Go away Bucky, the grown-ups are talking.
I live not far from a semi sketchy area and I live in a cul-de-sac. In the cup-de-sac there are a couple black families and a couple Hispanic families and a couple white families. In a two week span every house was broken into, some more than once, except mine. Sometimes it's nice to be known as the crazy white guy with guns and dobermans.
It did however increase the fact that cops were a little dickish when you interact with them. I've always worked nights, and it's pretty common for me to be walking my dogs at 3am, and have done so since I moved into that house in 07. Then these guys would roll up on my and hop the curb and act all hands on guns and shit to the guy with the flashlight, 3 Doberman, and a fucking ball throwing stick, and feel the need to call in 2 more cars.
I do bite and hunt training with my dogs, and 2 of them were military war dogs, they were worried about me when all I had to do was order the dog loose and they have been fucked lol. i was like c'mon man you've seen me out here multiple times a night for years. And I loved the "psychology" they flounder to employ in those situations. They'd call in a female officer and play good cop-bad cop. I think at the most those situations if they felt they needed to interact with me would have been rolling up, chatting me from inside their vehicle, and rolling the fuck on.
So you didn't watch the video I provided? Here is a shorter one to match your childlike attention span...
You clearly have no idea what makes a statistic relevant. Now rub my feet. Lol.You clearly did not read the statistics that I provided, cited by fbi.gov. That's ok, your narrow one track mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
You clearly have no idea what makes a statistic relevant. Now rub my feet. Lol.
I've often thought a procedure like this should be used for politicians but 24/7/365 of their tenure for exactly the same reasons.<snip>
there needs to be developed a system that does not "fall off" and it is activated the second they clock in and stays on until they clock out. it also has geotag information. at the end of the shift the video gets uploaded to a public place for everyone to see, 100% OF THE TIME. no excuses or bullshit. you fail to do that once, suspended, twice suspended longer and reprimanded and have a review board hearing. third time- fired and you can never be a cop again anywhere EVER.
and as the cops and court system like to say, "if you don't have anything to hide..."
Bucky, volumes could be written about the difference between what you see, and what the facts are, otherwise folks just use the word delusional.i see a racist sock puppet and a white supremacist talking. certainly not any adults though. just some petulant, hateful, racist little children.
I've often thought a procedure like this should be used for politicians but 24/7/365 of their tenure for exactly the same reasons.
Those that want power should know what it is to be watched all the time since they're already doing it to us and it might make both of those "public servants" think twice before doing something stupid.
Bucky, volumes could be written about the difference between what you see, and what the facts are, otherwise folks just use the word delusional.
I've proven this multiple times.
When you refute that I have, I ask for evidence, which is never presented by you and the next post from you is sure to have either racist or penis as it's main subject.
C'mon man, you've proven a few posts ago that you trawl for content people posted in threads you did not even participate in. Quoting proof of your assertions in threads we both have contributed to should be easy, even for you.
I've noticed you can't be bothered to use regular grammar rules like capitalization.
Is it to save time in your troll job or is it because you missed that day at school while practicing your future occupation as a "handyman"?
...and I didn't even say anything about police killing an unarmed 4% (according to the 2016 WaPo sourced infographic I posted) of total police fatalities and making you look like a failure of trolldom.
Most of the time a gun is put to the purpose for which it was made, by the owner, to take his life. I'm OK with you keeping that gun.After careful consideration of the arguments presented in this thread, Ima keep my gun and live dangerously.
he huffed and he puffed and he posted a TLDR.
No Bucky, I asked you for proof of your assertions on multiple occasions and you run like a scalded hog back to the safety of "Racist!" as most know you are wont to do.
Back up your claims, add it to your sig (like I did your 94K+ compensation for manhood that mysteriously disappeared), and then you get to wear big boy pants.
Nice to know I have your blessing, not that I need it. I can think of many ways to off myself without a gun, but yeah, I have that option! LolMost of the time a gun is put to the purpose for which it was made, by the owner, to take his life. I'm OK with you keeping that gun.
Black population is roughly 13.2% of the total US population, or roughly 42,095,000 individuals.
White population is roughly 77.35% of the total US population, or roughly 246,650,000 individuals.
Approximately 0.000202% of the white population was murdered by police.
Approximately 0.000603% of the black population was murdered by police, or roughly 3x the white population.
1.5 star thread. I'm giving half a star for trying.
cops kill blacks at a higher rate than whites as a % to the total population.
The numbers do not tell a story of racism by cop but is more an indictment of blacks...white people lead more law-abiding lives.
Ok retard, I tried to let you slither away with the knowledge that I had you pegged but instead you try to double down behind your meaningless bullshit. Not surprising, your reluctance to explain your mythical positive takeaways. But...now I think that maybe you actually think the data you present is actually mathematically favorable to your point of view. If that is the case I apologize for picking on someone who obviously has some brain damage. Originally, I read your "fact" filled post, laughed at its silliness and moved on, but to keep you from bursting a vein in your forehead I will point out your shortcomings...tired though so I will just address your first little leap
First please remember as we move foreword that here you try to use the total populations as tools for your point. Here your invention (and this is assuming your numbers are not fabricated) is that cops kill blacks at a higher rate than whites as a % to the total population. Your claim comes smothered in weak sauce. The numbers do not tell a story of racism by cop but is more an indictment of blacks more often putting themselves in a position to get shot by police. Lol. It could just as easily be construed from this data that white people lead more law-abiding lives.
Bottom line is for your warped point to have legs you would have to be include the premise that the police are going out of their way to shoot blacks. Is that what you are trying to say? Sorry, thats not happening and as we move foreword through the rest of your illogic we will show that too. Speaking of rest, goodnight..
i'll have to wait to hear back from one. however i'm blind so let's see.Can the deaf phonetically spell?
Do the dumb read with their lips moving?Can the deaf phonetically spell?
Did you as you typed that? Wow you multitask in stupidity.Do the dumb read with their lips moving?
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Actually no. Proportionally, white people commit more crimes. They also commit more violent crimes.
Racism has clouded your perception and ability to learn.