20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That would be sweet. And my wife is a good cook and loves to feed people. She'd fit right in. Someday it will happen here.


Well-Known Member
That would be sweet. And my wife is a good cook and loves to feed people. She'd fit right in. Someday it will happen here.
man i hope so, obama was supposed to tackle the issue but no he has no plans to address the issue. Hopefully in the next 20 years would be great. Lots of happier people in the states i tell yea lol


Well-Known Member
Is that aluminum foil as your reflectors???????I don't know if anybody asked you I didn't go through the whole thread but aluminum foil is one of the worst reflective materials it creates hot spots...just some advice...hope your plants pull through


Well-Known Member
Is that aluminum foil as your reflectors???????I don't know if anybody asked you I didn't go through the whole thread but aluminum foil is one of the worst reflective materials it creates hot spots...just some advice...hope your plants pull through
there doing great pulled my awesome reflectors off a while ago. thanks

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Is that aluminum foil as your reflectors???????I don't know if anybody asked you I didn't go through the whole thread but aluminum foil is one of the worst reflective materials it creates hot spots...just some advice...hope your plants pull through
Ya, he's had a few comments on the reflectors to say the least.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Do you have any pics of them? What is your humidity level ? Could be that they were just to damaged to survive. How about new growth, Is it looking good?


Well-Known Member
all kinds of new growth, its just the ones that previously burned up are just worse i guess theres no recover on those few fan leaves. the short indica tho had freshly dried up bottom leaves. I think i need moisture in the air. should I spritz them with water or something

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Do you have a way to know what your humidity is? If not you can get one at a pet store for about 5 bucks. I forget but I think it's called a hygrometer or something like that. One I got there is like a little thermometer. I would recommend getting one. The more you know what your climate is the better you will be. You can spray them, in fact it can be good for them even when you aren't having a problem. Helps wash off the dust and stuff like that and the plants will be better for it. NOT UNDER HID LIGHTS though. The water spots will burn holes in them If in veg you can spray when lights go out but would be good to have a fan on them so they don't stay wet to long maybe. I say maybe because when I was growing out side I had no control of course and only had a problem once from mold. Once you get some nice buds on it is good to play it safe and not let them stay wet to long. As long as the new growth looks good I would not worry to much but just keep a good eye on them.


Well-Known Member
allright so i gave this alot of thought. My big female has never had any nutes (and never needed any) (and all use same soil) or any of the problems the girls have. Shes always been in a closet, Im beginning to think its the environment of the 10 females room that drys and kills the leaves. the PH is dead perfect in almost all of them. Ill buy that humidity thing today if i can find one. I run a fan in my room not directly on the plants. it stays around 70degrees during lights on and 60 at night when there off. And i never over water or underwater.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
How really sure can you be that they have never needed any nutes? But if you have enough soil and the right stuff in it I could see not needing any to keep them going. But some nutes would might make them better. If your plants had enough water in the soil the room being dry I don't think would affect the leaves like that. My last outside grow a couple years ago down in the south east saw record drought (I had to water every other day or they would wilt) and record heat. The high one day was 105 degrees. And I did not have that problem. They grew just fine for the most part. Got any pics you can post?


Well-Known Member
i haven't stopped feeding the plants till this week when the PH hit around 7 in all of them. Im just kinda freaking out cause 2 of them dont look hot and 1 is that beautiful indica. If u think i should feedem again ill do it right now. Ill post some pics in a little of progress


Well-Known Member
How really sure can you be that they have never needed any nutes? But if you have enough soil and the right stuff in it I could see not needing any to keep them going. But some nutes would might make them better. If your plants had enough water in the soil the room being dry I don't think would affect the leaves like that. My last outside grow a couple years ago down in the south east saw record drought (I had to water every other day or they would wilt) and record heat. The high one day was 105 degrees. And I did not have that problem. They grew just fine for the most part. Got any pics you can post?
im sure it couldve used some nutes to get bigger etc but shes always had a great leaf color and filled out fine. shes just now finishing up as the top leaves are starting to yellow out


Well-Known Member
this one here has fresh dying leaves drying up on the bottom

this is the indica that never had the problem till a few days ago.

heres one of the healthiest ones in the bunch i also topped it

And the rest are all fine pretty much any dead dried up leaves were already there from the first time


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
They look so much better than the first time I saw them. You've done a great job with them. Now what did you use for the soil? I'm looking and thinking. I'll get back to you in a couple minutes. Maybe a puff or 2 of some hash would help. What do you have to give them a foliar spray with?