Well-Known Member
Ok retard, I tried to let you slither away with the knowledge that I had you pegged but instead you try to double down behind your meaningless bullshit. Not surprising, your reluctance to explain your mythical positive takeaways. I think that maybe you actually think the data you present is actually mathematically favorable to your point of view. If that is the case I apologize for picking on someone who obviously has some brain damage. Originally, I read your "fact" filled post, laughed at its silliness and moved on, but to keep you from bursting a vein in your forehead I will point out your shortcomings...tired though so I will just address your first little leap
First please remember as we move foreword that here you try to use the total populations as tools for your point. Here your invention (and this is assuming your numbers are not fabricated) is that cops kill blacks at a higher rate than whites as a % to the total population. Your claim comes smothered in weak sauce. The numbers do not tell a story of racism by cop but is more an indictment of blacks more often putting themselves in a position to get shot by police. Lol. It could just as easily be construed from this data that white people lead more law-abiding lives.
Bottom line is for your warped point to have legs you would have to be include the premise that the police are going out of their way to shoot blacks. Is that what you are trying to say? Sorry, thats not happening and as we move foreword through the rest of your illogic we will show that too. Speaking of rest, goodnight..
Next...oh my goodness, Retard. Seriously, when I put your logic next to your math I wonder if I am arguing with an 8 year old. What clouds your abilities? Crack baby?So anyway to your "facts"...
First, I find it a bit strange that would portray numbers this way. Why would they include hispanics in both columns? Maybe an idiot would fathom that it effectively eliminates the question as to where they should be about in their own column? I personally can only imagine that its done for optics as I assume th numbers cause the white % to rise above 60% and the black total to fall below 40%. Just saying that if you even had a point to begin with (you don't) 59-41 looks like less of a disparity than 61-39. Nice try, but here again you seem to think that "proportionally" this is in your favor. Using your own 13% of the population value...should we not see the final tally be closer to that number. Of course we should, but instead you try to portray this like the populations are even. They are not. So what this really shows is that blacks are committing violent crime at a rate, at least, 3x higher than their population should portend. Looking at a couple of your statistics...
10093 murders "proportionally" should show us 1300 or so murders by blacks and yet it shows they actually commit, not 13%, but 51% of the murders. And this somehow is backing for your point that they whites commit "proportionally" more crime??? Ummmm... No, it doesn't. Just the opposite, Retard. Even if I take your numbers for assault, which on the surface seem disproportionate, still show blacks exceeding their proportional alottment by over 20%.
The only thing funnier than you presenting these numbers as if its a defense of black criminality is seeing the idiots who believe your post does that. Hard to imagine that much stupidity exists in one group arguing in one thread. You have a chart for that? Lol.
Off to work...have a great day.
Cool stories bro. But you didn't even come close to rebutting the statistical facts presented by Nice try though. And too bad your incoherent ramblings were both tldr; and a complete waste of time.