2 LED UFO 1 Closet- 21 plants(WW, Killer Queen, Grape Ape, GDP)

Those girls sure look happy man. It looks like in the 4th picture you can kinda see some bud forming maybe, right in the middles! Nice!
Those girls sure look happy man. It looks like in the 4th picture you can kinda see some bud forming maybe, right in the middles! Nice!

thanks TC, i cant wait to see how they look in the next week! im supposed to be getting some beastie bloomz tonite from a buddy which will def be a +.
that was also grown in 10 gallon pots.

So are you still bagging on him? He made is very clear in the beginning of this thread that if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't bother taking the time to type the message. We are all glad to have littlegrower taking the time to show us his grow man, so don't rain on the parade. :peace:
Oh ya, so littlegrower, I gotta get some beastie blooms too. I think its gonna have to wait about a week and a half, cus I gotta wait till my next pay check, but its the next on my list, then the cha ching.
Oh ya, so littlegrower, I gotta get some beastie blooms too. I think its gonna have to wait about a week and a half, cus I gotta wait till my next pay check, but its the next on my list, then the cha ching.

thanks for the support TC. i did the full grow last time with out them but i think adding them will make a good difference.
NO problem man, you've always seemed like a pretty good guy, and I hate when people try to force their opinions on others. I really didn't want to see this turn into the same thing as last time with la9.
So are you still bagging on him? He made is very clear in the beginning of this thread that if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't bother taking the time to type the message. We are all glad to have littlegrower taking the time to show us his grow man, so don't rain on the parade. :peace:

whoever said i was bagging on him??? why are you all of a sudden being mean to me, i was putting in an experience by a friends grow, and then i read that he was using 1 gallon pots, so i said my friend had used 10 gallon pots, and got a half per plant, i was not bagging, i was just saying it doesnt yield high. BUT the bud smelled and looked really good from the nutes he was using.

oh and they were also re-generated.


i picked up the open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching, still in the beastie bloomz stage for one more water, but holy crap are the tric's blowing up. so far these are working amazing for me.


my other friend was growing 2 plants under like 8 cfls, and 2 or 3 of them were HUGE, he ended up getting about 19-22 grams per plant of some pretty dense buds. if you want to try this out next time, he had used 3 gallon pots.

whoever said i was bagging on him??? why are you all of a sudden being mean to me, i was putting in an experience by a friends grow, and then i read that he was using 1 gallon pots, so i said my friend had used 10 gallon pots, and got a half per plant, i was not bagging, i was just saying it doesnt yield high. BUT the bud smelled and looked really good from the nutes he was using.

oh and they were also re-generated.


i picked up the open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching, still in the beastie bloomz stage for one more water, but holy crap are the tric's blowing up. so far these are working amazing for me.


my other friend was growing 2 plants under like 8 cfls, and 2 or 3 of them were HUGE, he ended up getting about 19-22 grams per plant of some pretty dense buds. if you want to try this out next time, he had used 3 gallon pots.


honestly oregn these lights can hardly even cover a single 10 gal pot, i dont even think i could get two 10s in the space i have. and it did seem like you were baggin on the LEDs since you came in and strictly stated i need to change to HPS if i wanted real results. i have both HPS and LED so i need not for someone to tell me which is better. i am doing this grow no matter what others have to say. so next time you want to comment make it more of a contribution not a bash.
NO problem man, you've always seemed like a pretty good guy, and I hate when people try to force their opinions on others. I really didn't want to see this turn into the same thing as last time with la9.

hahahah ya LA9 was a funny guy and my last thread got turned into like 40 pgs of argueing. i think we only reached the point that LEDs still need more time to improve and that the spectrum is too specific.
Lol, thats about what I got out of all those 40 pages.

Its all good orgnlmrwiggles, no hard feelings, I wasn't tryin to bag on you. You should have seen littlegrowers last thread, people were being total dicks man, and it just felt like that was the route you were takeing. But like I said its all good. I'm glad to hear you like the beastie blooms, I'm looking forward to getting it. Any way peace guys TC
so i think the plants really enjoyed the re-arrangement and i got a majority of the main tops right under the lights. its DAY 13 and the buds are forming. pics tommorrow
Man I love that you are using leds even though you have HID's. I've been looking for an led journal I could trust. Looks like this is it bro nice job really. And damn must be nice to have that kinda cash for the leds. Thats the only thing that gets me is the price. But anyways GROW ON!!!!!

good to see another led grower, I've done one 100 % led grow, I have to say it did better than I expected-here's some pics


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"how you like them UFO's? would you prefer them over a HPS?"
i really do like the UFOs but HPS is definetely the way to go right now

"Man I love that you are using leds even though you have HID's. I've been looking for an led journal I could trust. Looks like this is it bro nice job really. And damn must be nice to have that kinda cash for the leds. Thats the only thing that gets me is the price. But anyways GROW ON!!!!!"

Ya the round 2 in my sig is the HPS and this is the LED. my last LED thread got blown to shit by a bunch of ppl that hated LEDs but i stuck through and am back at it. should be looking really good here in the next weeks.
just keep up the good work, dont let the uninformed plant seeds of doubt.Btw- panels for side lighting really helped me out, that seems to be the ticket for right now, surround those ladies. peace