1st Grow- Blue Cheese, Amnesia Haze, A5 Haze, Silver Haze, OG Kush


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Hello all!

This is my first grow and I am starting this journal to see what everyone thinks and if anyone can offer any advice. So please don't hesitate to post your thoughts. My room-mate and I are currently growing 1X Amnesia Haze (20 days from seed), 1X Shining Silver Haze (24 days) both fems from Royal Queen Seeds. I have 1X OG Kush bag-seed (30 days) and 1X A5 Haze freebie (20 days). The only thing is we planted 5X Barney's Blue Cheese 8 days ago, so were thinking there might be a slight problem with height. The A5, SSH and Amnesia are all quite tall sativas and 2 weeks longer in veg. We only have one light, so we might have to make those plants shorter somehow. This light is currently on 18/6.

To grow these beauties were using a 1mX1mx2m homebox silver grow tent with a 600w Sylvania Growlux HPS bulb and an Adjust-A-Wing reflector throughout the whole growing proccess. For ventilation we have a 360m3/h extractor fan, an air inlet hole at the bottom and a miniture clip-on-fan. The pots are eventually all going to be 18L, but the Blue Cheese seedling are in 0.3 liter pots for a couple more days. The nutes from our local grow shop- Organic Earth: Grow 12-8-11, Flower 13-14, Roots and Spray. We also have Plagron Green Sensation for the final Flowering stages. We are using Plagron Royalty mix soil, with a ph just of 6.5-7.0.

The temperature is a bit high at around 27-29C, but the plants don't seem too effected. Our extractor fan is attached to a temperature controlled dimmer, however we cannot fully use it because the 600w is giving of too much heat, therefore it is on 18 hours a day. This does effect the humidity, but we have purchased a cheap humidifier to try and combat this.

If that wasn't enough information then here are the pictures. The Kush is the plant with the larger slighty droopier leaves, the SSH is the topped plant (aiming for 4 main colas), the A5 is the taller spindly one and the Amnesia is the more compact one in the middle.

Cheers folks



Active Member
It seems we have a mutant plant, but as its our first grow we are not entirely sure. The OG Kush has sprouted a double node, with 4 leaf-shoots growing from the main branch at right-angles. We are also aware this plant is slightly droopy, if anyone has any clues as to why this might be, please comment. We have been spraying the plants, about twice a day, maybe this is causing the droop? Also if anyone knows if this double node will produce more secondary growth and maybe more bud? Any help would be great. The picture should help.




Active Member
We are now entering the 4th week of the vegetative stage for all the plants, except the Blue Cheese, which is now 10 days from seed. As you can see, we topped the Amnesia Haze about 2days ago, and it seems to have reacted well with all secondary growth looking even and healthy. The A5 was topped today, despite a slight concern with the secondary growth being unhealthy. Has anyone else topped a plant with deformed secondary growth? How did it turn out?

The Blue Cheese was transplanted into 18L pots 2 days ago, and all seem to be growing well despite the move. The only problem with the Cheese is that our Spray nutrient seems to be leaving a slight residue on the tips of the leafs.

We have also found some pale orange coloured specks on the Amnesia Haze, fortunately this isn't on the new growth but it is still slightly worrying. We have taken a picture; its the shorter, denser topped plant (3photos). It only occurred after we topped the plant. Does anyone know what this might be?

The OG Kush is still not getting better, we're attributing the droop to the fact it has 4 sets of new growth as opposed to 2, only because we don't know what else it could be. We seem to be getting high humidity at night around 90percent, maybe this is to blame? Also has anyone else ever had/seen a plant like the OG, with a 4 new shoots forming a double node? Is this rare? Should I take cuttings? or is it plain s##t?




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Since the last update we have added a 12v computer fan for an intake, and re-adjusted the position of the small clip-on fan. This, for reasons beyond me, has lowered our temperatures considerably. We are now at 26-27C (80F) even on hot days :blsmoke:. I'm confused about the drop in temperature because the computer fan seems weak, and surely our extractor did the same job?? Anyway, I would advise getting one if you have a temperature problem in a tent. They only cost about 10 euros, and very easy to wire/install with a bit of duct tape.

Our larger ladies (hopefully) are all about 30 days old now and the Blue Cheese is 16. The Cheese seems to be growing really well, with lots of secondary growth already. The A5 plant is pretty much pure sativa, so to control its height we are LSTing the new growth. Its seems to be going well. As you can see we have a few discoloured leafs on all the older plants, but nothing too serious. We think this is probably nute burn as our soil packaging advises not to use fertilizer for 6 weeks. Anyone had the same problem with their soil? Were using Plagron Royalty Mix. Probably gonna give the Cheese some food in a week or so, doesn't look like they need any fertiliser atm.

We're thinking to flower soon, but we're not entirely sure when the Blue Cheeses will be ready. Any ideas? When the nodes start to alternate? or will that take too long?





Active Member
Sooooo, we haven't done much since our last update. We backed off from the nutes, after realising the soil was pre-fertilized. All seems to be going well, aside from a couple of minor problems. The oldest sets of leaves on the OG Kush are yellowing and dying, is this common (or worrying) during the vegetative stage?

One of our Blue Cheeses is showing a strong sativa pheno, it is taller than the others whilst having less nodes. The leaves are a lighter shade of green, and the stems are showing slightly red. This plant is already giving off a sweet coffee smell. However, the tips on the new growth are starting to yellow slightly, but again we're not entirely sure why. It seems that similar symptoms can arise from any number of problems- underwatering, overwatering, too many nutes, not enough etc. Its hard for a noob out here!

Also, we are thinking to flower sometime this week. If anyone has any input on when the best time to flower is (if height isn't an issue), please let us know!

Any comments welcome; I feel kinda lonely all by myself:-(





Active Member
ave u flushed them till full run off do that and they should perk up i think...
Do you mean leaching? We get a small amount run-off every time we water. Also, because its a soil with time release fertilser, we don't know how much it will make a difference. And there not that bad are they? are yours only 26 days from seed? Anyway, yours are all looking healthy m8, good job!


For healthy looking plants keep doing what you've been doing so far, it does the trick no worry.
Flushing once in a while is a good idea, just flush, then give em plain water for a week or so, then add nutes in the strength you last stopped. . .slowly work your way up.

The white residue you see on leaves might be minerals from the water you use to mix your foliar with (or is it a ready to use formula?) nothing worrying.
I think Sativas in general tend to have a little droopy leaves, but then again i haven't grown any so i might be wrong. .
I hope someone sorts this out.
Your crazy kush is showing signs of nute burn or lockout, get it flushed as soon as possible.
As a guideline flush with 3 times the size of pot in ph'd water volume, wait till you see what happens.
No improvement? Flush again


Active Member
Cheers Skataman, I actually flushed the kush yesterday but I'm not sure if I used enough water. I use 18L pots so it seems like rather a lot to flush with 54L of water, or am I just chatting shit? anyway I gave it a much more dilute solution of nutes after. The new growth looks fine but the older fan leaves still look pretty much as screwed as before. Thinking about it i probably shouldn't have put more nutes in... I'll be having humble pie for breakfast. but anyway, does that mean that the problem is gone? it does seems quite a luminous green now, as does one of the sativa phenos of the BC as well the BC has slightly yellowing tips but doesn't seem to be getting any worse... should I flush that too?


If you can see signs of improvement then just wait and see what happens, i would flush thoroughly tho, you got a pretty big damn pot dude that's a pain in the a** to flush, not to mention handling it after watered.
You some power lifter or something? :lol:bongsmilie

Naa, just let BC be, everything looks fine. . .Just keep an eye on it


They are so beautifull and healthy i guess, at least thats what i`m seeing.
nice dog too, the one from ur avatar, is it a french bulldogg?
thanks alot 4 ur help,

regs, hoi


Active Member
They are so beautifull and healthy i guess, at least thats what i`m seeing.
nice dog too, the one from ur avatar, is it a french bulldogg?
thanks alot 4 ur help,

regs, hoi
Cheers hoi, can't wait to put them into 12/12 and start seeing buds develop! He's a mix of Old English and French (most likely). Looks a little bit like a frenchie in the face, but is a lot bigger in body, he's still only 8 months. Good luck with your plant, I hope it turns out well.


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Here's just a brief update on our lovely ladies.

We flushed the shining silver haze yesterday and she's looking perkier every hour. We did the same with the kush 3 days ago to wash out the excessive amount of nutes plagron feel they need to add to they're royalty mix, but then added a week solution of grow nutes after... which, in retrospect, was pretty fucking stupid but it does definitely look better than before.

On a more interesting note, we started doing a makeshift scrog on the A5 haze due to its stretchy nature. We started by topping for 4 colas, then lst'd all the branches so they were more or less horizontal and wacked the screen on top. It seems to be working a treat, and has definitely sorted out that aspect of the height problem.




Active Member
Thanks a lot mate! We did take a lot of time over choosing strains so im glad we did well, but hey we brits know our smoke.
BTW looked at them today and I swear the difference in 24 hours is madness, let's just hope it carries on that way.

Will update soon, but right going to the park to enjoy a zoot in the sun.



Hey mate what'sup?

Flushing made up cheer up a lot huh?

Well done great job, everything is bushing up real fast. . .You did well in topping them two.

Maybe you should get another layer of screen a little higher cause this one is gonna fill in no time!

I love your cheeses, next grow i'm gonna have some for sure!bongsmilie

How long are you planning to veg?

Cheers :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey mate what'sup?

Flushing made up cheer up a lot huh?

Well done great job, everything is bushing up real fast. . .You did well in topping them two.

Maybe you should get another layer of screen a little higher cause this one is gonna fill in no time!

I love your cheeses, next grow i'm gonna have some for sure!bongsmilie

How long are you planning to veg?

Cheers :eyesmoke:
Hey Skataman, thanks for the kind words! Yer, there bushing up really fast, the growth rate has increased significantly in the last week or so. We decided adding another screen would take up too much space horizontally, considering this seed was free, and not feminized. The guy who gave it to us said its quite hard to flower and takes a long time to do so, so were looking at it as more of an experiment. Also there are no pre-flowers on it :(

The Blue Cheese is really nice, had some straight from Barney's coffeshop and it blew my socks off. It was smoother with less of an intense chemically taste than your average cheese, really nice stuff. But the proof is in the pudding, so I will give a smoke report when the time comes.



Active Member
Today we will be switching the light from 18/6 to 12/12. The Blue Cheeses have now been in veg for a total of 30 days, the nodes are alternating on the secondary growth sites, but not yet on the main stem. Does anyone know if this makes a difference? We also have pre-flowers on a couple of the plants.

The sativa pheno of the BC is getting considerably taller than her sisters, but hopefully it wont stretch too much. She is also the most pleasant smelling of all the plants, with a sweet caramel/coffee tang to her. This plant is also a lighter shade of green than the rest.

The topped Amnesia Haze is experiencing some yellowish new shoots, we are pretty sure this is over fertilization, and have flushed accordingly. This is also occurring on a couple of other plants, but less significantly.

We are pretty sure we wouldn't be having all these nutrient problems if Plagron soil wasn't so heavily fertilized. Also, the owner of the local grow-shop instructed us to use nutrients about 2 weeks from seed (opposed to 6 weeks instructed on the soil packaging). What we have learnt from this? Unless you are lazy/stupid/cheap don't bother getting pre-fertilized soil, especially if the nutrients you are using are a different brand. For us, it has introduced unnecessary problems; we are not sure if we can properly leach these time release fertilizers, were not sure what N-P-K ratio our plants are recieving, under/over fertilizing looks very similar and with the other factors involved it is hard to decide which one it is, whether these fertilizers have decreased to nothing or only need a small amount of nutes after 6 weeks? In short, we are not enjoying sitting on the sidelines while our soil plays games with our chronic! If you want to learn about the plants needs and specific requirements DO NOT BUY HEAVILY FERTILIZED SOIL! I apologise for this rant, just thought I'd share my views and hopefully help someone out. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Think I'll be using COCO next time.

Back to the plants, here's some pictures...





Active Member
Hi Everyone, here's an update on our ladies.

They've been under 12/12 for 6 days now and they're showing pistils/preflowers except the A5 Haze (the one with the screen) and our somewhat demented looking Kush bag-seed plant which has never done anything normally. We added Bloom fertiliser for the first time today only using about a 3rd the recommended concentration, seeing as we've had problems with over nuting thanks to slow release soil nutes. Anyway they all seem to appreciate the current conditions and hopefully things should stay that way as we gradually increase concentration. The shining silver haze looks much better now that the fluorescent yellow/green tinge has nearly gone since we started again grow nutes earlier in the week.

Also yesterday we pruned off a fair amount of the lower fan leaves to promote air circulation and reduce chances of hermaphrodisation. Also it should help keep the height down a little. we took off nearly all the foliage and small branches underneath the screen on the A5 haze also. The plants seem to look better and it seems to have lowered the temps slightly.

not much more to say really and I've been rambling so here's some pics.

Any comments appreciated

We hope you enjoy



Lookin beautiful guys, seriously nice for a first grow. You might have some problems with overcrowding in there the more they grow. My favourite's the front middle, loving the strong sativa characteristics there, is that the silver haze?
kwl otk47