2000 watt Diy CXB3590 build lets put it together


Well-Known Member
When people here use PPFD as a unit, they usually mean umol/s/m^2. (sort of like how people here use EC as a unit for electric conductivity, even though it's obviously not a unit)
As a matter of interest one mol/m2/sec is equal to Avogadro's number in photons,
6.02 X 10 23.

This means that 1 umol/m2/sec relates to 602,200,000,000,000,000 photons reaching the earths surface in each square metre every second. That an awful lot of photons - maybe keep that number in mind next time you contemplate sunning yourself. lol


Well-Known Member
personally till its up n running and tested with a light sensor.. comparing watts/m2, lumens, lux and umol/m2/sec (uEinsteins) is that it is like comparing apples with bananas with pears. Each system of units refers to different portions of the total light spectrum. So, to produce a set of conversion constants can be somewhat misleading.

Its like saying i will get 200 extra Hp just by putting in a cam shaft and exhaust but what good are either if you didn't mod up the fuel rail so the high lift cam intake valves are still starving of fuel but open longer lol


Well-Known Member
A light sensor can tell you what the intensity of light is at any given point, but not the total amount of light emitted. (which is more important).

In other words, you can get ppfd (umol/s/m^2), but not ppf (umol/s), which is more important when considering a lamp. To find ppf, you'd need an integration sphere. The best approximation without one would be to setup a 4'x4' grid and record the ppfd at each point.

The datasheet tells you how many lumens you should get under various driving conditions, and gives you SPD charts.

The SPD can be used to calculate LER (luminous efficacy of radiation) using a bit of calculus. LER has the unit of lumens/W. Since you have LER, you can convert lumens to radiant watts.

What I'm trying to say is we have a pretty good idea how much radiant power is being emitted. That's where all these efficiency numbers are coming from. If you know the radiant watts out per electric watts in (efficiency), it's much easier to scale how much light you're going to need, and how big of a heat sink you're going to need.

Of course all the watts of electricity dissipated will become heat, even the radiated power will ultimately end up heating your room. If you have a 50% efficient light and you dissipate 100W of electricity, you need to deal with 100W of cooling, period. You your hand under the light and your hand will start to burn up. That 50% of radiation doesn't just slip into the void.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Hey all first i really would like to thank Rahz for guiding me into the right directions a person sure can get lost trying to find the right stuff .. what took me 24 hrs to accomplish nothing ,, he helped me in a hr

So being a New Year decided its time to actually build 2 Cob units 1000 watts a piece and see what there really capable of and running them against nanolux DE 's side by sides and eventually working side by side ...
I am excited to get this under way .. So with the help of everyone on here and as well as my personal friends / Pros in the field of putting this type of stuff together right its just time to keep my self busy during next month of chilling winter haha..

So first things first after deciding how we were to do this we came to a agreement to accomplish this we will need 10 - HLG185H-C1400B
5 per unit at total cost of 900 bucks for just drivers ,, buddy of mine i talked to today said wait to see if his electronic company can get a better price so mon or tues he will know..
Wednesday there ordered no matter what ..

Next thing in line is 40 cobs 20 per unit Goal here is 6500 K and 3500 K mix 10 - 10 per unit
so emailed kingbrite tonight on the availability of 6500 k or anything that is close to it
so hurry up and wait on that right ???
So pretty lucky here will make a cardboard jig and design it all measurements etc then hand it off to another best buddy of mine who will actually make my case he owns a tin shop / metal shop lathes mills plasma cutters etc so he is going to do all the design on the actual finsihed producy drilled holes and threaded holes Via computerized system ..
Might as well make it pretty as well but that is way ahead of the game .
internals parts misc buddy has as in connectors and what have you or needed only thing next i think is

Heat Sink ???? which once cobs and part design is figured out i will know also with the help of everyone here we can figure out something sweet
Your not going to double harvest and then give us your staggering grams per watt are you? Please don't.


Well-Known Member
No i am going to run 2 DE's and 2 of these cob units 50 sq feet x 50 Sq Feet same strain same soil same nutes and Co2 same environment but apart from each other start a thread gauge weekly growth rates with updated pics as well as when she flowers temps, VPD everything is going to be identical 88 degrees room temps and 1400 ppm of C02 70 - 80 RH in Veg and flower will also be indentical .. ( link4 Igrow 800 Green house 9 stage dual room controller so they will be identical climates computor controlled retiring the iponic 600 you interested ??? lol

As for yields will be wet trim and weight them WET and when there DRY i think its going to be close with cobs possibly pulling little more 20 percent ??? 10 percent per 1000 watt cob is my guess , but we will see i will not favor one or the other light
but Rahz mentions at 56 percent efficient cobs and 46 percent efficient DE's were talking 20 percent so just a guess Cobs should least pull 10 percent more
But again i am not saying nothing till its done right But that's some time from now lets get these units built first
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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
PS: Mongo then you can come over and check it all out :P smoke a Cohiba Who ever said domes do not make a good humidor haha is wrong its perfect unreal what you see there in Cigars is about 750 bucks worth View attachment 3578623 View attachment 3578624
I was planning on flying out this week to get there. But weathers supposed to be a mothrfucker here the next few days. So I'm staying on flood watch.


Well-Known Member
As a matter of interest one mol/m2/sec is equal to Avogadro's number in photons,
6.02 X 10 23.

This means that 1 umol/m2/sec relates to 602,200,000,000,000,000 photons reaching the earths surface in each square metre every second. That an awful lot of photons - maybe keep that number in mind next time you contemplate sunning yourself. lol
Still missing several zeros:cool:


Well-Known Member
Anyways excited got part numbers to suppliers now hurry up and wait for the best price that comes back on the table

So 10 HGL 185's

20 - 3590 3500 k high bin
20 - 3590 6500 k hgh bin

This one big company i am working with ( also know personally ) said he will contact cree them selfs if he does not have the products and said he will sell it all to me @ cost
So lets see what a big light company gets numbers at

I mentioned if prices are crazy good i probably could get people ordering from you online

imagine instead of 42 buck its 22 bucks any ways we will see

So now i need to know what are you all using for holders and reflectors i am looking for something like this as for reflectors and i am going with mechotronix sinks or similar to ..

instead of aluminum heat sinks

PS: Can someone measure the outside measurements of there cob installed talking about finished product with ring or what ever so i can start cutting and designing my jig ??? prepping with cardboard



Well-Known Member
Ok still got no answers back today, On parts probably will know tomorrow anyways when i was at light shop today i purchased a pretty slick 5 k LED unit guess its equivalent to 250 watt hps
luminare http://www.maxlite.com/item/datasheet?=MLRT22D3550

might as well give it a try for my seedlings and clones she is pretty nice set up will see how she performs and works 23 x 24 " i think will get pics up tomorrow when i pick it up


Well-Known Member
Ok still got no answers back today, On parts probably will know tomorrow anyways when i was at light shop today i purchased a pretty slick 5 k LED unit guess its equivalent to 250 watt hps
luminare http://www.maxlite.com/item/datasheet?=MLRT22D3550

might as well give it a try for my seedlings and clones she is pretty nice set up will see how she performs and works 23 x 24 " i think will get pics up tomorrow when i pick it up
Those look like they're 25-35 watts?

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Well-Known Member
35 watt actual input draw read somewhere its compared to 250 watt HPS either way only using it for germinating , seedlings and clones and start of veg etc 5000 K should do the job ?? we will see if its junk i put it on top of my work bench lol and use it for what its designed for reccesed ceiling light its dim able so that is cool
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Well-Known Member
35 watt actual input draw read somewhere its compared to 250 watt HPS either way only using it for germinating , seedlings and clones and start of veg etc 5000 K should do the job ?? we will see if its junk i put it on top of my work bench lol and use it for what its designed for reccesed ceiling light its dim able so that is cool
Yes I was reading that it's actual power draw is 35 watt max. Should be fine fore cloning/seedlings, but I don't know that I would trust the 250 watt hps comparison. That's like 30k lumens vs the 3500 out of that panel?

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Well-Known Member
i think there saying it to replace 250 watt hid lighting or similiar who knows as long as it gets seeds going / clones going and decent growth i think i also read its 100 percent efficient