2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

Obama..gotta say the world misses him. Lets hope your next prez is as good. How did you go to trump and Biden from him? wow..
The shit talking Biden is getting old, and provably stupid.

Biden has gotten a whole lot done, you might not get that kind of information down under with a propagandist that owns what over half of your 'news' media? But it is the reality of the situation here.

But to answer your question, Obama was attacked for 8 years nonstop with the same stupid as shit lies that right wing hate mongers are throwing at Biden, but with a bit more specific racism, even though they do still try to paint Biden as racist, or a race traitor depending on their audience. This coupled with the attack from foreign dictators like Putin in Russia nudging people to not vote in very key states for Clinton, and we end up with Trump sneaking through into office. And after 4 years of dealing with the most vile foreign puppet in the presidency, we voted in Biden, who has a long career of being clean as a whistle and middle of the road lifelong Democrat with a very impressive career.
If they have a surprise loss, it won't go well, if they win it will be even worse, the domestic terrorists will have protection from action taken against them then and will know it. The extremist will have a bigger platform and once they see they not only paid no price at the polls, but did better with white America because of it, they will be more motivated than ever. First order of business for a GOP controlled congress will be to allow guns on the house floor and get rid of metal detectors.

The shit talking Biden is getting old, and provably stupid.

Biden has gotten a whole lot done, you might not get that kind of information down under with a propagandist that owns what over half of your 'news' media? But it is the reality of the situation here.

But to answer your question, Obama was attacked for 8 years nonstop with the same stupid as shit lies that right wing hate mongers are throwing at Biden, but with a bit more specific racism, even though they do still try to paint Biden as racist, or a race traitor depending on their audience. This coupled with the attack from foreign dictators like Putin in Russia nudging people to not vote in very key states for Clinton, and we end up with Trump sneaking through into office. And after 4 years of dealing with the most vile foreign puppet in the presidency, we voted in Biden, who has a long career of being clean as a whistle and middle of the road lifelong Democrat with a very impressive career.
The only "real" criticism i hear of Biden is that he is old...They try to say he is senile, but i haven't seen any signs of senility.
A senile old coot wouldn't have gotten everything forced through a hostile house the way Joe has. For an impotent old man, Joe sure seems to be fucking over the republicans a lot...American rescue plan, passed. infrastructure act, passed. pact act, passed. the first significant gun legislation in decades, passed...if this is what a senile old man can do the the republican party, i'd hate to see what a vital young president would do to them.
The only "real" criticism i hear of Biden is that he is old...They try to say he is senile, but i haven't seen any signs of senility.
A senile old coot wouldn't have gotten everything forced through a hostile house the way Joe has. For an impotent old man, Joe sure seems to be fucking over the republicans a lot...American rescue plan, passed. infrastructure act, passed. pact act, passed. the first significant gun legislation in decades, passed...if this is what a senile old man can do the the republican party, i'd hate to see what a vital young president would do to them.
At least fucking over their narratives. A lot of those were done with bi-partisan support.
The shit talking Biden is getting old, and provably stupid.

Biden has gotten a whole lot done, you might not get that kind of information down under with a propagandist that owns what over half of your 'news' media? But it is the reality of the situation here.

But to answer your question, Obama was attacked for 8 years nonstop with the same stupid as shit lies that right wing hate mongers are throwing at Biden, but with a bit more specific racism, even though they do still try to paint Biden as racist, or a race traitor depending on their audience. This coupled with the attack from foreign dictators like Putin in Russia nudging people to not vote in very key states for Clinton, and we end up with Trump sneaking through into office. And after 4 years of dealing with the most vile foreign puppet in the presidency, we voted in Biden, who has a long career of being clean as a whistle and middle of the road lifelong Democrat with a very impressive career.
He wouldn't like a world where Trump won, Putin would have still invaded, and America would sit on its hands. China would have been emboldened by it, attacked Tawain and Australia would be on the front line, but Julian would have gotten home with a presidential pardon from Trump, so Luke would be happy, but probably in the army.
Yep, and you Foxnews lead the attack and are a propaganda wing of the American fascist movement and help to promote domestic terrorism. They profit from creating and exacerbating existing social divisions, make up problems or turn mole hills into mountains, they lie and misinform their viewers with spin. They are not a news organization, they are a propaganda organization, news serves the user with truth, propaganda serves the creator of it and abuses the user, causing some to destroy their lives. Like the republican party, it is a monster of their own creation and if they dare to speak the inconvenient truth now, they would lose their viewers like the politicans would lose the base. Nobody new would join them when their base went away, just like the GOP, if they suddenly became patriotic partners in government, once trust is shattered it is hard to rebuild.

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So we will get to see it eventually? After the mid terms right?
If the idiot domestic terrorist has a televised trial or something maybe, but likely they will plead guilty (bullshit guess by me).

I don't think that there is any real benefit to Pelosi releasing a video of her husband being beaten by a hammer. Im sure trolls and hate mongering propagandists will try to use this to add to their cult narratives though regardless of what gets released or not.