2010 South Carolina Outdoor Grow Show


Active Member
Thanks! I'm about to do an update as soon as I finish uploading the videos to YouTube.

Really impressed with your canopy....you're gonna have some ridiculous nuggets of gold in a few months here. :weed:

I'll be watching!
yeah i cant wait..alot of sick ppl will be happy. i will stay tuned!!:joint::joint::joint::o

someone else

Active Member
I'll be going back out there tomorrow to water with Tiger Bloom and molasses.

Here are some pics I took a few days ago:


Here are 3 of the holes I'll be filling with water, creating a simple reservoir for when I'm gone for a week and a half. I'll put the buckets in the watery holes, and tie them down so they stay submerged.



Active Member
Nice grow, SC. I've been checking in every now and then. I was quite concerned at first, regarding the orange buckets and being so wide out in the open, but you've done quite well. I'm just a couple skips away south of you and can definitely relate to the orange clay. I've learned to work around it and it looks like you have done a great job doing so yourself. Congrats!

someone else

Active Member
Nice grow, SC. I've been checking in every now and then. I was quite concerned at first, regarding the orange buckets and being so wide out in the open, but you've done quite well. I'm just a couple skips away south of you and can definitely relate to the orange clay. I've learned to work around it and it looks like you have done a great job doing so yourself. Congrats!
Hey thanks Fender!

Yeah it's been an up and down year, but that's to be expected. It's been 11 years since I last grew, and couple that with adapting to the South Carolina environment, I've learned a lot.

I should have went with larger grow containers than the 5-gallon buckets, but other than that, since I transplanted them from the ground to the buckets, they've surpassed my expectations.

Updates coming tomorrow; hopefully with better pics. :weed:

someone else

Active Member
The plants look good, except 1 G13/Haze that fell over due to me forgetting to stabilize it with stones.

It's ironic that it was also the G13/Haze that I was spraying with Gibberellic Acid. I stood it back up, and even though it was bent this way and that, it still looks healthy.

The branches on it all are pointing upwards though because of the Gibberellic Acid solution I sprayed on it. I'm guessing I over did the amount I used in the solution, and the plant reacted negatively toward it. I only sprayed it 3 or 4 times, and then stopped when I saw what was happening.

Here's a video update:


The Sour Diesel is REALLY getting thick and dense, true to its pedigree. It's a Barney's Farm collection, and it's really looking great.

The Snowman

Active Member
The plants look good, except 1 G13/Haze that fell over due to me forgetting to stabilize it with stones.

It's ironic that it was also the G13/Haze that I was spraying with Gibberellic Acid. I stood it back up, and even though it was bent this way and that, it still looks healthy.

The branches on it all are pointing upwards though because of the Gibberellic Acid solution I sprayed on it. I'm guessing I over did the amount I used in the solution, and the plant reacted negatively toward it. I only sprayed it 3 or 4 times, and then stopped when I saw what was happening.

Here's a video update:


The Sour Diesel is REALLY getting thick and dense, true to its pedigree. It's a Barney's Farm collection, and it's really looking great.
barneys has sour diesel?

someone else

Active Member
Plants are looking great. Now I'm wanting some G13/Haze seed for next year lol Does Barney's ship stealthy to the US?
That I don't know.

I bought these G13/Haze seeds from http://bcseedking.com/. I contacted BC Seed King directly, and they said their G13/Haze was from Barney stock.

Fastest delivery of seeds I've ever seen, they always give you more seeds, incredible stealth, and as far as I've seen, awesome genetics.

Next year I'll be using them, and Attitude. Really want some LA Confidential, Trainwreck, and Jack The Ripper seeds, and Attitude seems to have them at a decent price.

someone else

Active Member
Hey, thanks Folly! I sometimes surf at Folly beach. Much better beach than Myrtle.

Hopefully I can pull a pound total out of all this...knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
hey man im on vacation. Guess where south carolina, hilton head island. the weather has been shitty and confusing, rainy then sunny, but overall its better then my home in CT.
i wish i could surf but cant really get up on the board. but i skateboard alot. so its almost the same.

someone else

Active Member
hey man im on vacation. Guess where south carolina, hilton head island. the weather has been shitty and confusing, rainy then sunny, but overall its better then my home in CT.
i wish i could surf but cant really get up on the board. but i skateboard alot. so its almost the same.
Well I hope you enjoy your time on the island. Really beautiful beaches in Hilton. It's touristy, but the ocean is really peaceful.

You should really try to surf someday if you like skateboarding. It's really hard to explain the feeling of riding on the power of the ocean...it's like trying to tame a wild horse, and you're just along for the ride. I'm gonna miss surfing when I move back to the midwest next year.

Well I just came to the conclusion that I will be drying my buds indoors. I had fought the idea of doing it, but if I can harvest small amounts at a time, I should be able to keep the smell down. I have a large closet I can dry it in, so I should be ok with a fan blowing indirectly in there.

It feels better to know I'll be able to control the drying process by doing it indoors. I was fretting about moisture and bud rot drying it outdoors, and the overall degradation of the buds due to heat and moisture. In late September/early October, it'll be low 80s/high 70s outdoors, but the humidity at night was something I was worrying about, as it's always 90%+.

Anyway, I finally have some peace of mind in knowing I will be drying indoors, under my constant watchful eye. :weed: