1st Grow, LOTS OF PICS, need some feedback


Active Member
Pic 1 this plant is about 8 inches tallits the same plant as pic 4. the plant in pic 3 and 5 are about 7 inches tall and the plant in pic. the plant in pic 2 is my tallest. its 9 inches tall. and the bottom two pics are of two of the ones im LST'ing, i have 2 more i did that to but i didnt take any pics. both of these are looking really good nd have allot of growth on the stems growing up towart the light. I'm very excited


Active Member
DAY 50!!!!!! moved 4 of my babys into the closet to begin flowering. i feed them yesterday and over night 2 of them grew half an inch and 2 grew an inch. so i have 2 plants measuring 10 inches and 2 at 8''. i started flowering my two tallest and my two oldest plants that i have LSTed.


Active Member
Time to drop back and punt. So my plans for a 400w HPS went out the window so now im going to have to finish this grow with my fluro's. i have a buddy of mine who is going to let me borrow his fluro set up, so here is what i will have after it is all sead and done. is this enough?
im going to mount 2 24inch flouro's on eather side of the closet and have 2 48 inch flouros runing over the tops of the plants so over all i will have 4 75 watt flouro grow lights and 2 48 inch 45watt bulbs. is this enough light for 4 full grown plants?


Active Member
Tough to tell, but it sounds like it should be sufficient. All you can do is put them in and see how they do.
Don't forget to post some pics!


Active Member
Day 54 and my 4 oldest have been flowering for 4 days now. i have them under 2 48'' 40watt Fluorescent GL's and 2 24'' 75watt GL's they have grown about an inch and a half to 2 inches and on one of the ones i have LSTed has a stem growing off of it that is about 2 and a half inches long that im hoping will turn into an additional Cola. so all is well here. ill post some pics tomorrow of them. there sleeping right now haha


Well-Known Member
looking good man. that light setup should be fine. sucks the hps went down the drain but you'll get it someday. can't wait to see what's female!


Active Member
Yea i know. it sucks. but i found a red spec. LED light on Amazon.com that i think im going to get for my next grow. its only 40$ so ill slowly advance to nicer equipment and my grows increase. and me either man. ive had my fingers crossed for weeks hoping for some bitches.


Active Member
Ok sorry it took an extra day to get the pictures up but i was working all day yesterday and by the time i got home the plants were asleep. but here are a few.:joint::peace:
Also today i moved a 5th one into the closet to begin flowering since it had reached 10 inches. ill probably put another one in there in a couple of days since its almost there too.



Active Member
Ok, so today is day 60, (BTW im counting from the day my 1st seed sprouted. some of the plants are not that old). and i put 2 more plants into the closet to begin flowering. so as of now i have 7 of my plants in the flowering stage. I'm not sure what has happened to one of the plants that i am doing LST on. for some reason over the past few days it started to dry up and wilt and today i think im counting as a loss. but ill give it a few more days to see what happens. but the best news all day is my two oldest started to show there sex today and they are both FEMS!!! nice. so i only need 2 more to be fem. and i have filled my quota. haha


Active Member
ok, so as of today i have transplanted all but 2 of my 3 of my plants. 2 of them are still in the veg stage, at least for another few days anyway. and 1 that i didnt transplant because i ran out of soil. there looking good and as i said my 2 oldest have shown sex and are female's just waiting on the rest. i only need 2 more fem. since i think i only have room for 4, 5 would be pushing it prob. my oldest is 16 inches tall and growing more and more every time i look at it. ill post some pics tomorrow. hopefully i will have some more sex info on the others. also im sad to say that one of my plants took a dive and didnt make it. i finaly took it out of the grow room so im down to 8 plants. also the lighting as proved to be sufficient.


Active Member
Ok, so i have all of my plants in the flowering room. i had 2 cut one yesterday because it was a male:cry:. oh well i still have 7. i got some new fertilizer for flowering today and feed them. i bought MG Bloom Booster. 15-30-15. my 2 females are doing really good my tallest is 20 inches today and growing about an inch to an inch and a half a day. is this normal or is it streching? its about 62 days old. my other female is 16 inches tall. the future is promising and i would love to know what other people think.



Active Member
Ok, so i have all of my plants in the flowering room. i had 2 cut one yesterday because it was a male:cry:. oh well i still have 7. i got some new fertilizer for flowering today and feed them. i bought MG Bloom Booster. 15-30-15. my 2 females are doing really good my tallest is 20 inches today and growing about an inch to an inch and a half a day. is this normal or is it streching? its about 62 days old. my other female is 16 inches tall. the future is promising and i would love to know what other people think.
Another question that kinda goes with yours... if the plant stretches do the roots grow longer to accommodate as well?


Active Member
Had to kill another male today. down to 6 plants. 2 def. female. there looking good tho. and as far as OG's question i have no idea. i would love to hear what an experienced grower had 2 say.


Well-Known Member
looks good man...glad you have 2 females!! they're looking really good. let me know how that MG works for you.