20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

I think that's a little light on the watts per sq ft (37 wpsf). I like at least 50 wpsf.

Thanks big guy, I appreciate your input. However, I run the 600's because it's a 8x4x6.5 tent and heat in those things is my biggest issue.
Working my way up..... all the Best to a really respectable gardener! Love this Thread!!
Is that store legit? i been trying to find a good place to buy equiptment in Nor Cal. but alot of the stores around my area is over priced. The blockbuster 8 in aircooled. goes for $160 before tax and on that site its 129 which seems like a great deal
They are Uber legit, IMVHO..... I just ordered my BlockBuster there today. I have placed a couple orders there including my ($99) 8" vent fan.
There prices are hard to beat, and they have some of everything. btw, found them in a thread right here at RIU! Sorry for the sidebar CG.
Both the CAP and the BB are durable no nonsense ballasts that will last a lifetime. The BB will cast better light on your plants. All ballasts are compatable with all reflectors. There's only 2 plug styles and adaptors are avaiable.

IMO, nothing beats a Phantom ballst. 5 year warranty, and the guys at my hydro store have NEVER had one come back. I cooked 3 Lumatek ballasts before finally going 100% Phantom in my bloom room. I still have 3 Lumateks in veg waiting to fry. The Phantom will run on anything between 90 volts and 275 volts. They wall mount 2 inches off the wall to provide air circulation all the way around it. It comes with the adaptor to run either light plug style. These things are work horses.

I'm in a pickle, At first I was looking at the CAP ($75) + NextGen ballast ($130) totaling $205.
Now you have me trying to get the Phantom at ($130) and the BlockBuster ($130) totaling $260.
Add shipping on top of that, and I'm over the top.
I could do the BlockBuster + Galaxy for $230.

I'm more than happy to buy the BlockBuster, but ballast-wise,
between Galaxy 400w and Phantom 400w for a $30 difference,
is it worth that $30 to the hobby growing youngin'?

My efficiency doesn't matter too much, I'm not making a business out of my gardening.

And another thing, I have a ballast for my bulb, it's a Fixture+Ballast type deal.
I could rewire it to become remote.. is there any reason to avoid using a re-wired ballast?
I'll score pictures later tonight if I can remember.

By the way, thanks a ton for all the help.
You established this thread simply to share a warehouse experience.
And then you had the heart enough to help countless growers countless times.
How are your girls doing CG? Been alittle bit since I've seen an updated post. Also I'm curious on if you've done a run with Connssoisseur all the way through the flower cycle? I saw that you switched to sensi bloom during week 3 in one of your runs also. Have you done an entire run with just the Sensi Bloom also? I'm curious to see if the Connssoisseur gives off a higher yield then the sensi.
How are your girls doing CG? Been alittle bit since I've seen an updated post. Also I'm curious on if you've done a run with Connssoisseur all the way through the flower cycle? I saw that you switched to sensi bloom during week 3 in one of your runs also. Have you done an entire run with just the Sensi Bloom also? I'm curious to see if the Connssoisseur gives off a higher yield then the sensi.

Read the thread, man.
Lol, I've read the entire thing atleast twice now. He never says anything about doing a run all the way threw with either sensi bloom or connoisseur. He says he stopped week 3 and started using the sensibloom when he did use the connoisseur.
I don't see your point here. Unless it has to do with him being away at sea.
Lol, I've read the entire thing atleast twice now. He never says anything about doing a run all the way threw with either sensi bloom or connoisseur. He says he stopped week 3 and started using the sensibloom when he did use the connoisseur.
I don't see your point here. Unless it has to do with him being away at sea.

Just that he was pretty clear that he would like to try a full run using Connoisseur, but never has. He said a couple of times that if it that's what gave him the node spacing and bud set, that he would gladly pay the extra cost. Not trying to be a dick, but until recently this thread has stayed remarkably on topic, and I'd like to (and I'm sure CG as well) keep it that way. It's a good thread.
Subbed , seems Collective knows his stuff , very impressive , i copied your letter and showed it to David Cameron , he said "sure thing , grow away , "chuck me some nuggs" ahaa i wish - look at you in your warehouse space , i get to hang around in lofts and basements ......no fair !! -Clonex.
See that's what I was refering too. I wasn't sure if he's done a full run with either though, so I figured why not go head and ask since it's been awhile since I read about the test.. And I don't think the derailment of this thread had anything to do with me because I'm asking him about the types of nutes hes using and the results along with a updated picture. Can't we all just smoke a bowl? lol :)

Just that he was pretty clear that he would like to try a full run using Connoisseur, but never has. He said a couple of times that if it that's what gave him the node spacing and bud set, that he would gladly pay the extra cost. Not trying to be a dick, but until recently this thread has stayed remarkably on topic, and I'd like to (and I'm sure CG as well) keep it that way. It's a good thread.
See that's what I was refering too. I wasn't sure if he's done a full run with either though, so I figured why not go head and ask since it's been awhile since I read about the test.. And I don't think the derailment of this thread had anything to do with me because I'm asking him about the types of nutes hes using and the results along with a updated picture. Can't we all just smoke a bowl? lol :)

I know, I was being an overzealous thread nazi again. I e-pologize.
And lil miss kitty here is just begging for it...

.... ¿qué? ..... :lol:

no, seriously.
mr kitty just said i can start experiment with brewing teas so long as i keep it contained and promise to be responsible for any..... "incidents".
and hubby #2 mentioned something about using an inoculant at some point. :lol:
.... ¿qué? ..... :lol:

no, seriously.
mr kitty just said i can start experiment with brewing teas so long as i keep it contained and promise to be responsible for any..... "incidents".
and hubby #2 mentioned something about using an inoculant at some point. :lol:

I'm just going to stop typing... I was joking about my thread derailment post. Anhow, just got out of a dogfight, a real dogfight, and my hand is pretty mangled so I think I will stop typing fro a while, it hurts. My dog (pit/boxer) and the neighbor dog (rott/lab) were fighting for real, one would have surely died. I had to jump into it and pulll their mouths opoen. I do not recommend this, the neighbor dog bit stright through a finger nail and into the other side of same finger, smashed/punctured my thumb and generally ruined my night. The dpgs will both make it ok, but they're torn up pretty good. sorry about the misspellings, I'm typing w/ bandages on.

/thread derailment complete
You should have just hit your neighbors dog with a shovel. Sorry bout your hand, that sucks.

Kitty, experimenting with teas does sound like fun. Someday if I do organic id definately get into that.

I also would like to do a worm bin. That would be cool.
.... ¿qué? ..... :lol:

no, seriously.
mr kitty just said i can start experiment with brewing teas so long as i keep it contained and promise to be responsible for any..... "incidents".
and hubby #2 mentioned something about using an inoculant at some point. :lol:

These resources are so good I might post them on your page too, because everyone should at least glimpse it. These are the two resources that either provided me or directed to an arsenal of information, and allowed me to brew professional quality teas right off the back with incredible explosive results.

http://urbangardenmagazine.com/2011/02/breeding-microbes-with-compost-tea/ <<<Comprehensive mother fucking treasure trove. Read this one good, it provides some amazing references too!



The second link is a basic recipe and an explanation of how all this works, it is not just useful for DWC growers, but soil growers. That was my formula for a long time until I found a use for my guanos in the tea, as well as many other ingredients eventually. I like to use the Zho like Heisenberg suggests. I am sure CG is using a similar high quality product like Great White or maybe the Subculture products. I like the Zho because it is affordable, and gives me high quality, high quantity, endo mycorrhizae and trichoderma, as well as an l-glycine amino acid. Definitely recommend using a product like Aqua Shield or chicken compost if you can get a hold of it, so you can get the benefits of bacillus subtilis, which is amazing in both foliar sprays and for the roots health, natural mold killer.

Anyways, make sure you read over both real well, nothing gets my jollies off like making my own fertilizer and sticking it to the man.
Very impressive - 400 amp electrical setup, 20 Kw of lighting . . . my curiosity is, that's a LOT of heat. I'm guessing you might be using 1K watt halides or something similar?

Actually, excess heat from the lighting can be a good thing, up to a point. But this can also be a disaster, if not ventilated correctly? I'm not planning on using anything close to 20 Kw of lighting, but even in a smaller, more compact setting, the lighting vs heat vs ventilation is a question that's been on mind as of late. This seems like the sort of question you or others here would have some commentary on . . . any thoughts about this are appreciated
You should have just hit your neighbors dog with a shovel. Sorry bout your hand, that sucks.

Kitty, experimenting with teas does sound like fun. Someday if I do organic id definately get into that.

I also would like to do a worm bin. That would be cool.

Impossible. They were going around like a friggin tornado, and I doubt it would've done any good. Didn't have much choice but to just dive in there. And really, it was my dogs fault, he's an asshole sometimes.