What you are describing Mithrandir is exactly what I expected my experience to be like.
Here is what happened:
I got in the medical area early and had a few minutes of alone time with Subcool and Mrs RareDankness. When my wife (and $) found me 15 minutes later we went to get the beans and Mrs RD was too busy to talk (a guy was buying 100 packs of seeds and kept changing his order) and at TGA, TC had a heck of a time finding the Jesus OG (they were still filling the seed drawers).
While I was waiting on TC he kept handing my wife more sample buds, then they passed the government MJ can of blunts and then FarmerJohn420 asked me if I wanted a hit of his homegrown. I said sure and took a hit off of one of those giant cone shaped joints with the white cardboard crutches. Straight hash taste and very smooth. Everything instantly changed. I was stoned!
I just want to make one thing clear - I can handle one hit of anything - but two hits of something potent and I become Robin Williams the Jabber Honky!
So I am standing there nicely stoned watching the TGA crew put together my seed order and search for the Jesus OG while TC (apparently unnoticed by me) hands my wife a 5 pack of AOS, and then a 5-pack of Chernobyl, and then a 5-pack of Marion Berry testers! Next thing I know FJ420 holds out the blunt for another hit. I just take it out of polite habit - oops! Now I am straight fucked up! Almost can't talk. My wife is handling business so I am maintaining nicely. As long as nobody talks to me I will make it through this without blowing a snot bubble or doing something else badly memorable.
Then here comes Subcool with his green shades, hat, and grin. He is smiling but his words sound aggressive and loud and I just stand there and smile and try to comprehend what is happening. He says something about lawyers and how they tell him to avoid this and that. This is when I just decide to go with the flow and say:
"That is what lawyers do. You pay them and they tell you that everything you are doing is wrong and it will get you in trouble. You pay them all that money and they just say don't do it. It is pretty funny how they can take your money for not doing anything and doing that is legal, while what we are doing is illegal? It doesn't make any sense!"
He pats me on the back and laughs and the wife and I head to the VIP lounge to get our goodies. Needless to say the wife had to drive home. She was a real trooper.
Here is the funny part. High Times did not have the Cup very well organized. Vendors couldn't get their cars in. You had to park a mile away and walk or get bussed to the location. They didn't open till 12:30 and the ticket checker was scanning tickets very slowly with his phone app! We were like 8th in line and it took him 20 minutes to get to us. There were thousands of people in line.
Well apparently I missed a step where you get a wristband for the smoking area. There were no signs and I thought the little booth area was where you picked up your VIP stuff - it was actually where you show them your scrip so you can get in the medical area. Instead I headed straight to the medical area and got there so early that the guys at the gate just let me in without checking my wrist??? I think Subcool was worried I was going to get them in trouble for smoking without a wristband and that is why he loudly brought up lawyers and shit. I am still not sure what happened. I was way too high.
We went to the VIP lounge (we gotta hang there - so bitchin) and got our goodies and headed out. We were out of there before 100 people had made it through to the medical area. We walked past the "Paramedics" coming in and we stopped at the NORML booth to make a donation and drop off the last of my overage. I handed the NORML guy (60 year old hippie) one of my old fashioned zig zag doobies and told him it was Malawi. He pulls out a lighter and sparks it up. Takes a big hit and starts passing it around. He says that it is really good and offers me a hit. I told him I was at my limit and handed him a pill bottle with 3 more doobs. Wife picked up the shirt and button (I almost left them and my bag) and we headed out. The line looked like it was at 3000 people easy. We walked back to the car and headed home on the 91 with me gabbing nonstop the whole way home.
I am looking forward to a calmer more prepared Cup this year