1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
Safe Warkrimes, your plants look a lot healther than mine did on my first grow :bigjoint: Looks like you'll have some Decent schmokey Schmoke.

Congrats :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Heya JointSmith,tnx for dropping by man.
Yea i've had an easy grow tbh and alot of help from the peeps that post here.
As for the smoke...the stems of mine would probably taste better than the stuff thats knocking about my way...That shite chinese weed :(


Active Member
must admit the electricity is getting a bit silly, especially as im on a key meter, the fans take quite a bit of power too.havent had to switch on the power for the fan&carbon yet so alls good


Well-Known Member
i only did it coz i originally had 6 plants but 2 of my femmed seeds turned out male...i've taken the first 6 nodes off each plant...they'da been monsters by now :)


Well-Known Member
yea im in the uk but i cant get any cuttings as of yet.i dont know any other growers,i gave my best mate 1 male and a couple of female clones to grow a mother with so i can get a batch of WW seeds.Just so i dont have to buy the same strain again...all yours femmed?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Krimez, damn your journal is poppin off now my man! Hard to even keep up. Plants are looking super sexy indeed. It may be the camera but it looks like the fan leaf stems are a little purple. Now is the time where you want to be heavy on the P. Just increase P levels until the purpling goes away. The plant won't take up more P than it needs so don't worry about overnuting at this point.

Oscar, I missed your pics before. That's some serious buddage there. Nice!


Well-Known Member
i only did it coz i originally had 6 plants but 2 of my femmed seeds turned out male...i've taken the first 6 nodes off each plant...they'da been monsters by now :)
i left mine alone until i had about 12 nodes then topped 'em, that made the lowest 7 or 8 branches the biggest on the plant. possibly beginners luck but i've done my 2nd grow the same with roughly the same results (hopefully better).
i think i've dried mine too fast the outer parts of the bud are a bit crispy, i've wrapped them loosely in newspaper now. i reckon it'll be dry tomorrow i'll let you know the weight.

thanks Mared, i hope it smokes as good as it looks.


Well-Known Member
Dude!..The journals live and kickin man,good to have you back...:clap:
yeah,your right mared.The main plant stem is a healthy green but the big leafset stem under each node are turning purple....do i add the phosphorous every feed?..they are taking full whack on the bloom.
How many you chopped up to now oscar?..I;m dying to know your weight haha :)

Mine are starting to bud together around the main cola and have frosted quite a bit,its great to watch...will update tomorrow.....peace


Well-Known Member
i had two ww's and i've chopped both of 'em, i've got 3 jack herers left they have been flowering 10 weeks on monday, i'll chop them some time next week when i've got time, i can't fucking wait for those!! then i'll start my jh clones when i get my main tent back, i'm only doing jh this time.
i read on some where on this site that stems can turn purple if the plants get too cold, be CAREFUL with bloom nutes, you've seen what they did to mine, i'd hate to see your grow go down they same road as mine,


Well-Known Member
i got early up this morning like an excited kid at christmas coz its weigh day!
i can't fucking believe it, 10 and 1/4oz yes thats right 10 and 1/4oz!!!! thats from two white widows. it probably would've been more if i'd dried it better coz its really dry and a bit crumbly but so what i'm too chuffed to care at the mo.
i found a nice pic of my grow from about 5 weeks flowering ww's on the left and jack herer's on the right. sorry for putting my stuff in your thread but this is the only place i can share my "work" and i'm sooo proud of it.
i was a bit concerned about keeping all that in my gaff so i've taken it somewhere safe.



Well-Known Member
Morning All.
Hi oscar,i think mared is right to be adding P as my nightime temp are around 60-65,i've gradually built the bloom nutes up each week over a 4week period to its full strength with no kind of detriment to the plants so all is good on that score.
Fuck me CHA-Ching!!!!!!...10 1/4 OZ...well done mate,thats a cracking yeild.Man i dont think im gunna get anywhere near that.It's doing my head watching everybody pull big harvests :(
Will update my journal this afternoon with pics of the plants and my blue peter veg chamber.


Well-Known Member
Dude,ive just been looking at the pics...I'm jealous!
your tent looks as though its chocca with plants,what did you do to them to get so many heads and what height do you keep your light?..the reason im asking is that im not happy with my diamond reflector,i dont think it spreads the light that well over 100x100 when its 12inches away from the plants.
Pic 3....im sure you could spare me the little bag on the end ;)
haha,good job!


Well-Known Member
i keep my light about 20 inches from the tops its a 600w so you may be able to get your 400w a bit closer but don't take my word for it. i also got a heat sheild for the bulb, i think you can see it in one of the pics.
i got that many tops on the jh's by getting hold of one of the fan leaves near the top and taping it to the side of the bucket so the plant was almost horizantal and kept repeating that on all the branches. i couldn't do it that way with the ww's coz the branches were too thick and it would've snapped them. all i did with the ww's was top 'em, there was only 5 plants in there and they were packed in pretty tight.
i'm looking forward to checking out your Blue Peter veg chamber!


Well-Known Member
i just read your post again and noticed that you said your light is 12 inches away. it might an idea to get a different reflector if its not spreading the light to the edges of your tent, a 400w should be ample for your tent, but don't take my word for it as i've said lots of times i'm no expert.
thanks for being jealous=)


Well-Known Member
hey up westy :)
Yea im the same setup and mines going good too,its just that ive noticed with my diamond reflector my leaves round the edge of the tent dont get that much light.I'm thinking of chopping the sides off the reflector which are like 4inches to spread the light more around the edge of the tent.If its raised to 2ft or so theres no problem but at the moment i can get it to 9inch from the top of the plants and have a steady 78f.Theres pic of my light on page 1...lemmi know what you think guys...Ta :)


Well-Known Member
i've checked out your reflector and i reckon if you can't a new one you should cut off the edges i can't see that it would do any harm. i don't think they're too expensive, its the ballast that makes the light kits cost as much as they do. i straightened mine out a bit and the light coverage is fine and it was the cheapest light kit they had.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yo Krimez. Oscar is right about the cold temps making stems purple. But that usually only happens outdoors (not very likely to get below 55 degrees in your house). But don't worry about it too much. If you're at full strength bloom nute don't increase any more. I was thinking you were using a P and K booster. And I know that shape of reflector isn't the most efficient so I don't think modifying it would hurt. Go ahead and give it a shot.