2/3rds of an ounce of weed WASTED trying to decarb this month.

for my whole life the claim has always been eating weed gives you more bang for the buck.
you may be able to eat less overall than you would smoke but they are completely different highs. I have never experienced a high from edibles like smoke, I can make edibles that will keep you high for 24+ hours but it is an edible high not smoke..

my method (modified version of the dude grows method)
  • Pre-heat your oven to 230° F.
  • Grind fresh flower, do not use a coffee grinder. Sprinkle evenly into a small glass pyrex or OVEN SAFE ceramic dish. Cover WELL with aluminum foil, crimping up around the edges. It is important it is sealed well. Use another layer of foil if needed.
  • Place in oven at 230° F, for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, remove the dish and let it cool, WITH the foil still on. Letting it cool down slowly, allows any vapors to settle back into the material.
From this point you could eat the flower, what dose, I have no idea. It is hard to do the math of how much dry decarbed flower is equal to how much oil you would get in a single cookie/brownie (usually the instructions above continue to adding oil, cooking it with the oil, then adding lecithin and cooking it more), before using the oil to bake something.

You also may want to consider eating the flower with something like peanut butter for the thc to ride with the fats to help

you may also want to check out @BrassNwood 's capsules and pick their brain a bit, you should be able to make something similar to them with flower
right. I think my issue is that I'm over doing it and making CBN instead of THC because:
1. bargain basement weed. how old is it? How much of it decarbed just from the atmospheric O2?
2. arid climate-- probably decarbs weed much faster than humid climate. It is supposed to take TWO YEARS, but one guy said it took 2 months-- a guy from New Mexico, like me...
Here are things that would be helpful:
I'd like for once and for all to know if I can decarb at temperaturtes lower than 225 F. This is a point of contention with no real concrete answer... unless there is one and someone can explain it!
2. if there are visual cues to go buy, time and temp become less important. I've got a whole lot of failed citric acid experiments. NONE of them turned a dark reddish brown like in the pics. So AFTER FINALLY FINDING batkats method and seeing PICTURES, I mixed all this still rather green weed/citric acid up with lecetin and everclear and I'm just going to watch and check for the correct color and texture. There's a chance I can reclaim some lost weed that way.
too little THC or too much CBN are really hard to tell apart. I think when I overcook, I get a very mild buzz plus cottonmouth. IF THAT IS CONSTSTANT WITH ANYONE ELSE'S EXPERIENCES I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW.

I AM LITERALLY AT A STANDSTILL at oven decarboxilation.
I have an oven thermometer, I'm doing it at 240 for 40 or 250 for 30 and it has gotten down to where I'm wondering if I'm crushing my buds up too much or not enough? If I should put them on foil, in a jar, or in a foil tent? But in reality, I don't think these factors are going to matter that much and I have no idea in the whole wide world why the exact time and temperature is resulting in weed that is an ABSOLUTE DUD.

I don't want to bake weed all day and NOT get baked myself!

My background is I am an old time internet head-- used to go to JLF poisonous non consumables and post my results on Entheogen.com, okay?
And what I've noticed is that on THOSE (extinct) forums you got a LOT of reliable information on kitchen chemistry, and a lot of VERY chemical-know-how types explaining the process. Decarbing is the Easiest chemical reaction you can achieve at home, hands down. I've made many many exotic psychedelics using far trickier procedures, and I did at one time reliably make cannabis edibles, although they were consistently much weaker than smoking weed and for my whole life the claim has always been eating weed gives you more bang for the buck. My go to method was confit, but I don't recall the time and temperature I used, it is said to yield a maxiumum of 25% of the THC you should be getting, and I
Want people to understand that buying a $300 machine, or even a $90 intant pot is NOT an option-- I live on social security checks. The whole reason I want to make this shit instead of just buy it at the dispensary is because I can buy all the flower I need for a month for $100, but buying VERY WEAK edibles would cost me well over $500 a month.
I can extract mescaline from cacti. I can make ayahuasca from Carizzo grass and Syrian Rue. I have made at least half a dozen synthetic compounds... DECARBING WEED is my kryptonite.

And I have a feeling I am NEVER going to learn how to do it until I find a local who can come and take my hand and lead me into their kitchen and SHOW ME exactly how THEY do it.

Thermostat controlled glass door toaster oven.
Analog oven thermometer you can read through the door.
Pie tin
Decarb Hash or medium grind buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered. (Altitude will not change this.)
5 grams decarbed hash or bud dust
1 tablespoon Coconut oil
1 teaspoon fearn liquid lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes to infuse and encapsulate.
Fills 30 #0 capsules.
This is BadKat's base recipe that I've made and used for a decade. I grow and shake the Kief with dry ice for my Hash. This works every time without fail. Trust that the decarb is getting done as long as the time as temps were followed. My Hash / trichomes always goes from gold to dark brown but the buds can stay quite green.
It may take a while of use before it builds in your system enough to "Stack" From a cold start it takes me about 4 days of high dosing to saturate my system to the point I start to back off the daily dose on my own as it starts to stack and I'm too high.

Any of the forms of lecithin seem to work for encapsulation but I've settled on the liquid soy version as the easiest to blend and strongest effects from the least used.


Here is Kat using 50% lecithin.
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You can decarb the same 5 grams of buds if left in direct sunlight in that same metal pie tin for all day.
Decarb is always a function of time over temps. 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered is just easy to remember and one of the fastest and I hate to dick around.
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Thermostat controlled glass door toaster oven.
Analog oven thermometer you can read through the door.
Pie tin
Decarb Hash or medium grind buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered. (Altitude will not change this.)
5 grams decarbed hash or bud dust
1 tablespoon Coconut oil
1 teaspoon fearn liquid lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes to infuse and encapsulate.
Fills 30 #0 capsules.
THis is BadKat's base reciple that i've made and used for a decade. I grow and shake the Kief with dry ice for my Hash. This works everytime without fail. Trust that the decarb is getting done as long as the time as temps were followed. My Hash / trichomes always goes from gold to dark brown but the buds can stay quite green.
It may take a while of use before it builds in your system enough to "Stack" From a cold start it takes me about 4 days of high dosing to saturate my system to the point I start to back off the daily dose on my own as it starts to stack and I'm too high.

Any of the forms of lecithin seem to work for encapsulation but I've settled on the liquid soy version as the easiest to blend and strongest effects from the least used.


Here is Kat using 50% lecithin.
She has a thread here too:
She has a thread here too:

She was still an active presence on another site many years ago and helped me fine tune my own work. I feel fortunate to have had her teachings.
I made these caps out coconut oil for a bit, works great, a little tedious. These days I drop a half tbsp in my coffee in the am, or just str8 tbh. Works almost too well lol
Filling the caps is a pain in the ass so I have my wife do it..
  • Haha
Reactions: TCH
Capsules sound nice but I need 100-300mg doses the latter being last dose of day. Some bakery sweets is best for me. Betty crocker would be so happy to know I turn her cookies into straight dope.

edit I see now with wax it could be over 100mg a pop but concentrates go right through me. I got a new recipie that could whip up edibles when ever with a chunk of butter.
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I melt the oil in the pot then add the weed.. It kinda like deep fries the weed..
Strain and use in cookie recipe.. I know it's old school but been doing it this way for over 15 years..
Start on high for 2 hrs then low for 4 hrs..
HydoDan, it is important for me to know the temperatures your croc pot reaches both in the high position and in the low position. Can you check the temperature and let me know next time you make a batch. I'm up for trying anything that works. And would you say you use less weed making this stuff or more? So far, even when it works I'm using 1 gram of weed to get as baked as 1/3rd of a gram gets me when I smoke it. Edibles are supposed to use less weed one of the reasons I wanna quit "rollinitup" so to speak.
Edibles are supposed to use less weed one of the reasons I wanna quit "rollinitup" so to speak.
this is a misconception.. I mentioned above but worth repeating. edibles can get you higher with less but it is nothing like the smoking high

the same goes for vaping, you can get there and maybe takes less but it is not the same as smoking
"Bulletproof coffee" is part of my fasting, so I have zero issues with making butter coconut oil or other oil extracts, btw!
op does not want to make edibles; " I don't want edibles, I want weed I can drink-- I fast daily and have no use for sugar. "

so they are looking for a way to do a tincture, caplets or just straight flower
225 for 50 min and you’re golden

also, you could, as others have metioned decarb inyour in butter or coconut oil as you make the product.
I've been failing at this for more than a month and over 4 batches! I literally signed on to this forum because it has more posts on this than any other place, including the definitive guide to date, badkittysmiles. This should be the easiest thing in the world to do, and there needs to be more information on it.
Here are my top 6 reasons to want to learn this decarb method:
1. the usual stuff is failing
2. reportedly makes the THC a water soluble form of THC? That's much faster pharmokinetics!
3. also, water soluble makes a good candidate for sublingual absorption, and I happen to love lemon drops.
4. method can be done without an oven. contemplating living in a van in the near future. no oven, not even a whole lot of 'lectricity.
5. I've made my own fizzy drink tablets before. It would be lovely to incorporate THC into those.
6. Every method has its pros and cons. Any method that lowers the risk of OVER doing it is worth exploring. I can make CBN weed day and night in the oven. Seems to be all I CAN make with the damned thing.
Here are the questions that I think I need to ask in order to correct this-- some of my questions have already been answered just by finding the badkitttysmiles method and photos!
1. It would be VERY helpful to know the chemistry behind this. I've noted numerous DIFFERENT concentrations of acid used. A given pH value for the solution would be great. Is atmospheric o2 important for the reaction? Would altitude and atmospheric humidity be factors to consider?
2. How much moisture is required for the reaction? Can the dry ingredients react without adding liquid? the photos on badkittysmiles post show a paste. Should I add liquids for the entire 5 days to keep it at a certain consistancy?
3. "heating at 180 degrees for 10 minutes greatly speeds up the process." can we have more specific measures of time as to how much this "greatly speeds" the process up. Is it ready to use once you've done that?
Here are questions specific to my failures:
How important are visual cues, to determining if it is done? Mine never got past a pinkish brown. The pictures show a glossy dark red-brown. I added lecetin and everclear to my old batches that failed it is already changing color. Should I try it now that the color has changed, or keep waiting a full week? Bear in mind, this is from two batches, one that is over two weeks old-- but mostly dry for that time. That's one reason to understand the chemistry behind this, right?
Do you think an arid climate might effect the time needed for the reaction? Maybe none of this matters-- maybe I just need to wait until it is the right color and texture, right?
I hope some people can steer me towards making this work.
225 for 50 min and you’re golden

also, you could, as others have metioned decarb inyour in butter or coconut oil as you make the product.
yes, this is what I used to do a long time ago. but I have been reading that that reduces your yield to about 25% what it should be. Really, as long as I'm using the same amount of weed or less than I smoke daily, I'll be happy. I just was never able to get it as strong as smoked bud when I did confit method. oh and I did try that method as well... really burned everything up good.
you may be able to eat less overall than you would smoke but they are completely different highs. I have never experienced a high from edibles like smoke, I can make edibles that will keep you high for 24+ hours but it is an edible high not smoke..

my method (modified version of the dude grows method)
  • Pre-heat your oven to 230° F.
  • Grind fresh flower, do not use a coffee grinder. Sprinkle evenly into a small glass pyrex or OVEN SAFE ceramic dish. Cover WELL with aluminum foil, crimping up around the edges. It is important it is sealed well. Use another layer of foil if needed.
  • Place in oven at 230° F, for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, remove the dish and let it cool, WITH the foil still on. Letting it cool down slowly, allows any vapors to settle back into the material.
From this point you could eat the flower, what dose, I have no idea. It is hard to do the math of how much dry decarbed flower is equal to how much oil you would get in a single cookie/brownie (usually the instructions above continue to adding oil, cooking it with the oil, then adding lecithin and cooking it more), before using the oil to bake something.

You also may want to consider eating the flower with something like peanut butter for the thc to ride with the fats to help

you may also want to check out @BrassNwood 's capsules and pick their brain a bit, you should be able to make something similar to them with flower
No way, I get blazed as fuck on edibles. Exactly like I just smoked way too much weed. For me, it is exactly the same, if not better! Anyhow I'm done with the oven. Maybe my cousin's oven AND the thermometer I bought are faulty, but in any case I doubt this is the freshest stuff you can get at the dispensary for $100 an ounce!
You can decarb the same 5 grams of buds if left in direct sunlight in that same metal pie tin for all day.
Decarb is always a function of time over temps. 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered is just easy to remember and one of the fastest and I hate to dick around.
View attachment 5320739
I wondered about just sticking my weed out in a metal container or a glass jar in the desert sun all day. I think it would be VERY handy to know low temp decarbs. I don't even know if it is fact or myth that weed will not completely decarb at less than 225 degrees. Some hard math in the form of a chart.
What edibles have you had that seemed as strong to you as smoked bud?
my flower comes with an indication of the cannibanoids in milligrams, as do the edibles I have occasionally purchased. When my tollerence was low, 25 mg of THC was great whether it was an edible or I smoked it. These days it takes 100 mg of THC capsules to get the same effect as smoking half a 1 gram joint with the equivalent amount. But it has been stoner lore I knew way back in the 80's that you get more THC from edibles than you get from smoking and you need less weed in edible form to get high. I have never had RSO or FECO before, but those are both supposed to be stronger than bud. Also, when I get a pill or sugar free syrup or something like that to me I can't tell the difference between the high, other than I'm stoned a lot longer on edibles, and perhaps there's a bit more relaxation and euphoria involved? I mean when you are as baked as you can possibly be, it feels the same to me whether it's smoke or an edible.