1st time cloning


Active Member
i just made 8 clones 1st time and they all lived overnight thats good im assuming ... when to i transplant them into larger containers to grow intill there ready for the final transplant there only in 1 litre bottles half of a 2 litre and should i allways keep it wet i used 75%pearlite 25%dirt any info on raising a clone would be helpfull


only thing i could recommend is put the other half of the soda bottle on top with the cap off kinda like a dome to keep humidity high and wait its not uncommon for clones to take 2 weeks to show roots. humidity is the most important thing right now as the plants have no roots and are bringing in water differently than usual


Active Member
what if i put them in a rubbermaid container with one 35w flouro in cut a hole in the top ? and put the lid on


Well-Known Member
Some people (like me) really abuse clones. I'll say 7-14 days in general for clones to get rooted. The first pic below is some really sick looking clones. The second one is one of the plants 2 weeks later (all still alive). Don't give up just because they look bad. I wasn't going to give up unless the entire plant dried up and keeled over - and I still probably would have waited a few days after that before giving them their final burial.



Active Member
thanks for the info but none of them even drooped their leafs so hopefully itll all work out how long do u think itll take a clone to get rootbound in a 1 litre container

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
thanks for the info but none of them even drooped their leafs so hopefully itll all work out how long do u think itll take a clone to get rootbound in a 1 litre container
you should be good for about 4 or 5 weeks. dont overwater them cause there is no roots yet, and spray mist them a couple of times a day and spray mist the inside of the dome cover if it dry. take off the dome cover once or twice daily for little while so they can breath.


Active Member
i have them in a big rubbermaid container with 2 pieces of plywood covering the two edges wherre the light isnt so the heat rises out .... i got 75 watts of flours probally a foot above them