Wow. I step out for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I'd like to donate some 90 mesh dry sieve to this group so we can just chill...and I have plenty for Wolverine's dog and the neighbor dog. Shit, Wolverine, that's gnarly. I know how fucking scary that shit is. You did the only thing you can do if it's going to the death...jump in and DEAL WITH IT. Hope you heal up ok. I, too, have been bit breaking up a fight and got a gnarly infection. Lots of washing and Neosporum. If it even looks like it's getting the little red ring around it, go to doc and get scrip for Keflex.
Kitty, I have never used a purchased inoculant for teas. A big scoop of steaming hot compost in a nylon does wonders. I sent you a PM regarding the Indoor Gardening Show today. We hooked up with your Buddy Simon at Grotek. Dude has mad growing knowledge. Stand by for the Grotek nutrient challenge. To the group- Grotek is coming out with a line of liquid organic nutes which will be available to public inside a year. I believe Kitty already has some (you little she-devil). This guy Simon, who's the developer of the nutrient, knows his shit. We'll be trying some out in a couple months when he gets it a little better perfected. Keep an eye on this company. He is the first nute rep I've met that cares more about plant health and vigor than just trying to get you to buy a bunch of their shit. With people like him driving the project, great things are bound to happen.
I'll reply to the individual posts in a day or so. Good to be back in the garden. So far the DEA "crackdown" hasn't been much.
Hey kitty, if you haven't decided on what you're gonna put in the compost 'tea bag' look into using General Hydroponics Ancient Forest. I think it's composted forest topsoil, but it's jam packed with humic and fulvic acid and TONS beneficial bacteria and fungi. Heisenberg uses it as a base in his compost teas and he says it good stuff.oh, and thanks for the tidbit about the hot compost, this confirms my suspicions. i'm thinking some "hot" mushroom manure and EM liquid.
AncientForest soil amendment Ancient Forest is a natural product consisting of 100% pure forest humus. It is derived from thousands of years of naturally ecomposed forest litter that contains a wide spectrum of organic compounds. An incredibly high diversity of microorganisms, with more than 35,000 species of bacteria and over 5000 species of fungi, make Ancient Forest an ideal amendment for gardening and potting soils. Ancient Forest also aids in the retention of water and nutrients; creating stable, long lasting soil for your garden. The immense biological activity also makes Ancient Forest the ideal inoculum for actively aerated compost teas.
Hey kitty, if you haven't decided on what you're gonna put in the compost 'tea bag' look into using General Hydroponics Ancient Forest. I think it's composted forest topsoil, but it's jam packed with humic and fulvic acid and TONS beneficial bacteria and fungi. Heisenberg uses it as a base in his compost teas and he says it good stuff.
some examples: "bacterial action tends to raise pH, fungal action tends to lower it"
"the action of N-setting bacteria are actually suppressed by the presence of non-amino-form N"
Fucking Simon guilted me into thinking more seriously about lowering my eco footprint. Watch out when he starts talking about the amazing results of Cuban farmers using old school dirt farming techniques. Their per acre yields are crushing Big Agro Chem Grown Mid West yields. This from a country virtually without access to any commercial fertilizer. Amazing shit.
But...and a BIG BUT...I be digging my current results with rockwool and will be rocking that for another year or so. We'll get off the AN and on something else that works as good.
I've had time to process a little of what I learned from Simon, the "Organic Mechanic". Tip of the day: Do not use any carbs. If there is a microherd in your medium, the sugar will supercharge them, and they will rob your roots of oxygen, possibly paving the way for anerobic growth.
I'm off to the grow. We harvest the first 3 Tahoe x Chemdog today. Hell ya. I can't wait to drop some on our members. I vend to a delivery service that's watering at the mouth for some. Today is 8 weeks. It was supposed to be a 7 weeker...but we scoped it, and at 7 weeks triches were still very clear. Yesterday, we had about 50% milky, but no amber. This is my new harvest more than 50% milky.
I did some outdoor tomatoes this year, and the ones in my own custom engineered soil did very well with early fruit baring, but it was the dirt, the ground soil that I amended, bore fruit later on, but many many more sets of flowers, and if the freeze didn't kill them off, I'm sure bigger yields. Natural ground soil gave me much better over all health and the leaf sets were fucking HUGE!! Same variety, different seeds, but there was no contest. The dirt was much slower to start as well, but once it did, it crushed anything I could have made myself.
I am convinced that outdoor in amended dirt is the way to grow anything, assuming you have already been amending outdoor gardens and have good dirt to start with. Although I just moved out, my grow partners still live in the mountain home, and it had amazing soil, alkaline though, easy to correct. But indoor hydroponics and potting mix is what I'm basically stuck with considering how close neighbors are, the size of the yard up in the mountains, and especially how close to neighbors now that I am temporarily in an apartment, closer to your area. But I will be moving into a house soon, so we'll see how private my backyard is.
Anyways, I wish I could have tasted those tom's growing in dirt.
Anyways, please elaborate a little more on carbs and your medium. We are talking with all mediums here, correct? And by carbs, you do mean any products containing any form of sugar, including a product like Sweet Raw, which, is understood to be just magnesium sulfate, but I have accidentally ingested water with Sweet Raw in it (I thought it was my water jug, I never use jugs for nutrients, one exception) and it is very sweet. That is how I immediately knew that I had drank the ph'd Sweet Raw water. The next day you can smell the magnesium sulfate in your pee, I got an unexpected nose full of that the next morning, was weird, Botanicare left me back a voicemail saying I would be fine, a little late though, lol. Anyways, products like Sweet Raw and Sugar Daddy or recommended by the fertilizer company, should these be excluded or replaced with a different supplement?
Also, I use lots of carbs in my tea, I use blackstrap molasses, should I exclude the molasses from my tea mix? I know Dr. Benton Jones and Dr. Elaine Ingham both recommend molasses in tea, but I've also heard from several other highly reputable names that using a good carbon source with a great natural humic resource is just as good, if not better. I know neither you or your friend at Grotek are the authority on these sciences, but I highly value these opinions, especially with basically real-time updates on your progress and experiences.
Would also like to hear some input from Wolverine on this.
Infact, on the note of using a natural humic acid, Dr. Benton Jones recently stated in his article in a recent edition of Maximum Yield, that there is no supplement that contest with real humic acid taken from the earth.
thats funny i just heard about reducing your simple carbs with soy or braggs liquid aminos in flower to promote fungal growth...
i little to back this up and bump collective to a fresh page i think
Amino Acid Content of Leaves in Mycorrhizal and Non-mycorrhizal Citrus Rootstocks
Nitrogen status was examined in leaves of sour orange and rough lemon citrus rootstocks grown in a low phosphorus sand inoculated with Glomus etunicatus, in sand amended with superphosphate at a rate of 2240 kg ha−1, and in a sand control left untreated. Sour orange was 3.1- and 3.5-fold taller and rough lemon was 1.8- and 2.0-fold taller than the controls in the inoculated and phosphorus treatments, respectively. In the controls, leaf N was up to 2.5-fold higher than in the other treatments. Both total and free amino acids accumulated in leaves of both rootstocks to higher levels in the control than in the other treatments. Most total amino acids in the control were lower than in the treatments, with the exceptions of arginine (up to 12-fold increase), proline (up to 1.8-fold increase), lysine, and free ammonia. Twenty-two free amino acids, urea, and ammonia were detected. Both rootstocks grown in control sand had significant increases in citrulline, ornithine, lysine, histidine, arginine and ammonia. Levels of total and most free amino acids in the inoculated and phosphorus treatments were similar to one another. It is suggested that mineral deficiency caused by the absence of G. etunicatus causes a reorganization of N-metabolism with a shift to a greater synthesis of ornithine cycle intermediates.
now i dont know the ramifacations of this for ganja but its cool to think that the plant reacts more than i ever though to the introduction of one new species of sub culture so more work is needed in testing innoculated well fed soil vs not in terpine and amino peptide uptake links...![]()
Dood that's funny.....Well...looks like the RUI uploader aint working. I have today's pics of the fullest bloom room this op had ever had. It's thick...Amazon thick. So thick, that I got monkeys. Fuckers came in right through the ducting. Commercial J had them last year. He has a hook up on a guy that comes out with a blow gun and darts em. They go to sleep and are humanely re-located to area in B.C. with lots of big grow ops.