2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

My bullshit guess is that they know by asking Garland questions about open investigations they can get him to not answer (Because he can't talk about ongoing investigations) and troll him by then asking whatever propagandist PhD witness they call to spin some narrative to use up the rest of the time giving Fox something to selectively edit and push across the internet.

I have no idea how the congressional hearings scheduling works.

I just figure since they lost the ability to troll Fauci, they need to find someone they to focus on when they aint got shit on Biden or the Democrats and need to distract their cult from whatever bullshit they messed up. And everyone in Biden's administration is good enough that they know their stupid insurrectionist narratives will get destroyed in real time. So who better than someone who can't answer questions?
I’m more convinced that this is hair-on-fire imaginings about “after the overthrow party has SWEPT the ‘22 midterms”, rather than an effort to clarify or understand events *NOW*: “I can’t feel useful *now* so I’ll absorb myself in daymares about JUST HOW ANNOYING EVERYTHING WILL BE & look at everything through the lens of TOO LATE NOW”….

Every time they show their secret party asses & get *BACK* in office, they do everything in their power to act like they are the only people in the room, and THEY PUSH IT FARTHER: IF THEY TAKE THE HOUSE/SENATE *this* time, their capture of the Federal machinery will be complete, and heroic actions will be required, not points of order.

Energy follows thought: the more we dwell on the worst what-ifs, the larger they loom in our thoughts & the more we shift from thinking & planning to fearing & worrying - and no good will come from that: look what it’s done for our “conservative” fellow citizens, who’ve lived whole lives immersed in & distracted by politically-manufactured fear….

the struggle is STILL ON. Let’s not distract ourselves by imagining our worst fears come true
That’s been my take for some time, and it’s only gotten stronger: since Capt. Ragemonkey took office, the GOP has lost 20-30% of its base, mostly old-guard recoiling from the ‘new face of conservatism’, +attrition from death, incapacity, imprisonment. Since 01/06, that may have shifted, more like 30-40% loss. Add to that, those that simply sit it out. After Nixon’s resignation, GOP turnout was depressed: roughly 5% stayed home - and Dems took it all (until Reagan in ‘80). I think we could see drop in the GOP vote of 10% or more.

There are plenty of new shenanigans-enabling laws in the last two years, all to make it easier for statehouses & governors to DECIDE elections, but this shit is going to come to a head, including these laws meddling in elections.

YES, the MAGA crowd is as loud/unhinged/gullible as ever, they STILL get far more serious attention than they deserve even as their numbers dwindle, so we’re getting down to the squeakiest, most unhinged and unAmerican wheels, so the din *seems* the same, but…the wheels are coming off - more and more with every fresh outrage, every turn of the investigative screws - and they can’t be replaced by more volume.

I will not be surprised if every overthrow ’veteran’ in Congress gets tossed, though I expect some might get through. I *will* be surprised (and disappointed) if the Despicable Dozen isn’t turfed permanently.

I will not be surprised if GOP cannot field a single viable candidate for national office in ‘24.

And yeah - what Michael said
I think that is incredibly naive, and won't happen, but I would never be happier to be proven wrong...
If they turfed every Republican who had even the faintest connection to trump's miserably incompetent coup attempt, I'd be standing out in the field with a tape measure, to give a prize for the longest furrow plowed upon landing.
It all really comes down to what the independents do...there are more registered democrats AND independents than Republicans...if the majority of independents agree with you, we're Golden...if not, everything gets a coating of shit...
New provision the main reason Texas mail ballots were rejected in primary: research
A new voting provision on ID numbers was the main reason that Texas absentee applications and mail ballots were rejected in the state’s primary elections in March, according to a study released on Thursday.

More than 6,000 absentee ballot applications and 20,000 mail ballots were rejected in the 2022 primaries due to a new requirement included in a Texas voting law passed in 2021, according to new research from the Brennan Center for Justice.

The provision of Texas’s Senate Bill 1 — passed in the wake of unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election — required voters to write their driver’s license number or partial Social Security number on both their application for a mail ballot and the envelope of the actual mail ballot itself.

An incorrect or missing ID number was the main reason that absentee applications and mail ballots were rejected in the primary. Ninety percent of mail-in ballots that were rejected were done so for that reason.

For those who had their mail ballot application rejected, almost all — 98 percent — did not vote in the primary.

The Brennan Center noted that the new rule allowed for the rejection of applications and ballots if, for instance, a voter listed their driver’s license when registering to vote but their Social Security number when applying for or submitting a mail ballot.

The study also expressed concerns about the placement of the ID number on the ballot envelope. With the form located under the envelope’s flap for privacy reasons, the Brennan Center said some voters may not have seen the new requirement. Others may also have assumed it was optional, the center noted.

The rejection rates due to S.B. 1 were also higher among voters of color, the study found. Nonwhite voters were at least 47 percent more likely than white voters to have their ballots rejected due to the new voting requirements.

Combined with application rejection rates, Black and Latino voters were more than 30 percent more likely than white voters to have their application or ballot tossed due to S.B. 1, while Asian voters were more than 60 percent more likely to have their application or ballot rejected.
Be careful, don't drink the Kool aid

One of the weirder things....they are racist as fuck towards Amish people. Don't even know what to do with that. I have had 4 in depth conversations today, and they all involved it. It is the exact same way the rest of the country talks about Mexicans. They have Amish friends, do business with them, but its that weird line of "well there's good ones and bad ones, some are clean and some aren't."

My mind kinda gets blown by it. Two of the conversations involved tales of the Amish coming over and doing stuff like putting on a new roof or working on a barn and refusing payment saying it's the neighborly thing to do. It was immediately followed with a "fuckin Amish taking over everything."
I think that is incredibly naive, and won't happen, but I would never be happier to be proven wrong...
If they turfed every Republican who had even the faintest connection to trump's miserably incompetent coup attempt, I'd be standing out in the field with a tape measure, to give a prize for the longest furrow plowed upon landing.
It all really comes down to what the independents do...there are more registered democrats AND independents than Republicans...if the majority of independents agree with you, we're Golden...if not, everything gets a coating of shit...
I could certainly be naive about this…but I’ve been watching & researching US politics & political trends all my life, and I grew up among standard-issue racist southern baptists. I’ve had innumerable face-to face conversations with a lifetime full of them, and I’ve been watching them react to it all. This has pulled me all over the political map at one point or another.

There’s tons I could say, but I doubt this is the venue for explaining how I came to see it as I do. I don’t ask anyone to believe me, or trust me, or bet on my POV, nor do I expect them to; but I’ve been trying to head off much of what’s going on now for as long as I can remember, and I’ve worked hard at it. In the course of it, I’ve learned a great deal, much of which I’ve brought to our conversations here

I guess what I’m saying is I might actually know what I’m talking about, but that doesn’t mean I’ll turn out to be “right” about this. Wishful thinking and self-deception are our worst enemies as a cognitive species, so I try not to lean hard on maybes, or doubt-driven fears.
then you gassed up at well below the indicated price.
I had a ‘65 Impala hardtop, bench seats, 20-gallon tank, power steering (a first for me). Gas up at Tenneco, grab smokes & a candy bar, plenty of change from a ten. I was making $3.15/hr at the plant, min.wage was still $0.75, I think? It was a distribution hub, prices were cheap around town. Prolly still are.