21 days from seed how do they look???

that depends on how much roots is there yet. if hes not carefull to much may stay wet to long and kills the o2 in the root area and will pull ph down and stunt it again. as roots fill the medium then gradualy also use more water to
Awsome well i hope the jump into gear i watered them after transplant today and will leave them alone for least 3 days then will just spray them during there nap nd hop all goes well!!! As my ex girl would say no condom just pull out and pray!!!
most of us overthink this stuff to so be patient cause the plants main mission is to survive and knows more how than we do. were just here for a bit pof guidance for them now n then.
Ok, so you guys no i only water with bottled water... the tap water here will kill you and i would never want to smoke what's in that shit
Ok as to feeding i have some drops that are 7-7-7 and some pebbles for the soil that are 17-17-17 also pebbles that are 10-10-10. What would y'all use?
dont know, can you afford a ppm meter....like 40 buxx........the 10-10-10 sounds like miracle grow thatll be good for vegg.....slow release pebbles are tricky
Man you guys the been swell thanks for the advice.

Its not miracle gro. but maybe something similar. i have a shitload of slow release pellets like 6 different bags. as for the ppm guage i can afford it just can't find it... they don't have regular gardening stores and i haven't found a pool store yet. but i will figure it out. before my seeds get here from greenhouse.
yeah it took me a while to get mine like a year but when i did get it i kicked my self in the ass for not getting it sooner.......you know that feeling you get of uncertainty when your just blindly adding nutes its gone once you get that and you can start pushing the limits of your harvest
ppm pen isnt need as much as a ph. there are cheeper liquid testers for about 10 bux. not very accurate abut better than no ph. use the 7/7/7 foods
That or 4200k will work but when it comes to LED lights the K rating is throwen out the window at that point.

I would'nt go below 5000k for veg. 2700k for flower. You can still veg with 2700k but why? I use a combo of 6500k and 5000k. When I flip I just add my 600 watt HPS and move my CFL's around for side support. Seems to work for me.
Yea your lights are to high. I've gotten a 70w HPS with in a few 5 inches of the bulb with no problems so you should drop your lights to around 5 inches from the top.

Also for plants grown in hydro will always grow faster then then in soil.

How do you handle the heat from that 70watt HPS? lol
if its in a hood he could. i had 400 watt hps and let them touch the glass and no heat problems...with the right venting.
The? was supposed to be do black lights help a plant grow... and right now every on of my plants is 3" from a bulb.