hey mared tnx man...the ruck fan is needed to kill the smell and get rid of heat buildup through the ducting when the lights are on,the 6inch minfan runs 24/7.the grow area is completely sealed during lights out with no light getting at the plants at all.
Ok,these are the 4 supplements i will bw using in flower
Hesi Supervit
Hesi Bloom
Hesi Phosphorus plus
Hesi Powerzyme
Hesi Bloom
bloom complex is enriched with plant active vital elements that increase the plants energy and maintain healthy flora in the soil.
Dosage:50ml/10 litres (NPK 4+3+5)
PH correction
changes the ph of tap water into the optimal light acid value for plants.
when flowering is at its peak add phosphorus plus.
For best results use supervit throughout the entire plant lifecycle
Hesi Phosphorus Plus
Phosphorus plus is perfectly harmonised with bloom complex.
The ph corrector of bloom complex is fully active when combined with phosphorus plus
For use with all forms of phosphorus or potassium deficiency.
Dosage:25ml/10litres Composition(PK 8+4)
Super Vit is a highly concentrated mix of vital components such as vitamins and amino-acids. These elements are special selected for plants and stimulate the growth as well as the bloom. Super Vit combines 15 different vitamins and 10 amino-acids who work together.
Made by natural fermentation, this enzyme formula stimulates the root activity and root growth in your plants which accelerates the absorption of nutrients for an overall healthier garden.
It works by activating healthy micro-organisms in the substrate, which, in turn recycles the valuable compounds from root remains for re-absorption.
Power Zyme also increases your plants' resistance to disease
Not done any pruning yet as i dunno where to take them from without harming the plant.
DUDE!......do you really think they good to go tomorrow?..if so ima gunna have to leave them till monday so i can give them a feed