1st Grow - CFL KB Seeds w/ Pics


Well-Known Member
mmmkk well at this point i dont want to run the risk then i'd much rather wait til next grow. basically if you want to lollipop you'd do it in its veg state is what youre saying?
thanks for the help
Yup yup, veg stage is best, like I said its not too late, but you're running a risk if you do. Part of the lollipop thing is keeping them real short, ends up looking like just a bud growing out of the ground. I guess I would probably prune at week 3 then stick em in flower a couple days after, the couple days giving them time to recover before they start getting their hormones messed with(inducing flowering).


Well-Known Member
No problem man. You should check out my grow. One auto ak47 and a bagseed test plant right now. When the hps goes up and everything else I am fixing to buy I will be adding two more auto aks should be a fun little adventure and should turn out WAY better than the first auto ak grow lol. Gotta start somewhere though.


Well-Known Member
thank don, those seeds sound pretty sick. Im not a 100% haha to tell you the truth I was pretty stoned and he was ordering them, no lie we were looking through Attitudes site for 2 hours haha. Ill let you know exactly in a few days when they come in. I know we got some AK, gigabud, white widow, and a purple strain just to see what its like. How bad is that that I spent like $100 and i dont even remember what everything was called...idiot. Anyways Ive been by yours and its pretty sick Im gonna follow along. Make sure they dont get yanked that would be like losing a child haha prob worse actually. Are you just going to leave them in your yard?

Hahaha- yea def like losin a kid!
With my first outdoor grow I had six growin out on my Grams hill- her dirt is sick with good shit- but I had them started in lil pots so I could move them around to get the best sun..... Well, my nephews went on the hill and dumped all 6 of them over! I was pissed to say the least!
But out of the two survived- one was a male so he went to the Hash Farm. But the other was all woman and I got about 1.2 lbs off of her! I topped the shit out of her thru the spring and summer.... then let her go! She was HUGE! a 5' 1/2" tall bush!
So I'm lookin forward to gettin those or even a lil less- hell even more when I grow outdoors again! Especially since where I'm at now is much better than where I was up North......... The estuaries of the rivers and creeks are great for growin for real!

** Ur plants are lookin SWEET! Keep it up! All 3 of my ladies are really LADIES-Thank God!
3:1 ratio and I'm on a roll!


Well-Known Member
what up everyone a little day 29 update...

sorry ive been crazy busy the past week and havent been on but Im back now so boo yea!

The plants have been in flowering for a whole week now. Yesterday i watered them with a little bloom booster and they both responded very well when I checked them out this AM. They both are around 10" tall by about 14" wide.
I dont want to get ahead of myself but I think I may of found tiny pistols on both plants... just maybe its still early and I dont have a magnifying glass. Hopefully in a day or 2 I can tell you for sure!!
I didnt take pics yet but if anyone wants I will or I'll just wait til I get sex results...
happy growing!:leaf::leaf:


Active Member
looking good man. so far i got one sprout of bagseed im just gonna let it grow for a bit for practice. basically bc reading all this stuff makes me anxious to start. in another week ima order some WW from attitude. also a homebox s to grow in. how did u set up your lights so you could raise/lower them? p.s. im changing my accoune bc of security... so the next person on this thread with very few posts is likely to be me. haha.


Well-Known Member
Just a quickie for ya all... both plants are... er.... FEMALES BITCHES!!! I went 2-2 on this grow and Im super pumped... I'll give it a day or 2 to get the pistols a bit bigger and I'll snap some photos...woo

vclybarger - I used a&g bars... its used for mounting electrical boxes to ceiling joists. The shitty part is every time i want to raise them up I have to screw them into the wall. So if you can find small closet rods, that would be best cus my buddy got them at a hardware store and they are sweet, I just havent gone to the right store yet. All it is is a shower rod thats spring loaded you just put it in your closet and hang the lights from it... done
If i get some soon Ill take some pics of it... heres how mines set up...



Well-Known Member
hey im happy for ya PT
congrads on the girls that u just gave birth too
can i be the godfather?
hey check my journal out i put up new pics of the new set up in a diff place and othe pics of the kids.


Active Member
ah, the shower rod thing is a good idea. right now i just got my stuf all ghetto rigged with some strings and shit. hahaha. 2 for 2 eh? bet u cant wait for harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Just a quickie for ya all... both plants are... er.... FEMALES BITCHES!!! I went 2-2 on this grow and Im super pumped... I'll give it a day or 2 to get the pistols a bit bigger and I'll snap some photos...woo

vclybarger - I used a&g bars... its used for mounting electrical boxes to ceiling joists. The shitty part is every time i want to raise them up I have to screw them into the wall. So if you can find small closet rods, that would be best cus my buddy got them at a hardware store and they are sweet, I just havent gone to the right store yet. All it is is a shower rod thats spring loaded you just put it in your closet and hang the lights from it... done
If i get some soon Ill take some pics of it... heres how mines set up...

Those bars are a good idea, but I can see what you mean about havin the screw holes up and down ur wall. The shower rods are an awesome idea- u get some +rep for that!

And congrats on the ladies dude! You're on ur way for sure! I was 3:1 with my ladies. Just pollinated my big gurl today, gunna keep my male and female alive- their genes are beautiful! And hopefully, in the future when I get a lil more established I'll be able to start breeding for real and make my own signature strain! All from bagseed too-HELL YEA!


Well-Known Member
Those bars are a good idea, but I can see what you mean about havin the screw holes up and down ur wall. The shower rods are an awesome idea- u get some +rep for that!

And congrats on the ladies dude! You're on ur way for sure! I was 3:1 with my ladies. Just pollinated my big gurl today, gunna keep my male and female alive- their genes are beautiful! And hopefully, in the future when I get a lil more established I'll be able to start breeding for real and make my own signature strain! All from bagseed too-HELL YEA!
A signature strain would be crazy sweet, haha id buy some for sure... there you go 1 customer already haha. Thanks for the rep, and congrats on the fems!

The shower rods are the best way to go in an area like a closet, and yea the way I have works but it sucks moving the bars up... its like a whole 10 minutes out of my day...DAMMIT! haha but I get like 3 inches of play with clips on the lights so I can move them up and down.

I set up my buddies room with fixed lights cus it was all he could do. So we came up with the idea to stack the plants up towards the light and as needed lowered the plants... it actually works quite well hah

sweet new handle btw imabirdietoo


Well-Known Member
ya i do that to when i have to get a hard position i stack them up closer to the light it works just as good just have to find the perfect things to stack them the right distance


Well-Known Member
A signature strain would be crazy sweet, haha id buy some for sure... there you go 1 customer already haha. Thanks for the rep, and congrats on the fems!

The shower rods are the best way to go in an area like a closet, and yea the way I have works but it sucks moving the bars up... its like a whole 10 minutes out of my day...DAMMIT! haha but I get like 3 inches of play with clips on the lights so I can move them up and down.

I set up my buddies room with fixed lights cus it was all he could do. So we came up with the idea to stack the plants up towards the light and as needed lowered the plants... it actually works quite well hah

sweet new handle btw imabirdietoo

Hell yea! Ur my first customer then- first come first serve-you get pick of the litter-Hahaha!

Sometimes it is easier to lower the plants than it is to raise the lights- great mind u got there!


Well-Known Member
hey i want some seeds to if u could diliver to me would be great hand diliver please
lol :0) please