1st grow with pics AK48, Snow White, Ice


Well-Known Member
Do you check the pH of your soil. One of the growers on this forum had same kind of problem. His problem started as brown spot at lower leaves. As it turned out it was nute lock due to high soil pH. I am not saying yours would be the same but checking wouldn't hurt, no? Your plants look good :) I hope you have good harvest :)

WAT!? wat the hell r u talkin about!!!


Well-Known Member
POST SUM PIKS!!!!! POST SUM PIKS!!!! i wanna SEE!!!
I wish I had a camera that could take a close up but they are barely vissible to my eye theres no way my pos camera will work, but I am getting a new one very soon.


Well-Known Member
WAT!? wat the hell r u talkin about!!!
hes talking about small brownish gold spots, only a couple, but they are on the lower leaves of my ak, I thought it was a possible magnesium defficency, I only started giving them nutes recently so I doubt its a lockout problem... But no I haven't checked the ph, I should probably do that soon..


Well-Known Member
hes talking about small brownish gold spots, only a couple, but they are on the lower leaves of my ak, I thought it was a possible magnesium defficency, I only started giving them nutes recently so I doubt its a lockout problem... But no I haven't checked the ph, I should probably do that soon..

OH! haha my bad i thought "that was sum random shit'' hahaaaa


Well-Known Member
how do i subscribe to this? i would like to see how the ice turns out i have seen it on the site an want to buy some of them for myself


Well-Known Member
omg man those plants look beautiful, and only at 20 days, cant wait to see how that snow white turns out, im growin 3 myself that i bought feminized from nirvana, good luck bro..


Well-Known Member
btw mine is femanized too! Its the bottom center plant in the last set of pictures, looks very nice and smells amazing but it's leaves are very fragile.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
These plants have really stretched out... Some stems on the ice are too weak to hold up the leave sets so I increased the fans and am hoping they will get stronger. Here are some individual pics. I also gave them some more room so light can hit all leaves because some sides have less leaves, I think because they were up against the wall or closet door...and leaves were stacking on top of each other...I'm actually thinking about buying a second hps because I dont think lights hitting all spots on the plants. Any opinions?



damn they look bomb can't wait to see what they look like in two weeks! what nutes have you been using? for veg and flower


Well-Known Member
I have only given them nutes a couple of times, miracle grow. Have some bio bizz coming in the mail which I got for free! I got a call from Fedex yesterday saying that they were missing some info so I'll call them tomorrow, hopefully it will come soon. Also, I just bought Fox Farm Big Bloom which I intend to give them every watering for a couple of weeks, then switch to every other..

Anyone have any info about how to strengthen my branches, or will that just occur over time?


Well-Known Member
I have only given them nutes a couple of times, miracle grow. Have some bio bizz coming in the mail which I got for free! I got a call from Fedex yesterday saying that they were missing some info so I'll call them tomorrow, hopefully it will come soon. Also, I just bought Fox Farm Big Bloom which I intend to give them every watering for a couple of weeks, then switch to every other..

Anyone have any info about how to strengthen my branches, or will that just occur over time?

i strengthend em by putn em next to the fan, but that was EARLY in life not sure if u can do it now?


Well-Known Member
Theyve been by the fan all throughout growth, the branches have just grown within the past week which is why i think theyre still flimsy, hopefully it will correct itself over time...


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about adding 2 200 watt cfls to my grow, i found them online for $30 each. oh and btw so far 4 females for sure!!!