent fan and can kit at a reasonable price now lol. We got untill after the council have refurbed her kitchen and bathroom lol so spring next year i think, plenty of time to save up lol.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
One hit sale to a mate not like you have every tom dick & harry at the door and bang there is your new grow room.

I nevar have enough for myself to make a sale.

jesters missus

Well-Known Member
Naww, what a shame! But like everyone's said, better to be safe than sorry. I will write to Father Christmas and ask him to get you a carbon filter.. you have been good, haven't you?!:lol:

Nonetheless, they are look beeeaautiful!
How you going about drying and curing them nugs?

Don Gin and Ton said:
i bet even a few weeks earlier its 10 x better than any you could go out and buy!
Haha, I definitely agree with DGT. They really do look superb LGP!
mr west said:
yeah im propper gutted but also relived too, every time i went round there i was mundo paranoid
Propper gutted? Mundo paranoid?
Hehe, Pommy slang and colloquialism is so much better than where I'm from:lol::lol:
