2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

I hope they all show up on the courthouse steps when they send him away forever. Felon tour 2022, this is what leads the republicans, the worst thing you could do to America is to let them run around lose after the election. Mitch won't mind the house cleaning, but the lunatic racist base remains, and he will need to deal with them or join them.

Nobody knows what will happen during the election, the polls are not to be trusted and turn out is expected to be high.

why can't crazy mass murdering gun nuts ever find these fucking events? oh yeah, because they're attending them, before they go out and kill a bunch of innocent people because of the fucking stupid shit they heard at this fucking rally...goddamn morons.
Hope he's right,latest polls show Reps. gaining ground,sure as hell hope they don't win both houses,I've noticed over the years in our never ending pushing the envelope to shock in our culture,is like sand eroding off the beach,once it's gone it doesn't come back. this has eroded our civility and morals and common decency in general and I guess it was inevitable that this would extend to politics and it has reached a point where we as a people are accepting pols whose reps and careers would have been destroyed in previous generations and that is the result of pushing the boundaries for shock value. I know technology progresses and times change but I can't help but feel something has been lost. In another 10 yrs what will constitute "real news" in our society w/ all this disinformation on the net,customized news feeds bases upon algorythims,and the decline of print media,old time vetted news based upon sources that has to be vetted by a editor and overseen by an ombudsman,my hometown newspaper for a city of 90,000 is now all AP wire w/no hometown reporters. I apologize for this disconnected rant I just feel that for all the amazing technological progress mankind has also lost something and it's a little scary.

Loose lips sink ships..polls are not shows..no need to knock over the chess pieces, shit on the board and claim winner.

pope smoke.gif

Vote and make certain you remind others no matter their affiliation..friends..family..people in your travels..wear your 'I voted' sticker on your hat everyday until after the 3rd- it's a conversation starter.

Don't listen to the pundits for they know exactly what YOU know..could, should and maybe, is not enough to live your life by.
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Hope he's right,latest polls show Reps. gaining ground,sure as hell hope they don't win both houses,I've noticed over the years in our never ending pushing the envelope to shock in our culture,is like sand eroding off the beach,once it's gone it doesn't come back. this has eroded our civility and morals and common decency in general and I guess it was inevitable that this would extend to politics and it has reached a point where we as a people are accepting pols whose reps and careers would have been destroyed in previous generations and that is the result of pushing the boundaries for shock value. I know technology progresses and times change but I can't help but feel something has been lost. In another 10 yrs what will constitute "real news" in our society w/ all this disinformation on the net,customized news feeds bases upon algorythims,and the decline of print media,old time vetted news based upon sources that has to be vetted by a editor and overseen by an ombudsman,my hometown newspaper for a city of 90,000 is now all AP wire w/no hometown reporters. I apologize for this disconnected rant I just feel that for all the amazing technological progress mankind has also lost something and it's a little scary.
Important to remember how easy it is to put together a poll that says what you want it to: “conservatives” do this all the time (it’s called ‘manufacturing consent’ - creating the illusion of popular support for policies & persons through manipulative questions & spinning the answers)…and right now is exactly the time NOT TO FALL FOR IT - it’s voter suppression, plain & simple. Don’t believe the hype….
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I guess when you are already believing that we are living in end times, telling them that it is not a good idea to vote for a Republican because of something like climate change isn't going to make a dent.

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Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was welcomed at a Tennessee GOP Lincoln Day event in Knoxville where she was championed for her belief that the world was going to end.

Far-right Christians believe that if they can usher in the end times that they will bring about The Rapture or the second coming of Jesus Christ, as told in the Bible.

"We are in the last of the days," said Boebert. "You get to be part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus."

One of the main moments foretold, they believe, is the Jewish people returning to power in Jerusalem and rebuilding the Temple. So, when Donald Trump declared the U.S. Embassy at the Capitol of Jerusalem, some believe that it began the prophecy of the end times.

IN OTHER NEWS: Former Christian school teacher blamed God for sexually assaulting student: police

Theological scholar Dr. Diana Butler Bass wrote a Twitter thread explaining the link between recognition of Jerusalem, evangelical Christians, and the apocalypse. That is important because rebuilding the Temple is the event that will spark the events of the Book of Revelation and the End Times."

Many Republicans believe in the literal understanding of the end, and have frequently looked for ways to force the second coming of Christ by ending the world themselves. Dr. Bass noted that Trump frequently employed dog-whistles to his evangelical base telling them that he was carrying out the will of God.

I guess when you are already believing that we are living in end times, telling them that it is not a good idea to vote for a Republican because of something like climate change isn't going to make a dent.

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End times talk really sells among those looking for an excuse to do something amoral.
I guess when you are already believing that we are living in end times, telling them that it is not a good idea to vote for a Republican because of something like climate change isn't going to make a dent.

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it makes me fucking sick that this shit happened within 25 miles of me...it makes me fucking sick that that many people who i live that close to would attend anything with that ignorant fucking stupid bitch featured at it...i truly live among the fucking stupid.
i'm surprised so many people who have to know they're going to hell are so excited about armageddon. you'd think they would want to put it off as long as possible.
it makes me fucking sick that this shit happened within 25 miles of me...it makes me fucking sick that that many people who i live that close to would attend anything with that ignorant fucking stupid bitch featured at it...i truly live among the fucking stupid.
i'm surprised so many people who have to know they're going to hell are so excited about armageddon. you'd think they would want to put it off as long as possible.
That sucks to know your neighbors are being sold (and buying) that shit.
I'm still hoping that the Democrats run a better candidate than Biden next election. Surely he knows he did his job and it's time to step aside. Republicans will more than likely win otherwise and most the world doesn't want that.
So this local fellow who gets out every weekend in the intersection down the street to campaign for himself with giant flags, his other campaign tactic is a ww2 jeep with a big ass gun mounted on a turret....thats our democrat candidate. Made me laugh a bunch, I thought he was some sort of independent but was considering a vote because I respected his effort. Lifelong republican that switched over from what I gather.

I voted for the lolbertarian candidate for sheriff, it was that or republican, and well...its very funny to me to imagine a libertarian sheriff.

Edit: oh....and yes, we should allow DMT stores.
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