Well-Known Member
I'm interested in how the w adding cake does outside....
I grew a Wedding Cake cross last season: it did fairly well up until mid- October when it started getting ate-up with mold.
Yesterday I sprayed the perimeter with Home Defense, not the pots but perimeter of garden . Stuff works great, sorry haters.
I’m with ya brother, I love the stuff. I also treat my yard with Ortho/Spectracide granules(but not near garden beds).
I have contracted Lyme twice in the 9 years that’s I’ve lived up here, and now I also have little kids; not taking that chance. I also burn my leaf-litter every winter, which helps to break the tick life-cycle by killing the nymphs.
I DO draw the line at Glyphosate, because that shyte is linked to Parkinsonism, and takes hundreds of years to break down in the soil.
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