Active Member
training for your fight????? a fighter or that just reff to the
I have a lot of fans running maybe i should turn one off and put the lights higher.looks good. i see a bit of the leaf curl the room conditions..something to hot or dry somewhere. its realeasing water faster than uptaking so it will curl over like that
I'm a mma fighter here in Mexico.
I'm in cancun Mexico.Where in Mexico are you mikerob?
Ahh. so that's why your knowledge base is so large cause you grow for medicinal used to do that as well years ago before i got sick
to many plants and no where near enough light
Ahh. so that's why your knowledge base is so large cause you grow for medicinal reasons.
your going to have issues with hi pH. hopfully it dries fast enough so you can run water to the right pH. to get it back to whats its supposed to be. i wouldnt advise to do now. but in future if you do this fix it right away with more properly pH`d food or water.