

Well-Known Member
Im not worried aboot the 2012 olympics,im still waiting to see what gets blown up this year.All the 2012 neigh sayers are going to have a surprise coming hehe,hell even NASA is aware that the solar maximum that will be happening in 2012 is fully capable of taking out the power grid and anything else electronic.I say when the T.V goes out we are all screwed,all those pissed armchair albinos coming out into the light,some weighing in at 300 to 500 lbs...oh yeah old Nos didn't see that coming.:wink:


Well-Known Member
well i'll tell u 1 thing for deffo...i don't wanna be on a plane (sucker lol) when the EMP hits. we'll get thrown back several hundred years and most ppl can't grow for shit.and i don't mean ganja.i mean ANYTHING!! starvation will ROCKET!!!it'll just be like the middle ages.except we now have guns!! every society eventually crashes and burns...jst take a look back through history!! ours will deffo end one day!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
they built special veggie space ships and flew here..they thought "oh, there's a nice little planet.we'll go there". didn't reckon on mankind fucking the place up did they? lmao


Well-Known Member
Amen! Its just so damn wierd if you think about everything...makes you just wanna crawl in a corner with your bong thanking that at least they had a marijuana spaceship drop downs some seeds..lol


Well-Known Member
ahh the wonderful spaceships...well IMO weve took advantage of EVERYTHING we had given to us like oil, money etc.. and now we are just getting what we had coming...i mean maybe we deserve what ever we have coming..


Well-Known Member
I dont believe any of this stuff. Ill see what happens when 2012 rolls around. My guess is it's going to be the same as the y2k.


Well-Known Member
with ya there dude..the year 2012 by ancient civilisation's calculations as ALREADY been and gone. we have fucked with the calender so much in the last several hundred years!! and most ancient civilisations calculated their years by the moon anyway. we don't!!!!


Well-Known Member
Plenty of people predicted stuff well before it happened most noticeably Nostradamus who predicted 9/11

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb", The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"

Hell he even predicted George Bush

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Come the millennium, month 12
In the home of greatest power
The village idiot will come forth
To be acclaimed the leader."

Shit he even predicted the frigging election bush won

[FONT=arial,helvetica]"The year following discoveries out of a flood,
Two leaders elected, the first one will not hold:
For one of them refuge from fleeing a shadow,
Plundered [will be] the house which [the] first will maintain."

Now what does that have to do with 2012 Nostradamus predicted 3 world ending events witch I will not quote since you should read for yourself. however note that the first 2 predictions have passed and we are here with his track record of being right I would not think he would be wrong a 3rd time on one subject. Hell even the bible talks about the end of days as does every single recognized religion

Oh on a side note Obama is going to win the next election says Nostradamus

[/FONT]The great empire will be torn from limb,
The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.
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Well-Known Member
dude..i studied the man for fucking years and did my phd thesis on him. he DID NOT predict these events. go back a few pages and re-read my post about michel de nostradam.
u can "fudge" the guy to be relevent even right down to your own freaking wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was a paranoid drunk fraud with mental health issues!


New Member
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Oh on a side note Obama is going to win the next election says Nostradamus [/FONT]

The great empire will be torn from limb,
The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:
Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,
The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.

We will find out in about 3 months.

Personally I believe that people could see and predict the future. I have pre-cog dreams. It's usually about minor shit that doesn't even matter, but it does happen.

It wasn't just Nos. There are other people that made the same predictions. I love when the history channel runs stuff about that.

I saw a thing one time that claimed that Nos. predicted George Bush. The word used for him was pronounced Dubya, but it wasn't spelled that way. During translation they changed it to "the doubtful one". He only used the word 2 times in all his writings. Until GW came along and the comedians tagged him as Dubya nobody understood it. Now that he's here and people call him that it makes sense.

2012 may end up being nothing at all, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared anyway. Learn to grow, and not just pot. If anything you can be proud of your own veggies when they are on your table at dinner.


Active Member
These are people who thought they had to rip out a living human heart every single day to keep the sun rising...

They were wrong about that. The bible code stuff somebody brought up has been proven to be false again and again. You can do the same thing with any large text, such as Moby Dick. Astrology is nonsense I shouldn't have to explain that. Nostradamus nonsense, ever notice how we never have any predictions before things happen, only after? So they take some incredibly vague description like "two stars will burn in a eagles eye" and suddenly, after the event happens of course, it's supposed to be some profound prediction.


Well-Known Member
These are people who thought they had to rip out a living human heart every single day to keep the sun rising...

They were wrong about that. The bible code stuff somebody brought up has been proven to be false again and again. You can do the same thing with any large text, such as Moby Dick. Astrology is nonsense I shouldn't have to explain that. Nostradamus nonsense, ever notice how we never have any predictions before things happen, only after? So they take some incredibly vague description like "two stars will burn in a eagles eye" and suddenly, after the event happens of course, it's supposed to be some profound prediction.
Idk 2012 just seems bs, If anything we are probably in for a good plague as we havent had one in a long time,and we are due.


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda sitting on the fence about 2012. I mean, people have been making predictions of when the world is gonna end for too too long. I read in a book that the world was supposed to end in 2006. We're still here aren't we? Yes. The only reason, I believe, 2012 is the "true" end is because of the mayan and aztec calendars. yes there calendar ends in 2012, but as someone else said in this post, they couldn't keep going on forever, they had to stop somewhere. So why not 2012? no real relevence. So since the Mayans and Aztecs "say so" the world is gonna end. It doesn't mean shit, it's just the year by default(my opinion).

It could be real though. It is said that there is a reason for everything. Maybe there was a reason their calendars do end in 2012. What about some prophecies being fulfilled? Some of those were made over a thousand years ago and they didn't cease to come true. It could be "luck", but that's VERY doubtful. The world has to end sometime right? Why not now? I know that's kinda scary to think of, but I personally think that some people who say that 2012 is bs because they're in a state of denial. What some of those people think is "Well the world can't end now, it's impossible blah, blah, blah". I mean no offense to anyone either. It could be that the people denying it are in denial and just say it so they don't freak out. I don't mean to sound harsh, but there are sometimes where you just have to accept the fact and there's nothing that you can do or say to make it stop. "It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. What better place than here? What better time than now?" sure, those lyrics mean a totally different thing than this subject, but it does apply....kind of....

so there are valid enough points on either side of the subject, but we can't be sure. like global warming. it's almost the same situation. that shit's been being talked about for years, there's valid points on both sides that support it and oppose it. if the world is getting warmer, is it caused by us? even if it is, can we stop it? even if we can stop it, we don't know how.


Well-Known Member
Im afraid I post judgment on that Zeitgeist the movie to early. That hast to be the sickist movie I have ever seen. It has changed my life Im now going to sell all my possesions that I don't need and focus on my music because that is the only way I will ever make a difference in this world. and yes I know that I now complete the stereotype of the "stupid american" simply for changing my life based on a movie, but to be honest I had thoughts about how corrupt this world is before just never seen a point to go with them. By the way the movie is Zeitgeist you have to watch it, it will change your life.


Well-Known Member
well i like to believe Nostradamus was toking it when he made his predictions..
and about the Mayans..i like to believe that they had all of these thechnological advances due to some alien species that gave it to them..such as ability to predict accurate calendar predictions and other things..i mean they stretched their heads in an alien form supposively worshiping someone that came to their land..since the mayans toked alot themselves..maybe they gave some to this newcomer and in return since they themselves where fried, they took some seeds for harvesting and gave the mayans some intelligence..i mean how do you explain that their calendar precictions are more accurate than anything we have today? ajjajajaj.......LOL
but seriously how do you explain their advance civilization??