2015 Harvest Celebration BBQ Dec 12-13th


Well-Known Member
fuk I'm having a time getting the load of firewood. suppost to go get it today and no answer yesterday and again this morning. I'm on it tho I'll find some. @TWS I have a 10x20 we can put up if needed
tarp that wood when you get it and drop it off. better check craigslist if that guy aint ansewring


Well-Known Member
I've been out surgeon fishing a few times already this year with no results yet. Only a few small stripers on the sac/delta. Seen a few nice dinos being caught already. As for salmon, I dont even wanna get started..... horrible year, And I live by oroville outlet where the catching is the easy part. Lol
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Well-Known Member
I've been out surgeon fishing a f re times already this year with no results yet. Only a few small stripers on the sac/delta. Seen a few nice ones being caught already. As for salmon, I dont even wanna get started..... horrible year, And I live by oroville outlet.
We'll put another Salmon Charter together next season (on a different boat)& we will all catch some nice King salmon.
Salmon 6-12-2015 017.JPG


Well-Known Member
Im making 20 #s of shrimp ceviche today for the bbq . I got six packs of 27 ech tostada shells but forgot the tortilla chips. If anyone is lost on what or if to bring something we could use some . I cant believe the price of tomatoes .
eating healthy is expensive there. Bet you could get a fucking case of cheetohs for few dollars


Well-Known Member
Imma leaving Friday hopefully shortly before noon when the boy gets off work. If we make good time which I doubt ( LA traffic and weather) we will stop by the lake before going to Marysville. FM sounds like he's coming and maybe 757. FM be driving himself though.
What's a Dino ?
Not this time for me. Even with permission slip signed I cant. Good news is I'm picking up my half a cow on Saturday. Sorry I can't make it @doublejj but thanks for putting it on again. Hope you all have a blast and stay dry. I know you all are gonna eat good.:clap::shock: miss you all!