2 part experiment defoliation along with advanced complete line


Well-Known Member
i heard a lot about how terrible/great defoliation is, tried to follow a thread previously posted but it just turned in to a my dick is bigger contest, so i said to my self , "self, lets do one with little to no fan leaves and see what happens,"... and then i said self people are also talking great/terrible about AN prices and content, so i said since im trying this out might as well disprove or prove both old wive's tales to myself at least, but i will also post my findings so you're welcome to discover with me, here are the ladies first day of flower and after their last deleafingdefoliation2 001.jpgdefoliation2 002.jpgdefoliation2 003.jpgdefoliation2 004.jpgdefoliation2 005.jpg and here is the nute schedule i will be following minus the bud ignitor will be using bud blood instead https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ap92M06fndPbdGlJcVA4bFFmeFhVa1dlTG8zbUJKRlE


bud bootlegger
i have two issues with your idea.. imo, you should have left one or 2 plants all alone, natural like as a standard against the others that you pruned.. this way you'd be able to compare results.. if you prune them all, how do you really know what you could have had as as a result if you don't have a control plant??

and secondly, what are you going to be able to tell about any nutrient if you're cutting all of the leaves off of a plant(s)? again, imo, you should have had some sort of control plant(s).. one that you used w/e nutes you normally used, and one or more that you use the an stuff on ... this way you'd be able to compare apples to apples, or white widow to white widow as it were.. :D


Well-Known Member
i have two issues with your idea.. imo, you should have left one or 2 plants all alone, natural like as a standard against the others that you pruned.. this way you'd be able to compare results.. if you prune them all, how do you really know what you could have had as as a result if you don't have a control plant??

and secondly, what are you going to be able to tell about any nutrient if you're cutting all of the leaves off of a plant(s)? again, imo, you should have had some sort of control plant(s).. one that you used w/e nutes you normally used, and one or more that you use the an stuff on ... this way you'd be able to compare apples to apples, or white widow to white widow as it were.. :D
I am so dense... now that you mention it would have made since to leave a control plant... but since these are all seeds no clones it still would have been off a smidge right? and honestly about the nute change... a friend of mine who works in a hydro store just GAVE me the entire AN line and i was always curious but there was no way i was shelling out 800 dollars on something i haven't tried before so you busted me on both accounts but i was itching to try this ph perfect connoisseur still dont belive it..even after i saw it with my own eyes