2015 Harvest Celebration BBQ Dec 12-13th


Well-Known Member
Green ling?
I miss the days when we used to be able to go out of bodega and fish the deep stuff near the cordell banks. We used to catch some monster lings there
he caught rock fish and ling cod i think thats what he called it .said he was going to bring ali ttle to the bbq im supposed to pick him up on my way out. Im surprised you can eat that fish. Looks like it belongs in a pond inside a chinese buffet


Well-Known Member
Looks like I got my designated driver to go with:-) i'm trying to get @AlphaPhase to go also, we'll see.
Do / Or need a easyup for the pig roaster.? Anybody have one ?
I have one(10'x10'). Thing would probably get fucked up from roasting a pig underneath. Wouldn't it? I'm willing to donate it if I have to I guess.
What time does the roast start, and for how long?
I also need to know exactly what else to bring.
Tortilla chips: check
Shit loads of beer: check

I know, I was supposed to be bringing the salmon, but this year sucked. I only got 30:-D