2/3rds of an ounce of weed WASTED trying to decarb this month.

Oh they should always be stronger than smoked bud imo
It's a very different type of high. The high you get from an oil based extraction has to go through the liver's CP450 (first pass) system. I wasn't discussing as much potency as type of high. Mode of administration of most drugs makes a difference. So I was curious how he saw smoking as stronger or could compare/contrast it to a combusted or vaporized high which does not filter through your fat metabolism system.
other than I'm stoned a lot longer on edibles
I think you're feeling a difference in duration based on bioavailability from the mode of administration and your tolerance levels are such that the high is also less intense. The high from fat based edibles will last longer because of how they are metabolized. I do not think your issue is based on a failed decarboxylation.

Anyway I wish you well in your search.
you may be able to eat less overall than you would smoke but they are completely different highs. I have never experienced a high from edibles like smoke, I can make edibles that will keep you high for 24+ hours but it is an edible high not smoke..

my method (modified version of the dude grows method)
  • Pre-heat your oven to 230° F.
  • Grind fresh flower, do not use a coffee grinder. Sprinkle evenly into a small glass pyrex or OVEN SAFE ceramic dish. Cover WELL with aluminum foil, crimping up around the edges. It is important it is sealed well. Use another layer of foil if needed.
  • Place in oven at 230° F, for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, remove the dish and let it cool, WITH the foil still on. Letting it cool down slowly, allows any vapors to settle back into the material.
From this point you could eat the flower, what dose, I have no idea. It is hard to do the math of how much dry decarbed flower is equal to how much oil you would get in a single cookie/brownie (usually the instructions above continue to adding oil, cooking it with the oil, then adding lecithin and cooking it more), before using the oil to bake something.

You also may want to consider eating the flower with something like peanut butter for the thc to ride with the fats to help

you may also want to check out @BrassNwood 's capsules and pick their brain a bit, you should be able to make something similar to them with flower
I usually just chunk a little flower in cream cheese or sour cream when I try making the oven work. If I can get this thing to preheat and stay at 230, I'll try your method too. BUT you bring up an interesting point. Sometimes when I drink kava and barely feel it, I eat a big ass bowl of chilli and it kicks in. A fatty meal (I'm a keto guy I always use fatty meat) cayanne pepper increases absorbability, and the cumin I used increases GABA receptor sensitivity. This whole time I have been testing I have remained fasted. Perhaps eating a fatty meal will kick it in!
Buds in oil/butter in a crockpot is definitely the absolute easiest way to do it, and adding some soy lecithin will increase the bioavailability and make it react better/more with your body. There a many recipes here on RIU that give ratios and directions.

The second best method in my opinion is doing an actual extraction. Personally, I find QWISO the easiest to do at home with no special equipment, there is a link in my sig line to how I make my qwiso that has helped many many people achieve success. Once you have your qwiso, it's easy to decarb the small amount of concentrate and then add it to either coconut oil/butter, or you can add a very small amount of ethanol and have a tincture. If you do the butter/oil method adding the lecithin is still an option.

Whichever route you take you can then consume that oil/butter or tincture any way that is palatable. Some people make edibles, some make capsules, and some take it straight. It really doesn't matter at that point.
also, food for thought (happy pun, lol).. most people develop a much higher tolerance and faster with edibles or any concentrates for that matter, for me if I make a batch of oil (which I usually turn into brownies), by the time I'm done with it my dose has more than doubled from when I had my first bite
also, food for thought (happy pun, lol).. most people develop a much higher tolerance and faster with edibles or any concentrates for that matter, for me if I make a batch of oil (which I usually turn into brownies), by the time I'm done with it my dose has more than doubled from when I had my first bite
I had considered that, but Yesterday I ate about 2 grams worth of weed and it produced a very slight buzz. I don't think tolerance accounts for that, if anything my tolereance has gone down cause I'm trying to keep a level baseline for experimentation.
Buds in oil/butter in a crockpot is definitely the absolute easiest way to do it, and adding some soy lecithin will increase the bioavailability and make it react better/more with your body. There a many recipes here on RIU that give ratios and directions.

The second best method in my opinion is doing an actual extraction. Personally, I find QWISO the easiest to do at home with no special equipment, there is a link in my sig line to how I make my qwiso that has helped many many people achieve success. Once you have your qwiso, it's easy to decarb the small amount of concentrate and then add it to either coconut oil/butter, or you can add a very small amount of ethanol and have a tincture. If you do the butter/oil method adding the lecithin is still an option.

Whichever route you take you can then consume that oil/butter or tincture any way that is palatable. Some people make edibles, some make capsules, and some take it straight. It really doesn't matter at that point.
so how do you "easily decarb" the QWISO? Is it where you watch for bubbles. I think visual cues are really important. I favor anything where you can actually watch the process go.
Soy lecithin
Haven't really researched why, but the health food store in my little town wont sell soy lecithin, strictly sunflower. I'm not sure if there are some risks with it?
also, food for thought (happy pun, lol).. most people develop a much higher tolerance and faster with edibles or any concentrates for that matter, for me if I make a batch of oil (which I usually turn into brownies), by the time I'm done with it my dose has more than doubled from when I had my first bite
I experience the same but with each new batch of the same weed/butter/cookie recipe , I get wrecked all over again for some reason.
See if you can trade some weed for some other weed and attempt a decarb on that to rule out the weed being weak? It shouldn't be too pricey to try a gram out of some different stuff

I have the ardent nova and it is a great machine. Other companies make similar ones for less $ too.

An old method I used in highschool was the firecracker.
Organic peanut butter (high fat content)
A saltine
Spread the pb on the saltine then sprinkle the weed on. Bake in the oven wrapped in tinfoil then try that out.

I wouldnt be surprised if the bargain weed is just lacking potency
I think the biggest problem is the cannabis you are starting with. If you buy cheap poor quality cannabis there isn't an oven or method that will suddenly make it high grade. Start with better inputs and see better results.

No reason to quit rollitup, lots of experienced people here willing to help!
I think the biggest problem is the cannabis you are starting with. If you buy cheap poor quality cannabis there isn't an oven or method that will suddenly make it high grade. Start with better inputs and see better results.

No reason to quit rollitup, lots of experienced people here willing to help!
Sounds like a great way to spend EVEN MORE money wasting weed... no, I think I got it now. Besides, this shit gets me blazed when I smoke it, so it must have enough THC to give me a LITTLE BUZZ even, right?
I think the biggest problem is the cannabis you are starting with. If you buy cheap poor quality cannabis there isn't an oven or method that will suddenly make it high grade. Start with better inputs and see better results.

No reason to quit rollitup, lots of experienced people here willing to help!
Also, Modern Selections, I don't wanna quit rollitup, I want to quit "rollitup" as in quit burning a bunch of weed I could be eating without a single cough or spending any time hacking sticky phlegm! I find rollitup to be the best weed forum, after lurking quite a while everywhere else. Pretty helpful, knowledgable people.
waiting to test a two gram batch. you'll know in a couple hours if it worked. thank you, thank you, thank you HydoDan!
"The carboxylic acids decarboxylate naturally with age and drying, and even young plants have a combination of THC-a and THC from natural decarboxylation. For that reason, we can never know the exact state of decarboxylation of the plant material. "
This is why I think I'm burning weed at the right temperatures.
THIS is the thing that REALLY helped!

"When you hit the 70% peak at 145C/293F, bubble production abruptly falls off and is easy to see if you keep your oil stirred so that the bubbles break rather than float around on the surface."

Italics and bold are MINE!!!!

When I tried this before, I didn't stir anything, didn't look like it was forming bubbles. This led me to believe that you could only watch bubble formation if you were decarbing RSO or FECO or some other concentrate. This morning I stirred and saw bubbles immediately replace the ones I stirred aside.

Last night I put 2 grams, finely ground, into 3 tbsp of cocnut oil and 1 tbsp of soy lecetin into the infuser that I bought almost two months ago, which was faulty and did not decarb my weed (the 225 cycle tested at 185 degrees with a candy thermometer.)
This morning I placed it in a Manson jar and stuck it in my croc pot, full of oil that started at around 235 and got to 245 by the time I was done.
Stirring with a wooden spoon prodcued a wake of foam (I think the lecetin makes it more "foamy" than "bubbly") instantly. After about 20 minutes I noticed the foam not forming so fast, and no rapid formation of bubbles.

Poured the whole thing in a ramakin and popped it in the fridge. I'm so psyched by what I saw and how closely it matched the time and temperatures I've been studying on! If this batch doesn't get me stoned, I don't know what it's going to take! TTYL-- like however long it takes for the stuff to become a solid, measurable mass plus two hours. Hopefully I'll be blasted to the stars! Wish me luck, and thank you everyone!
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