2010 South Carolina Outdoor Grow Show

someone else

Active Member
Here's what I look like every single time I'm out to the plots:

Crop is lookin' great SS and keep these updates coming. I noticed every video that mudhole is still full of water lol, been getting some rain here and there at least. I've yet to see a drop in my tiny 2 plant patch :cry:. This damn heat has me watering every morning (triple digits all this week and no relief in sight ffs). +rep for the hard work unlike those lazy cali growers doin' it in their yards (lucky bastards) lol. Hope you pull off a good harvest, you surely deserve it :joint:

someone else

Active Member
Crop is lookin' great SS and keep these updates coming. I noticed every video that mudhole is still full of water lol, been getting some rain here and there at least. I've yet to see a drop in my tiny 2 plant patch :cry:. This damn heat has me watering every morning (triple digits all this week and no relief in sight ffs). +rep for the hard work unlike those lazy cali growers doin' it in their yards (lucky bastards) lol. Hope you pull off a good harvest, you surely deserve it :joint:
Haha, that's a good observation on your part BluntForce about the mudholes. :-)

Kinda disappointed in the large numbers of male plants so far, but that's part of the game.

It was 104 here with the heat index today...so muggy and humid.

Someday I'd like to move out to Eureka, California in Humboldt County, but it's expensive to move and stressful to try and find work up there.

Thanks for the encouraging words! :D
I just started 5 plants this spring and 2 were male and one turned hermie (bagseed) so I feel your pain. I'm in a bad location to do any serious grows and I tried to talk the wifey into moving out to Cali also but that's a big fat no lol. I was watching the news today and a grower/moonshiner got busted with 50 plants and a few stills that would brew 500 gallons a batch, can't remember how many gallons of shine they got also. The choppers are flying here in TN. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, I feel your pain with the heat issue. We have been over 90 for I believe 31 days now. Actualy, it has been closer to 95 or better most if not all over those days so far. I believe 44 straight days over 90 is the record down here. I have to get up early to water mine and by 6:45 am I am soaked. It's been fricken dry here to, not even a good afternoon thunderstorm.

Those bitchs ae going to be very tall into flower. I am very impressed about growing those is such small buckets. Your root zone must be
super healthy.

Keep the vid comming. Except maybe the last one about the helos coming out. Kind of freaks me out.

someone else

Active Member
Thanks Smokin, I'll keep the updates coming.

That helicopter I saw was about a mile from my location, but it still freaked me out on my journey out to the plot.

I always mentally flashback to seeing that copter in BrownDirtWarriors videos.

I might wait until Monday to go back out and check on the plants, maybe Sunday. We've got a lotta rain in the last week, but I wanna check to make sure the plants survived the storms ok.


Active Member
Crazy Weather lastnight im on my way out to check on the ladie and hope to figure out how to upload these dam vid's shes getting top heavy and we have to check that weather was to much!! Ya that chopper is crazy bro keep safe!!

someone else

Active Member
Went out to the plot today and watered the plants with a molasses mix.

Found 1 more male, so I cut it down and disposed of it. I now have 2 more G13/haze that have yet to show their sex.

Still have 7 Sour Diesel and 3 G13/Haze females. The buds are starting to form clusters, which is cool to see again. It's been over 11 years since I've grown, and this whole process seems like something I did a lifetime ago.



Well-Known Member
hey i saw you where going to dry in a tent. i did that once ran into a problem with humidity at night. since it was to hard to power a dehumidifier what i did was us a car battery deep cycle about 80 bucks. and a little space heater. i put it on a timer and ran it at night ever fifteen minutes. and got a solar panel to charge during the day. itonly lasted a few days even with the solar. but helped a lot.

someone else

Active Member
Yea, I think I'm gonna forget about the tent idea for that very reason. I'm gonna string up a line across some trees, high up, and hang the buds like that. I'm gonna put them inside a cardboard box with holes on the side, hanging from the strings, to protect against any rain and to help absorb moisture.

Hopefully it works. I don't have the funds to rig up a setup like you recommended.


Well-Known Member
Hey SC, If I were you I would really think long and hard about drying your crop outside like that. It's looks like you are really going to produce a big one. I would hate to see you lose it all to bud rot since you have worked your ass off all summer. BTW, have you already taken clones, or are you strickly doing summer?


Well-Known Member
I just happend to remember seeing a youtube vid from down under. Old assue dude had great grows on his huge ass property. He rapped up all his buds after cleaning them up a bit and he laid them out on a big tap that must have been 20x20. He then just left them outside under the sun. I think he opened it up from time to time.

someone else

Active Member
Well I appreciate your concern guns. However, I have no choice but to dry the buds outdoors. Trust me, if I had the choice, I'd dry them indoors.

I only plan on drying them outside for less than a week, and then moving right into an aggressive curing stage. What I mean by that is that I will be airing the buds out in their jars several times a day for the first week or two, then once a day for a few weeks, then occasionally after that.

The area that I plan on drying these buds at gets lots of moving air through it, as it's in a valley to begin with.

As far as drying the buds in the sunlight....I don't think so.

That's one of the many reasons that Mexican brick weed is so horrible. They just cut down the plants, throw them on the ground, and let the sun bleach the hell out of them. This is also a reason why Mexican brick weed is so weak and tasteless.

I understand what you're saying in wrapping up the buds, but the built up heat of drying vegetation coupled with no air flow is just asking for mold and weak weed.

someone else

Active Member
I won't be updating this thread until the end of flowering.

It's received little response, and it's not worth the effort in updating.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
10 Females for sure that are going to yeild you what, at least 1/2 pd each. I'm really not familier with the g13. What do you think your total would be ball park? I think your going to need a lot of jars.

I just wondering, it did not look like you tops those at all. How tall are those babies going to get?


Well-Known Member
Bummer people haven't been coming in and putting in their input or comments. The plants are looking GREAT and 10 females is a very nice number. I would continued updates, even if it was just a quick video or a couple of words about how its all going. Either way things are looking good, do what you want. Your grow and your thread. Keep an eye on the sky and watch for those COPters. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
this doesnt make any sense? you have 20k or in bud around the corner and you can find a place to dry them indoors under proper conditions?