2 days after my top


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. I wouldn't do that either. The sex of this plant should be showing very soon by the looks of it. Cross your fingers. Even if your a small grower I always would recommend growing at least three plants to make sure you get a female or buy a feminized sead. I hope its female since you've put some work into it this plant getting it prep for nice buds.
I did a grow from seed ohh about 12 years ago. 14 plants... 13 MALES! And they didnt get stressed. Talk about some shit ass luck, I was forever jaded against growing from seed since then!


Well-Known Member
day11 001.jpgday11 002.jpgday11 003.jpgday11 005.jpgwell that baby is a beast now and is on day 13 of 12/12 check out my 220w thread and check her out heres another one topped or should i say multiple tops will update these tonight