1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup

IDK on the humidity. Seems weird. But I do grow a WW cross. White Lady (First Lady x WW) can stretch about 3x the initial height so I'd plan for around that. It's grade A smoke and makes for some beautiful bud porn. Should be a frosty spring for you!
Hmmmmm...i dunno what to do now really,by all accounts if they treble i have to turn them now for sure or do i let them go another week!...the problem is i havent had a grow under my belt to make an informed decision.Mared everything you have said has made sense since the start of this thread...what would you do in my position?
Hmmmmm...i dunno what to do now really,by all accounts if they treble i have to turn them now for sure or do i let them go another week!...the problem is i havent had a grow under my belt to make an informed decision.Mared everything you have said has made sense since the start of this thread...what would you do in my position?

do it now if your unsure bro. better to be safe than sorry.
yeah i second that cuz if u leave it and run outa room urll have to bend em to finish em off lol, i had to do that with a bublelicious.
tnx guys for your replies,i fed them last night so im gunna have a look at them sunday and take a few more measurements and see where were at.I'm gunna have to have a shuffle around in there as its getting too cramped now,i'm gunna drag that big fan out and spread them out fully over the sqm as the canopies are way overlapping each other,i will rejig the light setup and start to run my carbon filter as its getting stinky as hell....I'm kicking myself over these plant pots,ive lost nearly a foot in height but i guess they've thrived in them...i dunno much but ive gotta hunch i will be turning them soon...Ooooh exciting times :bigjoint:

***Drama Update***
I forgot to mention,whilst i was feeding my plants the other night i accidentally snapped one of the main stems of one of my plants at the fourth node...i was really gutted about this as the leaf set was bigger than my hand...any idea what kind of damage it will cause?
tnx guys for your replies,i fed them last night so im gunna have a look at them sunday and take a few more measurements and see where were at.I'm gunna have to have a shuffle around in there as its getting too cramped now,i'm gunna drag that big fan out and spread them out fully over the sqm as the canopies are way overlapping each other,i will rejig the light setup and start to run my carbon filter as its getting stinky as hell....I'm kicking myself over these plant pots,ive lost nearly a foot in height but i guess they've thrived in them...i dunno much but ive gotta hunch i will be turning them soon...Ooooh exciting times :bigjoint:

***Drama Update***
I forgot to mention,whilst i was feeding my plants the other night i accidentally snapped one of the main stems of one of my plants at the fourth node...i was really gutted about this as the leaf set was bigger than my hand...any idea what kind of damage it will cause?

probably none. done the same myself on my first grow. don't bin it or if you have pull it out and plant it. hopefully it will root.
Gooooooooooooood Morning!
Ok,ive pulled the fan out and spread them over 100x100 so all i have running is a 6inch mini fan and the 125a ruck fan with carbon filter which is awesome i might add although rather noisy but thats not a problem coz im gunna run my lights 7am-7pm!...the smell has been killed instantly tent is sealed completely except for for a meshed 10x6inch vent at the bottom pulling fresh air in,the temps at the moment are 81f with the humidity at 42.Measured all 6 this morning 5 of them are over 14iches tall and the other is just hitting 13.they seem to be doing well after the nute feed with no signs of problems anywhere.Canopy spreads are around 22inches through and all the plants and each have 8 nodes with nice thick stems that are a healthy green....not bad for 28 days old....i will post some pics after the football.....any tips on flowering will be helpful,i plan on switching the light times tomorrow....tnx
good luck with this 1 mate im near the end of my first grow lovin every min check it out in my sig u might learn sumthin from it:leaf::leaf:ras:leaf::leaf: subscribed:bigjoint:
Yes ras,good to have you on board...will check out your grow :)
Ok,here are the pics as promised...


Having had a good measure around i think im good to get to 16inches before i turn them
My advice for flower is you don't have to be as cautious with nutes. It's not like veg where high N nutes will burn your plants. Bloom nutes are very low in N and excess P and K will just be left in the medium to be washed away later. I would feed them bloom nutes the same day you switch to 12/12 if possible. The P boost will signal them to start flowering quicker. Not sure whether you have a ppm tester but I start my flowering plants at just under 1000 ppm no matter what I was giving them in veg. This is roughly 5/8 strength of what I will eventually max out at during the middle of flower so if you don't have a ppm tester I would start at 5/8 label strength (I know, the math sucks :lol:). You want to increase the amount a little bit with every watering until you are at label strength for weeks 4 and 5. After that you want to begin to back it back down. I actually exceed label strength with my plants but since it's your first grow you may want to stick with what the label says for now. It may be helpful for you to look at this link. http://www.advancednutrients.com/nutcalc3public/ It's not your brand of nutes but just study the curve at the top. That's what you want your feeding levels to look like. Play around with the light/medium/heavy feeding level pull-down menu and see how the curve changes. This is what I use for my plants. I follow the "medium" plan.

Other advice would be to make sure your area is 100% lightproof and also that your fan is not connected to the timer. People often plug the fan into the same power source as the light but you want the fan running even with the light off. You don't need the big and noisy fan you described but you do need some kind of air movement in there. Let's see, what else... You may want to pick up a green light bulb. This allows you to work on your plants during lights out if needed. Let's say you just got home and the plants need water but it's 3 minutes until lights out. No problem with a green bulb :blsmoke:


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Wow, just saw the pics. Those are gonna be plenty big enough for the space, man. Flower tomorrow sounds good. Have you considered any pruning of the bottoms? Would be a good time to get some clones if you're ready to do that. Also makes watering easier and concentrates the plants' energy toward the top bud sites where it matters.
hey mared tnx man...the ruck fan is needed to kill the smell and get rid of heat buildup through the ducting when the lights are on,the 6inch minfan runs 24/7.the grow area is completely sealed during lights out with no light getting at the plants at all.

Ok,these are the 4 supplements i will bw using in flower

Hesi Supervit
Hesi Bloom
Hesi Phosphorus plus
Hesi Powerzyme

Hesi Bloom
bloom complex is enriched with plant active vital elements that increase the plants energy and maintain healthy flora in the soil.
Dosage:50ml/10 litres (NPK 4+3+5)

PH correction
changes the ph of tap water into the optimal light acid value for plants.
when flowering is at its peak add phosphorus plus.
For best results use supervit throughout the entire plant lifecycle

Hesi Phosphorus Plus
Phosphorus plus is perfectly harmonised with bloom complex.
The ph corrector of bloom complex is fully active when combined with phosphorus plus
For use with all forms of phosphorus or potassium deficiency.

Dosage:25ml/10litres Composition(PK 8+4)

Super Vit is a highly concentrated mix of vital components such as vitamins and amino-acids. These elements are special selected for plants and stimulate the growth as well as the bloom. Super Vit combines 15 different vitamins and 10 amino-acids who work together.

Made by natural fermentation, this enzyme formula stimulates the root activity and root growth in your plants which accelerates the absorption of nutrients for an overall healthier garden.
It works by activating healthy micro-organisms in the substrate, which, in turn recycles the valuable compounds from root remains for re-absorption.
Power Zyme also increases your plants' resistance to disease

Not done any pruning yet as i dunno where to take them from without harming the plant.
DUDE!......do you really think they good to go tomorrow?..if so ima gunna have to leave them till monday so i can give them a feed:eyesmoke:
OK, that Hesi does things a little different than I'm used to but it should work. That Phos Plus is what the rest of the world calls a bloom booster. Notice how it says "add when at flowering peak"? Don't use that at the beginning. Wait until week 5 flower. Just use the Bloom and Supervit until then.

Pruning and time to switch to 12/12 are kind of related issues. Your maximum canopy penetration with that 400 watt light will be about 2 ft. That means only the top 2 ft of your plants will be getting sufficient light to make big buds, no matter how tall you grow your plants. Any budsites below the top 2 feet will either be too far away from the light or blocked by other leaves and will never grow very much. So despite producing very little bud, these lower budsites consume light and nutrient energy that the top budsites could be using. That's why I remove all these lower budsites and branches. It will make the top colas a lot bigger. Maybe you should just try it with one or two plants this time to see what I mean. It would also be a good time to use the branches you cut off as clones if you are prepared.

So yes, I think if you flower tomorrow those plants will be plenty big enough for you.
ok,today is the last day of 18-6!...we all agree YES :)
Right just a couple of questions,fortunately im ok with maths so i understand the 5/8 nutes ratio.what i want to know is....
do i give my plants a feed at the beginning of the 12/12 cycle?
do i feed them nutes every feed?(usually 2drinks a week)
do i ramp the nutes up 1/8 per week for 4 weeks to hit max strength(i presume so)
I'm still not sure where to prune but i will have a read when ive had a sleep,its early morning here and im pretty redeyed on whitewidow!
I would wait till u see the first signs of budding and give them some bat shit tea. Which will be bout two weeks into flower.
Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn...D-DAY!
Good Morning
Ok,at 10pm tonight my vegging lights go out for the last time.Hurrah :)
Pruning:Am i right in thinking i can prune everything off the first 2 nodes main stems except the main leafset at the end?and also would this be beneficial or am i hacking off too much?
They've had a bit of a growth spurt in the last 24hrs and 5 of them are over 15inches tall from the soil,ive raised the other plant 1 1/2inch higher so the canopy is nice and even.

Mr west i have no idead what batshit tea is mate.....I'm a numbnuts,i will google :roll:

Here are the last pics of my vegging stage.....It's an emotional moment (sniff) haha....


Hmmmm is there anything else i need to ask?,i always seem to forget something....YEA,do i keep the lights the same distance away?...18inches or so.
no thats a good call and ur plants will get over it whith the 12/12 burst as i like to call it lol. Ideally u should of done this bout a week ago so the plant has more time too recover. Remember never take more than 10% of the total plant in one go and u should be fine. I dunno what does everyone else think?