24/0 v's 18/6 open again :)


Well-Known Member
My god if you connect to a server even your temp ip address can be traced to service provider they inturn can give location of account holder for that connection me stupid how the fuck do you think they catch pedos wait till they log on to a site and do just this so who feels stupid now


Well-Known Member
have a look at my pics of my lone female and do somin usefull tell me what breed it is or strain rather dont want you ranting again about spelling or english lol


Active Member
Man Don’t claim to be a professor but do know forth basic Pascal C++

Really? That's why you refused my request? If you were at all familiar with C++, you'd be more than capable of doing it. Nevertheless, feel free to produce a program that does, say, takes a double from the user and calculates the sin of that angle in degrees. Output using your choice of output, C or C++ style doesn't matter. This is also a nice, simple program that's about the same size.

Put up or shut up.

Yeah, not a programming language. Ever seen a program written in HTML? Neither has anyone else.

Doubtful, but in college I had a professor that once said "you can teach a dog Java."

not fluent but enough to write my own stuff and do my own scripting
In what language for what platform? Scripting isn't some catch-all verb, it means a specific thing.

granted I reverse engineer a lot of other peoples stuff to see how it ticks
Really? So do I! I actually wrote my term paper in my security class on application hardening on the windows platform, paying specific attention to methods employed to prevent debuggers from attaching to a process. So, I say I'm more than qualified to assess the validity of your statement. To appease me, you need only tell me what debugger you use and the basic process (high level concepts, you don't need to tell me what keystrokes you use to advance through the assembly dump).

yes compliers
Are you claiming to have written a compiler? That's pretty advanced stuff. I never cared for EBNF notations myself, but you must be great with them if you can write your own compiler. The best I ever did was a MIPS assembler and virtual machine.

like I said not a genius but know more than your average Joe
Actually, that seems to be correct. You fall into the category of "script kiddie." You read a few vague things on the internet, decide your an expert, claim you can locate somebody because they posted on a forum (seriously, that was intensely stupid, anyone who knows anything about security knows it), then regurgitate these facts you don't understand, often incorrectly. So yeah, you know more about computers than say, my girlfriend, but you're certainly not at all competent and your opinion is not valid.

and what’s with the hostility that you have had since the beginning
You're an idiot passing off an invalid experiment as valid, claiming anyone who disagrees with you is wrong without engaging in any actual debate, suggest that we are stupider than a 6 year old because we don't agree with you, etc. You set the tone as belligerent and I'm following up playing Devil's advocate. Don't want responses like this? Then be rational.

would it not be better to try and change my view by giving me information instead of conditions
I didn't give you conditions, I told you how you could convince me. You have failed 100% of the time. I also don't give two shits about your opinion, I just want you to feel as bad as you are stupid and wrong. Don't like it? Stop posting.

hey and we might be friends
Unlikely, I don't associate with people like you. I have plenty of friends who aren't retarded and don't pretend they're experts in fields they know nothing about.

but as you have had 6,000 posts
Post count is irrelevant. My logic is sound and yours is not. I've made valid points and you've ignored them. You've continually proved that you are incapable of admitting that you were wrong on any level. I have won the debate my friend, you are just in denial.

you must be right
Oh why must the only thing you've said so far that isn't profoundly stupid have to be sarcastic?

I don’t want to be insulted mate
Try being less of a self important tool then.

so that’s why I am off if anyone else contributes to this thread then I be answering
Impressive, two final farewell posts in a row.

An I bet as you are a self-confessed gardening computer nerd
Nah, not a gardening nerd. I'm just capable of rational thought and basing conclusions on the evidence rather than interpreting the evidence to support my conclusions.

I bet you have had some slaps in your time lol
Yeah, I took some nasty hits playing football back in the day. Oh, was that some poor attempt at an insult? What happened to you taking the high road? I could tell you that I went to a small high school and that the football coach was constantly trying to convince me to play, but you wouldn't believe me and I don't care to begin with.

You never did tell me what branch of engineering you were in, either. Did you not realize that engineering wasn't a field and that there are massive differences between the specializations?

So, since this is your last post, here's my last thoughts on the subject. I'll chime back in if you do, don't worry.

You're very likely a teenager, I'd guess around 18 or so. You took a computer class in high school, or are now, and think that makes you special because you were better than some of the other students. Maybe this is one of your first years in college, maybe you didn't go, maybe you're still in high school. Regardless, you are not a mature adult, as mature adults are capable of rational thought. If you do insist that you are an adult, I must insist that you are either very, very stupid, or have legitimate mental health problems. I'd guess some extreme narcissistic personality disorder and potentially a Napoleon complex. Either way the microcosm you have fashioned for yourself cannot exist in the same world in which you are wrong about anything, so you desperately cling to anything you have put your name behind to protect your fragile ego. You were probably not very popular in high school, though probably not the bully's punching bag either. Just an outsider. As a result you convinced yourself you were better than the cliques that would have no part of you, and that has developed into your supermassive ego we see today.


Well-Known Member
i am willing to listen to what you say one question at a time though
Question 1 .
i planted 21 el_neno all went in the grow room same time now out of 21 seeds one is 5 cm and one is 13 but the others are within 20mil of one and other all had same light all had same feed same every think why did this happen. then my next question until we get to the cost issue and come on i got youe heated enough to reply so not that stupid and if you smoke weed most of your friends like me when stoned on blue cheese are retard fact mawiwai makes you sumb ass stoned lol plant verdict and answer please mate :)

kind regards


Active Member
So much for that second final post, eh? Looks like I struck a nerve, shows that I'm on track. I also noticed a striking lack of any code snippets, so I have to assume you're still ignoring my challenge to prove your computer proficiency.

I am a mechanical engineer which is a glorified fitter that works on very big industrial machinery fabricator welder is a part of my skill set I also have 5 machine licences. But recently came into this trade as I am x army royal corps of singles I was a tarmigan operator in the first gulf war yes tarmigan is an encrypted computerised message system to send secure information across enemy lines I wanted to be a royal marine but as I passed my isometric testing in the top 1 per cent of the country I had to have a trade and computer systems analyst was my trade check it out you could probably find my service record gave you nuff info

Would be out of character for that to be a fabrication, so I'm inclined to believe that it is at least mostly true. It's impressive that you've reached your age and remained as irrational as you are, especially with military service in your background.

wana add me on face book see who has most friends
No thanks, I'm not nearly that stupid. Also, what are you, a 16 year old girl bragging about how many friends you have on facebook?

you write like a fagot all ladidar footballers could hardly spell football
Holy shit dude, my sides seriously hurt from laughing so hard. Seriously, that's one of the most absurdly immature things I've ever seen. I have a diverse background, and you would be amiss to suggest that just because I am intelligent I cannot also be athletic. I played football until my junior year of high school (or was it sophomore? I don't even remember it's been so long), and played baseball at the community park until I was 16. I also taught myself to program in C when I was 15 and I scored a 36 on the science portion of my ACT (that's a perfect score if you didn't know). I was in the Boy Scouts of America and went hiking and camping on a regular basis, and I live in the southern United States so I also go hunting and fishing regularly. I worked at a landscape center for a few years so I know a lot about caring for plants, so when I started smoking weed it was only logical that I start growing it myself.

Stereotypes are bad.

you are a nerd
Oh, absolutely. I spend most of my day at a desk and write a lot of programs for no reason other than I wanted to write a program to do something silly. Doesn't mean I've always been a nerd, or that I don't still enjoy sports.

and the analysis of my life was just a reflection of yours you sad little man
Nah, my story's different. Parents split when I was four, average grades in high school because I was bored and didn't care. You know, the average American kid. My hatred for stupid people is a result of my college days, always getting stuck covering for people who I was unfortunate enough to have to work with on whatever group project it was at the time.

Also, you people are seriously irritating. Never get my order right and always bagging the bread with the milk. At the next stupid people meeting could you ask what's up with that for me? Thanks.


Active Member
i am willing to listen to what you say one question at a time though
Question 1 .
i planted 21 el_neno all went in the grow room same time now out of 21 seeds one is 5 cm and one is 13 but the others are within 20mil of one and other all had same light all had same feed same every think why did this happen. then my next question until we get to the cost issue and come on i got youe heated enough to reply so not that stupid and if you smoke weed most of your friends like me when stoned on blue cheese are retard fact mawiwai makes you sumb ass stoned lol plant verdict and answer please mate
Differences in genetics will do all kinds of things like that. It's how plants evolve and new strains are created. The rest I didn't quite understand.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
:bigjoint:24/0 uses the same electric as 18/6 only 24/0 gets to 12/12 first Fact a one foot plant would need e.g. 96 hours of light to reach 1 foot so 24/0 would get there quicker were as 18/6 would take 24 hours longer. Now the lights have been on the same time so uses the same electric now that’s as simple as it gets mate and if you cannot comprehend this simple fact give up (shit my 6 year old girl gets it).
how can this be if the light is on longer running 24 hours a day vers running 18 hours a day. your racking your :wall:


Active Member
how can this be if the light is on longer running 24 hours a day vers running 18 hours a day. your racking your :wall:
That's the whole point of this debate. The thing is that plant growth does not scale linearly with photoperiod. There are diminishing returns, and depending on strain and particular plant, the general consensus is that more light stops helping at around 18 hours.

Plants evolved with a normal night cycle, and the lack of one can stress the plant. The extra light may still help, but the stressors you are introducing will offset it.


Well-Known Member
mandrake was my os until Win 7 64 came on the market (like mandrake except dont need to write drivers for hardware or ask better programmers to help me do it)


Well-Known Member
Told you we would become friends see not that bad you can see my point on the light issue and what of moon just weak sunlight so plants are never totaly in the dark unless they are in your grow room????
MMMMMMM taco's, Oh yeh I do 24/0 main reason Im to cheap to buy a new timer but its good to know Im not hurting the plant with no dark