2024 Election Discussion & Media Thread – Follow All Guidelines

I love America. I always have. I wonder how many Americans actually hate America. If I hated (or lived in fear of) my own country, then I'd find a way to move to the country where I would be happy (and unafraid).
I, myself, look forward to America's future, now. I think Trump and his new team will do a good job.
God bless America.
"I love America. I always have. I wonder how many Americans actually hate America. If I hated (or lived in fear of) my own country, then I'd find a way to move to the country where I would be happy (and unafraid). I, myself, look forward to America's future, now. I think Trump and his new team will do a good job. God Bless America."

Not sure what this means, but one can make their own conclusions.
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Politics has gotten so boring since Trump won. Same old play book. Yawn. Wonder if they are thinking the same thing. Been there done this …. It a lot of work

about a year ago we drove into Vancouver BC. Total nightmare. Traffic and weather was horrendous. .. . Sirens and Police everywhere. Homelessness. Fentanyl capital of the world .we turned around and got out of there as soon as we could. Wow. Total hell hole. Totally over populated and bad bad vibes.
Ya if you headed 20 km east it’s quite different but I’ve never felt scared even downtown. Bought my first dispensary weed there, really quite good :(.
Men are a major health risk for women. They cannot count on proper health care for there contact with men.
No sex. No dating. No marriage. No children. Interest grows in 4B movement to swear off men
That’ll learn em ……. Doubt it! :(.
great idea! They’re terrible and far more destructive to the surrounding environment than other forms of energy. Awful eye sores but the constant state of death around them is reason enough to axe windmills
What are windmills more destructive than? Yup their eye sores I guess, but so are well heads and pump jacks IMO. Bird deaths can be greatly reduced if the science was followed. We need to do something other than “drill, drill, drill”. That’s just insane.
great idea! They’re terrible and far more destructive to the surrounding environment than other forms of energy. Awful eye sores but the constant state of death around them is reason enough to axe windmills
I miss cannabineer. He would pester people to link their "facts" with respected and trusted news organizations and real journalists. He would insist on links to articles that would buttress the "facts" they were trotting out. Thanks Ozumoz66 for finding a link to show that anything can be put forward as fact, but if there isn't something to support those supposed facts, they may not be true to begin with.
What are windmills more destructive than? Yup their eye sores I guess, but so are well heads and pump jacks IMO. Bird deaths can be greatly reduced if the science was followed. We need to do something other than “drill, drill, drill”. That’s just insane.

solar is far better than wind. Nuclear is the absolute greatest opportunity we have to meet the world’s growing energy needs.

Coal isn’t ideal but tell that to China. Oil and natural gas will be dominant for the foreseeable future.

Wind turbines do more than kill birds they’re disrupting whales and bats as well. The noise pollution is something very concerning, not to mention the long term local atmospheric conditions.

I’m all for alternative sources of energy. Windfarms/windmills in their current conception are creating other problems trying to solve one.

it’s far more than birds effected.

but the article brings up a great point about house cats/ferrel cats. They are one of the worst causes of death for local species and are destroying many micro ecosystems. I can’t take any political or private opinion serious in regards to climate change/protecting the environment if they don’t address cats. Ferrel cats need to be treated like hogs. House cats should have to be kept indoors in certain areas
solar is far better than wind. Nuclear is the absolute greatest opportunity we have to meet the world’s growing energy needs.

Coal isn’t ideal but tell that to China. Oil and natural gas will be dominant for the foreseeable future.

Wind turbines do more than kill birds they’re disrupting whales and bats as well. The noise pollution is something very concerning, not to mention the long term local atmospheric conditions.

I’m all for alternative sources of energy. Windfarms/windmills in their current conception are creating other problems trying to solve one.
Well we have supersized solar farms and they certainly do affect habitat. The noise from turbines is debatable and where I hunted we were surrounded by turbines, the noise didn’t seem too bad, 24hrs a day perhaps. The point is, if the proposed sites are studied and the impacts discussed then they wouldn’t be nearly as destructive but a blanket ban is just short-sighted IMO. Painting one blade black decreases bird fatalities by up to 70%, a can of paint ffs.
I think I've got it,the last 20 yrs TV series and movies have given rise to the Anti-Hero,eg the Sopranos,Breaking Bad,and Mad Men,many others,could it be that accepting very flawed characters and seeing them in a sympathetic light in fiction has paved the way for the same acceptance in reality?That said I agree w/what you say,it NEVER TRICKLES DOWN and getting the rich to pay more under a D administration has to appeal to a sense of duty,giving back to a nation that provided and allowed them to amass such wealth,to be able to pay more should be seen as virtuous. Give them praise for doing so,more flies w/honey than vinegar.It can't be about jealousy/hatred and resentment, the animosity has to go.it's a simple as they will feel the hit the least and their lives won't change one iota,multiple residences to follow the weather,private club memberships,Ivy league educations guaranteed for generations,high end auto's all assured regardless of steeper taxes. Some are just mean,but many other wealthy I believe lose compassion over the hostile narrative in which taxation is pursued. And yeah,all working class people marking a ballot for the Orange wave will spend four years reaching into their pocket and feeling nothing but their genitals, it's gotta be the anti-hero thing,life imitating art,buckle up my friends.

Getting richer is a game to those with lots and their net worth is how they keep score. Wouldn't hurt a single one of them to toss half into a big pot and cure a lot of societies ills.

They would no more think to do that than they would think to donate blood. There are some but they're few and far between.

I completely disagree with you but time will tell. I think the world is about to become a more stable and prosperous place; and the US will be the greatest benefactor at the core of each of his policies
That's cool w/me,but just because he can talk the people's talk doesn't automatically translate into walking the walk,eg. while I agree NATO countries have fudged on spending(Trump has been hardest on this but is not the only one to call it out)I don't have any hope the dividend from that will reach working class pockets nor provide the comfy social safety net some Euro countries enjoyed,another eg. many American's say HE gave them a Covid check,it was Congress,and he actually held it up so his name could be printed on the checks,vanity and quid pro quo,2 proven Trump essentials. I also hope for the best and am a pragmatic person but I like learned Presidents who are well read,exercise,understand history,and respect the Constitution. The in your face Jerry Springer style insult,drama game he brings lacks any form of decorum IMO.
Getting richer is a game to those with lots and their net worth is how they keep score. Wouldn't hurt a single one of them to toss half into a big pot and cure a lot of societies ills.

They would no more think to do that than they would think to donate blood. There are some but they're few and far between.

I agree completely,it's a vile form of pecker measuring,as it's passed down and gets farther from it's creator who generated the wealth some really bizarre snobs result,whose claim to fame is their great/great grandfather was one hell of a man.