2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Call me an optimist, but the last few weeks have given many much to optimistic about. Steve Bannon is about the be sentenced for federal crimes and he is indicted for NY state crimes that carry serious state prison time. They have him nailed good using the evidence against his co criminals who weren't pardoned on federal charges. Bannon was pardoned before he was even tried, which leaves him wide open. Then there is all the other legal shit Trump is in, from pleading the 5th 440 times in NY while his home was searched by the FBI, to the top secret documents that forced him onto the stump for the midterms.

Women appear to be registering and probably mobilizing, the GOP is broke at the start line to the midterms and saddled with Donald's lunatic candidates. Meanwhile grand juries are investigating and there will be further leaks and more DOJ court filings with yet more pictures, all during election season. Don't forget the J6 committee hearings coming up with Donald on the stump holding rallies. He will react to everyone by tying himself in knots with lies and freaking out at rallies, openly threatening witnesses, the DOJ, FBI and Christ knows who else. Forget Mitch and Rove's careful plan for the midterms, there's a bull in their china shop thrashing around and being cattle prodded at high voltage!

Then there's Georgia and the prospect of a TV trial, but in the meantime Obama and Hillary appear about to start baiting Donald on the secret documents. That should piss him off, especially if they call him stupid and he will spend whole rallies and other GOP events whining and proclaiming his jenius to bored audiences of fools... :lol:
Taking something from somebody is hard to do, people will work 3 times harder to keep something they have, than to gain something new. Try taxing the rich or cutting wages and you'll see what I mean, that goes for people's rights too and family planning rights are central to women. Abortion and anti LGBTQ rights are issues well past their best before dates and they smell bad, but the republicans are stuck with them, the hardcore base likes it and demands it. We will see what the ladies think about it in November.

Tom Bonier: ‘Women Are Fired Up’ Following Overturning Of Roe, But ‘Do They Come out In November?’
21,700 views Sep 7, 2022 Democratic strategist and CEO of Target Smart Tom Bonier and NBC Washington Correspondent Yamiche Alcindor join Peter Alexander to discuss how abortion rights and the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade is galvanizing Americans to register to vote, and vote for Democrats. “The Kansas results were really a surprise, I think, even to people like me, who have studied these numbers for decades. And so we set out to figure out why. What we saw was a huge surge in women registering to vote after Dobbs when you compare to before,” says Bonier. Republicans “want to make this election about inflation. But these women are fired up. That'll be the big question: do they come out in November?”

epublicans Prepare For Voter Backlash Following Overturn Of Roe
72,521 views Sep 10, 2022 MSNBC Political Contributor Danielle Moodie and Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh join Yasmin Vossoughian to discuss Republican women showing up in record numbers to vote in the aftermath of the abortion ruling and how the political backlash could impact the midterm elections. “[Abortion has] been a political weapon for years and Republicans did it to get elected and promised once we got here all would be good. Well, we’re here now and it’s going to hurt Republicans politically,” Walsh says.
Looks like the ladies are getting appropriately pissed and it's put the fear of Jesus into the con artists who run the GOP. The abortion issue will rip the republicans apart, if they lose this election over it, the anti abortion lunatics and religious fanatics will walk away.

"According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, 56% of voters say that the issue of abortion will be “very important” to them at the polls this fall, marking a significant increase from 43% in March.

Additionally, an increasing number of states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, are seeing growing gender gaps among new registrants since the supreme court’s Dobbs decision, according to the Democratic data services firm TargetSmart."
i would like them to arrest the fat orange bastard, but if they aren't going to, the next best thing would be him running and getting the ever living shit stomped out of him at the polls...to lose so badly even his most hardcore cultists will lose faith in him and abandon him...no more threats from trump, no more money for trump, no more attention for the washed up has been never was...
i would like them to arrest the fat orange bastard, but if they aren't going to, the next best thing would be him running and getting the ever living shit stomped out of him at the polls...to lose so badly even his most hardcore cultists will lose faith in him and abandon him...no more threats from trump, no more money for trump, no more attention for the washed up has been never was...
He is being slowly whittled down in public and diminished daily between the top-secret documents scandal and the coming J6 hearings with October surprises right before the election. Donald will be useful as the ugly face of fascism in America and will divide the GOP like abortion right up to election day. After the election and the dust settles from the whiners, Donald will be ripe for the picking. Who gets him first is still up in the air, Georgia or Garland, Georgia would be preferable since the trial would be on TV. That will soften him up for Garland's coup de grâce over the secret documents and should have him whittled down to size for federal prosecution for everything imaginable. Federal trials are not televised and one TV trial in Georgia will have far more public impact in knocking Donald down, than a dozen untelevised federal ones. Donald's supporters are TV people, like him, that's how they get their info and it will impact them the most.
I can't believe that walker is even close to Warnock in the polls.
I'm not thrilled about Warnock being a preacher, but otherwise he seems pretty above board. He went through all the required steps, reported all his income and expenses, i'm sure if he made a mistake he will rectify it...
walker is the photo for the "hot mess" entry in the dictionary... Domestic abuse, lying about his education, lying about being in law enforcement, multiple times, making death threats. On top of all that, the man is obviously mentally handicapped. He took too many blows to the head, even wearing a helmet. It almost makes you wish there were cruelty laws for people, like there are for animals, the republicans are so clearly abusing walker's football record, and ignoring the fact that he is otherwise embarrassingly unqualified for any public office. Any.
I can't believe that walker is even close to Warnock in the polls.
I'm not thrilled about Warnock being a preacher, but otherwise he seems pretty above board. He went through all the required steps, reported all his income and expenses, i'm sure if he made a mistake he will rectify it...
walker is the photo for the "hot mess" entry in the dictionary... Domestic abuse, lying about his education, lying about being in law enforcement, multiple times, making death threats. On top of all that, the man is obviously mentally handicapped. He took too many blows to the head, even wearing a helmet. It almost makes you wish there were cruelty laws for people, like there are for animals, the republicans are so clearly abusing walker's football record, and ignoring the fact that he is otherwise embarrassingly unqualified for any public office. Any.
Donald's doing and the current republican state officials in Georgia will end up doing Donald on TV as witnesses against him and perhaps others in their party. The republicans could lose Georgia statewide offices and the senate seat, then come apart at the seams after Trump's trial on TV there. It promises to be an epic circus, the battle of Atlanta, as the old south goes down in a riot on the steps of the Fulton Co. courthouse. Get popcorn, this one will be good!
It's a start.

House To Vote On Bipartisan Elections Bill To Prevent Another Jan. 6
33,666 views Sep 19, 2022 The House of Representatives is set to vote on a bill to overhaul the Electoral Count Act in hopes to prevent future attempts to overturn elections. NBC's Sahil Kapur reports from Capitol Hill.
They do embrace obstruction as a valid policy.
It's how civil wars are fought these days by fascists, screw up as much as you can and blame the government, cause chaos and social division, discontent with the government, make it dysfunctional if you can. Then present yourself as a solution, even though you are the actual cause, once you attain power continue to destroy the institutions of democracy starting with the courts and the ability to have meaningful elections. Minority rule and the last thing they want is the rule of law, the constitution is an impediment not a guiding document. The judges who support fascism in America would be its victims, they would shoot them in their robes outside the courthouse for treason against the great leader or for getting in the way of suppressing minorities.