1st grow need insight


Active Member
this is my first grow i have two fan's a 430 watt hps running 22on 2off I water ever 3 days (should I water more?) the three in the pots have miracle grow moister control soil i place them there using miracle grow planting & transplant solution and I have given my plants miracle grow all purpose plant food ones so far ( is that a good fertilizer? ) they are about three weeks old and I don’t know for shore what kind there are the seed were given to me (and this is the first week I placed them indoor put three in new pots and got my self a hps light from ebay)

the plant on the side are just extra

I’m planning to get seeds from online some auto ak47 I’m thinking but first I want to see if thesis well grow and if my grow room need any thing



Well-Known Member
Don't use that soil again it's crap. I'm sure you can find better. Most don't like MG ferts either, but they will work.

The MG soil you got, does it have those little round balls of time release ferts? Or does it say it contains ferts or that it supports growth for 3 months on it's own? If so don't use any ferts at all, except maybe at flowering after a super serious flush.

Your whole grow is wrong, I'm sorry to say. You know better than this if you have looked at any pictures of other peoples grows. Your light are you really running that on the side of the plants? Dude what the f? Light needs to hang over the plants and it needs to be as close to the plants as possible. You need to have relfective material around your plants to concentrate the light into a small area and reflect it back. You need to have those seedlings under light, not under a window or off wherever the hell they are.

Your plants are super spindly and stretching like there is not tomorrow. Continue this way and you'll be lucky to get some popcorn bud.

I suggest you start by watching some video's, watch "I grow chronic" on youtube. If you want to be serious buy SeeMoreBuds video's so you can see what a real grow room looks like and how things are really supposed to be done.

Man, you have the worst arrangement I've seen in a very long time. Get books, look at good growers pictures and read their threads.

I'll answer any questions you have but please get more serious about growing and lets start doing things right.


Active Member
dam not what i wanted to hear but thank you I do want to make thing right for my plant and i think they are so small because they didnt get much light when they were out side they do look better know that they are indoor

the soil does have the ball and it does say that it has fer for 3 month

I just got the light about 4 day ago and haven't got the tool yet to place it i will fix it tomorrow

and is aluminum foil a good reflector because im thinking tomorrow when i place the light up ill put the foil all over the room and table


Well-Known Member
No don't use foil, better to have either mylar (best) or put up sides you can paint with flat white paint.

I didn't mean to be hard on you, but I'm sure you want to grow some good stuff and you need to fix all those problems.

Ok so do not use any fertilizer at all with that soil, it has it in there already.


Active Member
some new pics hopefully i fixed some of my earlier problems

had to use foil couldn't find the Mylar later ill change it



Well-Known Member
i use mg no probs ,on my plants outside i also use their growing and bloom nuts

u gotta start somwhere

mg nuts r very strongn so do not use that much

goos luck on ur grow


Well-Known Member
also miracle grow moister control soil has a 3 month supply of nuts in it i would not use anything 4 a wile u can burn plants


Well-Known Member
Oh and don't water every 3 days, only water when they need it which at that stage you're at is less than once a week. If the leaves droop during lights on then they need it.


Active Member
planted four diesel Ryder on sep 15th two days after grem one die and im hoping to have one female i have six more seeds but holding out because im not shore my 400w hps can handle any more plants

my plan is to sexs them so i dont have to worry about buying seed

if any one has some ideas for my grow room plz let me know what i need i do want to make it better



Well-Known Member
I see leaf tips burned and leafs curling up and soil that looks dry. Have you been fertilizing? You should not use any fertilizer ever with that soil it has enough nutes for 3 months growth already.

You're burning them to death. Take them all into the tub and soak them and drain them and soak them and drain them several times over the course of a couple hours. Use water that is cool to the touch but not too cold and not warm. Do not let them soak the old water back up, use fresh water and let it drain out every single time completely and make sure that gallons go through.


Active Member
thxs for the input

i haven't used any fert but i did you a transplant liquid

can that be the case?

and can i wait 2 more days thats when i normally water them but i dont want them to die

i water 1 a week and i only use bottled water


Active Member
hi guys

one of my plants still is in vegetative stage is showing signs of female pre-flowers on one side of the stem alternating up and down the stem (there are no perflowers side by side)

i wanted to know if this is a sign that its going to be a hermaphrodite?

my plan is to clone, if she is a female sorry i dont have pics yet working on it though


Active Member
As far as I know, preflowers are preflowers. They do not indicate anything except that the plants are mature enough to grow flowers, either male or female.

Bottled drinking water is usually just tap water that has been filtered.
If you are going to spend the money on bottled water, use DISTILLED water.

You seem pretty serious about wanting to grow some good weed but you have much to learn. The best way to learn is to grow, make mistakes, and learn from the mistakes. While the plants are growing, read, read, read, and read some more. Don't be afraid to read things twice.

Try to keep it simple.
Light, water, and ventilation.
Good luck. You will enjoy smoking your own weed.