1st Grow, Ebb & Flow system, Hydroton


awesome thread dude...answered man Q's i had aswell...i would appreciate some "plumbing" pics of ur tank...:-) pics of where ur inlets/outlets are etc...

also what timings are u using on ur flood? i ask because i want to go ebb n' flow and i've read everything from twice daily to 15mins every 4 hrs, etc...

keep up the great updates man...peace

Oh I forgot, take a look at Picture number 5 in my last post... You can kinda see my overflow valved in the corner closes to the camera, and to the right of that is my input (where the pump is pugged into, to flood).


Well-Known Member
i dont have a lot of time right now to answer your new questions.. i will later tho... ill get on later tonight and try to give you whatever answers i can...


Alright, It was another big day for me and my babies, I made a lot of changes to my system again, so hopefully all this wont hurt them.

I'm too tired to get into it, but basically I added another 150W hps so now there is 300W goin. I fixed up some plumbing issues, added more hydroton to the tray, and managed to place the plants rockwool cubes about an inch deeper into the their net pots, so they will get more action when it floods, so I'm thinkin with all these changes, another timer for my new lamp, and I will be in business. Ill post some pictures tomorrow. Thanks for ya help man. I read your "all newbs read this" thread, there was much information in there. THANK YOU! :)


Well-Known Member
ok... it sounds like you actually got to most of the things i was going to suggest..

the rockwool needs to flood more to keep the roots that are growing out of it moist... and the roots up to the stem moist as well.. if either of them dry out it will cause problems.. especially if the roots that are on the inside of the rockwool dry out and die... dropping them down will be of great help...

you may also need to increase the flooding to more times a day.. i am running 3 x 15 minute floods... and was running 4 x 15 minute floods (dont see much difference between the two).... just watch your plants.. if they continue to droop down increase to 2 times a day and see if that helps....

sorry i didnt get back on yesterday.. i've been eating a lot of "special" treats i've made and the last few days are a stoned blur... if there is anything that i missed that you are still curious about please ask.. im taking a break from the edibles today.. so i'll be on top of shit.. bongsmilie


haha its totally cool man, I appreciate it. BTW, I also had a good look at your setup from your video on Youtube... that shit is awesome! I thought my setup was pretty sweet, but you have like an entire basement dedicated... thats sweet man. So anyway it looks like my plants are recovering from the transplant, I have not watered yet today, I'm trying to see if I was over watering them. I flushed yesterday as well. I may take today off from the watering sched. I will also take some pics today and post... Thanks for your help again man, take it easy, talk to you soon!


Ok ok ok, I'm back! Sorry I have been crazy busy with my schoolin n whatnot. Don't worry though the plants have been taken care of... for the most part at least. Unfortunately I think they are sick :( Or at least have some sort of deficiency.

I tried doing some research but I can really distinguish from photos or descriptions, also I cant seem to find a fix for it either, perhaps I'm mixing my nutes wrong? I'm following the directions on the bottle... but just a bit less of each of the three solutions...Not sure whats wrong.

Their growth looked a bit stunted on the top (Their leaves wont spread out). So I figured the light was too low, so I just raised it up last night.

I think I have been over watering them (classic rookie mistake I hear...:-?) but some of them dried out completely and others didn't

also I flushed with flora clean between the last solution change.

These guys are currently 19 days old

I'm using 2 x 150W HPS Lamps (300W total)

The rest of the specs I will post pictures for. IF ANYONE has any advice I will gladly take it.

The plants seem relatively healthy, but are obviously struggling.

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Ok ok ok, I'm back! Sorry I have been crazy busy with my schoolin n whatnot. Don't worry though the plants have been taken care of... for the most part at least. Unfortunately I think they are sick :( Or at least have some sort of deficiency.

I tried doing some research but I can really distinguish from photos or descriptions, also I cant seem to find a fix for it either, perhaps I'm mixing my nutes wrong? I'm following the directions on the bottle... but just a bit less of each of the three solutions...Not sure whats wrong.

Their growth looked a bit stunted on the top (Their leaves wont spread out). So I figured the light was too low, so I just raised it up last night.

I think I have been over watering them (classic rookie mistake I hear...:-?) but some of them dried out completely and others didn't

also I flushed with flora clean between the last solution change.

These guys are currently 19 days old

I'm using 2 x 150W HPS Lamps (300W total)

The rest of the specs I will post pictures for. IF ANYONE has any advice I will gladly take it.

The plants seem relatively healthy, but are obviously struggling.
ill try to help ya once i see those pics :D


These pictures are of the first time I expanded from the 1ftx1ft tray. Its a homade system, and works great. I think its my nutrient solution... In any case as you will see in the next post I removed the lid eventually... It was causing more problems than solving.



Wow Closet Grow, that was fast! I appreciate it! :) I have more pictures, as I have completely changed that last setup I posted (just wanted to keep the thread updated so I can keep track). Ill post my most recent setup now.


Ok here is what i have going so far. I'm trying a bit of an experiment with the hydroton in the tray. The farthest half has very little hydroton in the tray, and the closest half of the tray is full to the flood line. I'm trying to see which way my plants respond to better. I'm thinking of removed the hydrton completely from the tray and just leaving the pots in the bare ebb n flow situation... Im trying to create dark places for the roots to expand... I guess...

I'm worried about root growth, especially the ones in the smaller pots... Dont the roots need room to expand out? Or should I switch to solid pots instead of net pots?

In any case, the avg humidity of the room is between 37 and 45 %, I have a fan running on them constantly, and my reservoir temp is in the low 70s usually.

OH and the last picture here is one of the older setup, the bottom leaves were burning severely (Nute burn?)... Anyway I trimmed those leaves off, I know I shouldnt have at such a young age but I couldnt bare the sight of my babies in such condition :(.... oops.... Anyway do you have any advice?
---> You kiss-ass<-- Me



Active Member
Excellent work Dapps, its nice seeing the evolution of a setup from the beginning.

Dont the roots need room to expand out? Or should I switch to solid pots instead of net pots?
Net pots will be fine the roots will find their ways out, be sure of that ;]

I have a fan running on them constantly
Keep in mind that even though you don't have a Co2 setup, the plants still take in the Co2. Much harder with the fan blowing constantly.
Give them 30 mins every 3 hours so that can soak in whatever Co2 they can. Also you can wind burn your leaves with too much direct wind.
If you aim the fan at the light, you will get the cooling effect over the lights and a light breeze over the tops, that's all they need.

OH and the last picture here is one of the older setup, the bottom leaves were burning severely (Nute burn?)... Anyway I trimmed those leaves off, I know I shouldnt have at such a young age but I couldnt bare the sight of my babies in such condition :sad:.... oops.... Anyway do you have any advice?
Hmmm, looks like nute burn. What is your ppm, PH and E/c. Drop a line in the MJ problems forum, guys there will let you know for sure what it is.

And I don't suggest cutting leaves off when there's a problem unidentified. The problem will just move to other parts of the plant.


Thanks for your advice folks! Much obliged. In terms of my nutes EXPLOIT, Im using GH Flora series. I have a 10 gallon res, but I only fill with about 7.5-8 gallons. So the recipe on the bottle says for veg to mix 3-2-1, but I lowered it a bit and went to 2-1-.5ish (times 7 gallons) so I put in 14tsp of floragrow, 7tsp of floramicro and 3ish tsp of the florabloom... Also I added a vegitative growth stimulator (its suggests 3/4 of tsp per gallon, so I put in 4tsp as to not overkill it with the additives. I will read the threads you suggested ForcedInduction, I will def check them out! THanks a bunch! and Dopedragon, thank you for your advice, I will def change the direction of the fan, as my room temps are often high 80's and sometimes 91 degrees! :(. I was thinking that my room was not getting enough circulation, i was unaware that the plants can not take in as much Co2 if the fan is on them constantly. Perhaps I will set up a smaller fan, point it at the lights and set it to ocelate? hmmm any thoughts?



Active Member
use the full strength formula and fill your res with all 10 gallons

so dump your res, wipe it down. fill it up with 10 gallons of water. then add the 3-2-1 flora series. you don't need any additives. once you get a nice harvest under your belt and everything's running smooth, then try out the additives and see what they do.


Well-Known Member
wow!!! i am running almost exactly the same set up!!!!. i haven't had nearly half the problems you have though i dunno i guee its luck or genetics. i did buy seeds from Nirvana on my second attempt and im telling you wow what a difference!. i just added the last bit of hydroton today so we will see how it goes for me!!! check out my youtube channel where i have a video log of this grow im only a little over three weeks in as of now. The link is youtube.com/user/rebel1211888. i suggest you check it out see if we can compare set ups to see why your having these issues im using a 150 watt sunsystem enclosed ballast system and all is well

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