garden lime. dolomatic limstone
is what is used for some ph buffering in mediums. each item in a mix has its own ph to it. after all the items are mixed together this mix isnt always in the right ph range for our type of plant. so they can use lime to adjust the final ph of the mix. and makes sure it stays there with abuse of foods and watering. over time it wears off. but most have enough in them to run a grow without ever needing more. but that is for using the correct types soil for what we do. this is also the missconception to alot on the web that we dont need tp ph. they see it says ph buffered but they dont understand what buffered means. it doe not mean there is no need to ph food or water to grow in it. it means that the limes in it will slkow..or buffer the shifts the m,edium may want to do. therer is alot going on in the medium that makes ph shift by the hour in there. so its
you could take a fistfull of the soil. put in a cup and have holes in the bottom to strain it. run corectly ph1d water through and see what the run off shows for a ph and this will also give a close guestmate to what the ph of the medium is