

Well-Known Member
Ok fucked up question but has anybody had the urge to squirrel things away and get super organized? Iv'e been getting these urges lately and im wondering if im alone.:confused:
^^^^^Join a militia(or start one)! I did :mrgreen:^^^^^

(Anyone interested in educational SPAM? Some "food for thought"... HAHA)

Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Anyone else following?

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
it's funny how people buy into things so easily. whether it be propaganda and schemes of the government or from regular people with these conspiracy videos. don't believe some shit on youtube...don't be a fucking idiot. some of that stuff has truth to it, but find the REAL truth for yourself.

buds o' plenty

Active Member
On12/21/2012 an event that happens only once every 26,000. years will occur in the skies. The mayan knew it, there calendar can be thought of like a clock and all its gears, each gear to the mayan has meaning. The main gear in the mayan calendar is 260 days. Did you see Apocalypto? The woman giving birth has alot to do with the calendar and 260 days. Its also viewed as the gestation period of humans . On 12/21/2012 the universe will line up like an arrow pointing straight into the milky way galaxy. It happens once every 26,000 years. It is the begining of the 13th "gear" for the mayan calendar, and the ending of a past, it doesn't stop on 12/21/2012 The mayan placed there calendar based off the movments of the stars and huge math skills. We didnt realize how much they knew because we thought we knew so much, but once we had computers we figured out there lingo and what there temples were really all about (observatories) and what would be happening in the sky on 12/21/2012 11:11 pst


Well-Known Member
On12/21/2012 an event that happens only once every 26,000. years will occur in the skies. The mayan knew it, there calendar can be thought of like a clock and all its gears, each gear to the mayan has meaning. The main gear in the mayan calendar is 260 days. Did you see Apocalypto? The woman giving birth has alot to do with the calendar and 260 days. Its also viewed as the gestation period of humans . On 12/21/2012 the universe will line up like an arrow pointing straight into the milky way galaxy. It happens once every 26,000 years. It is the begining of the 13th "gear" for the mayan calendar, and the ending of a past, it doesn't stop on 12/21/2012 The mayan placed there calendar based off the movments of the stars and huge math skills. We didnt realize how much they knew because we thought we knew so much, but once we had computers we figured out there lingo and what there temples were really all about (observatories) and what would be happening in the sky on 12/21/2012 11:11 pst
It seems that we humans love to think about 'the end'. Remember the pre 2000 hysteria? Remember the 5th May 2005?

Rather than rehash the words of my favourite science guru, Dr Karl, please check out his take on the 2012 theory:

Mayan Apocalypse, 2012 (Great Moments in Science, ABC Science)

This thread piqued my curiosity and did some basic research on this idea (probably because I'm out of weed and was thinking that 3.5 years would be a great time to be rid of depression and pain...back to the subject).

We don't know all of the Mayan language, nor do we know too much at all about their culture, other than the human sacrifices etc, because the Spanish Conquistadors destroyed 90% of their 'books' and artifacts in the belief that they were devil inspired heathens (due to the human sacrifice thing).
Apparently though, some fundamenalist Chrisitans also believe we're in the last 3.5 years of existence as we know it because apparently revelations tells us so.

Who knows...but in the words of the great Jim Morrison:

"I'm going to have my fun before the whole shithouse blows up".


Well-Known Member
it's funny how people buy into things so easily. whether it be propaganda and schemes of the government or from regular people with these conspiracy videos. don't believe some shit on youtube...don't be a fucking idiot. some of that stuff has truth to it, but find the REAL truth for yourself.
Feel free to point out any false information in these vids...

Sometimes people are ignorant that can't fathom the presented information because its overwhelming and its not presented on everyones favorite source of information- aka the MainStream Media (MSM)

"don't believe some shit on youtube...don't be a fucking idiot. some of that stuff has truth to it, but find the REAL truth for yourself."

Feel free to point out the stuff that isn't true. Whats source of info do you find the "REAL truth" in, since you know all about "truth". I hope you know the mainstream media lies to you because ~90% of the mainstream media is monopolized by 6 HUGE media companies.

Some of this infomation is rather shocking, but if you want truth, than go try and find any false information that I have presented. :mrgreen:


Who do you believe?

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation | 911blogger.com

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 - Sprword.com
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 - Sprword.com

(The Money Masters) The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all this BS propaganda. The MSM is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

Check out this too, after you watch the latter vids... (I just came across this news vid and I haven't had a chance to verify the info, but I bet they are correct.) YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents "A widespread awakening is taking place. Especially,the truth about 911, and the reasons for the Iraq war are unfolding. blah blah blah.... Operation- Garden Plot"

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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Well-Known Member
I honestly refuse to waste my time watching any of those videos. I've seen zeitgeist and that was enough, because that wasn't accurate either. I knew about much of that before youtube, and yes, I do know the media lies. thank you for pointing that out...

some people aren't comfortable accepting thing's in the mass media. I am also not comfortable with accepting information from sources on the internet. I don't know if the information is biased, to me much of it seems that way. I will tell you that what I see in videos like that, which again, will not waste my time watching, seems more truthful and easy to believe then what I have heard out of any politicians mouth.


Well-Known Member
I honestly refuse to waste my time watching any of those videos.
Ok, thats fine.

Its going to be here if you ever get interested! Its a quick education in a nutshell. I can assure you that over 90% of the information is true, and the other 10% is educated guesses and plausible speculation.. (it will open your eyes to reality)

It all depends on where you get your information from. Because of modern day technology, the infiltration of false propaganda/MSM is lurid. If you believe FOX news as your source of "true" info than ok, its your right(even though the info might be wrong). I'm simply trying to show people what I believe to be true from my life experiences. I guess you can call me a "conspiracy theorist" because I don't buy into this junk..
BBC NEWS | Americas | Third tower mystery 'solved'

Feel free to check the facts on anything I post. I wouldn't want to go around spreading false information, myself.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
we tarted excuse my mouth but WHAT THE FUCK WILL BE DONE ABOUT THIS... SEEMS TOO ME THE WHOLE BUILDING FELL EVENLY..... i mean if our government is like this...... who takes care of who supposebly takes care of the "people"???


New Member
we tarted excuse my mouth but WHAT THE FUCK WILL BE DONE ABOUT THIS... SEEMS TOO ME THE WHOLE BUILDING FELL EVENLY..... i mean if our government is like this...... who takes care of who supposebly takes care of the "people"???

There's the problem right there, they moniter us "for our own good" but who moniters them? They moniter each other. It's kind of like not having a bartender just a sign that says pour your own drinks and put your money in the register, we trust you. What would you end up with? No booze and no money.

They've been saying on the news that a terror attack would greatly improve McCain's chances for the white house. Now I"m waiting for it. I used to complain about living in BFE, but now it's not so bad. Nothing here to ram a plane in to or to bomb either. Feeling safe in my boring hick town.

We really need some kind of head chopping revolution. Washington is just to used to screwing us with no repercussions. It's time for them to face the music and pay the piper if you ask me.


New Member
I used to feel inferior about being a hick, that feeling did a complete reversal on Sept 11 2001. Feeling safer than ever when it comes to terror attacks now. Not to mention that my neighbors are big time hunters. Pretty heavily armed next door.


Well-Known Member
we tarted excuse my mouth but WHAT THE FUCK WILL BE DONE ABOUT THIS... SEEMS TOO ME THE WHOLE BUILDING FELL EVENLY..... i mean if our government is like this...... who takes care of who supposebly takes care of the "people"???
(Don't worry about the language, my eyes and ears are not virgin) :D

Join a militia or start one! Get guns, lots of guns. Educate yourself and pass on your knowledge to whomever is interested. Become a leader and start your own militia if you can't find one.

(Make sure you check your facts on subjects. Some things you find on the internet are crap, but you need to use your good discernment to find out whats true. I believe this is crap YouTube - U.F.O DISCLOSURE PROJECT U.FO MEETING even though I believe there is a high probability that there are "aliens" in our universe. I also believe that Al Gore lied to us about his version of "global warming". Watch this The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com for a more scientific look at global warming. A couple of graphs in this document are a little outdated but the gist of it is correct. Pollution is very bad, but co2 is not pollution and co2 won't effect temps as Al Gore depicts.)

Violence is not the answer, but there is nothing wrong with protecting ourselves from a corrupt gov't. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire! Basically, you have to protect yourself from the gov't when shit hits the fan(coming to a town near you within a couple years). Its your right to bear arms and its your right to be in a militia! Protect yourself, and get armed! If you have a history of mental illness or you don't feel responsible enough to own a gun than I would urge you not to. If your a responsible citizen than I urge you to go and buy some guns and learn how to use them, the more ammo the better.

Strength in numbers! Fight for your rights! Protect yourself!

Education is key! Integrity first!

Marijuana is GREAT!

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

There's the problem right there, they moniter us "for our own good" but who moniters them? They moniter each other. It's kind of like not having a bartender just a sign that says pour your own drinks and put your money in the register, we trust you. What would you end up with? No booze and no money.

They've been saying on the news that a terror attack would greatly improve McCain's chances for the white house. Now I"m waiting for it. I used to complain about living in BFE, but now it's not so bad. Nothing here to ram a plane in to or to bomb either. Feeling safe in my boring hick town.

We really need some kind of head chopping revolution. Washington is just to used to screwing us with no repercussions. It's time for them to face the music and pay the piper if you ask me.
Exactly! :mrgreen:

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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New Member
I don't think being heavily armed while growing is a good plan. If you do get caught guns + weed = big time jail. You know how cops are.

We're all screwed. I've got my book on healing herbs. I'm learning to grow the sacred herb. I'll be out there surviving.


Well-Known Member
I don't think being heavily armed while growing is a good plan. If you do get caught guns + weed = big time jail. You know how cops are.
True true.

Don't get caught growing your herbs. Its so lame because weed is a plant that naturally comes from the earth. God put weed on earth for us to use as a natural remedy. If your only growing a couple plants in your house, than I don't think you'll have anything to worry about unless you have a big mouth and your telling your friends.

I have guns and I grow a little herb.. I'm not worried about it. I only have a small garden anyways.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
2012 is gonna bring change, its said that a planet (nibius) will pass between the earth and the sun, causing the earth to shift, in what we dont know, its also said that when this happens on dec 21 2012 the earth will stop rotation , causing massive distruction with tsunamis and hurricanes and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and so on and so forth. Not only did the mayans predict this, ever profit, orical, religions profits, and etc had predicted the exactly same thing, on the exact same day. Also if you think about it, the mayans were right about alot of things, and they didnt stop the calender on that date for just no reason, not cuz they had no more room, they knew something, but from what ive read or heard a long time ago was that they thought the world was gonna go through some sorta hole, what tho idk. Alot of people who have predicted this had predicted of alot of things that are still true today, The I CHI made by a chinese philosopher made a book that predicted alot of true things, and one of them was abotu 2012. This day has been in history books before our time, and before jesus ever walked the earth. Its coming, and either u believe god is coming to take away the good and leave the bad ( ie the rapture) or w/e. something will happen. and also you should really watch these videos on another thread i made https://www.rollitup.org/spirituality-sexuality-philosophy/95512-2012-end-not.html these tells alot more into it. Its real, and its coming, so get ur asses ready cuz idk whats gonna happen, but you know what....i know it aint good. REMINDER ALSO the only reason the media has not explained ne of this to the population of earth is cause the simple fact that we couldnt handle the fact that we may or may not make it, we like to hope we will so we look to the media for answers, they arent gonna tell u the truth...someone told me once "Nothing good ever comes from the news" and i believe they are right.


New Member
It's not the herb that is the problem. There are much stiffer penalties for herb if you have guns too. They think if you have a gun and herb you have to be a gang member or something.

Here in hickville it's like

cops "he had an ounce of weed"

general public "damn hippie potheads"

cops "but he had a shotgun and a handgun too"

general public *gasping* "omg guns and pot? It must be gangs moving in. Drug lords, what is happening in our town"

I just prefer personally to not have a gun in the house with my little indoor garden. At least until the suits in Washinton decriminalize weed. I'm not going to stop using ever, so they are beating a dead horse, they may as well just go with the flow and leave the pot people alone. Let us do our thing in peace.